Smoke Free Group



  • Simplicity
    Simplicity Posts: 383 Member
    Hi Simplicity - Welcome and congrats on kicking the habit! :flowerforyou:

    I also used the patch as my aid to stop smoking and I found it worked really well. I've been off the patch for two weeks now and its not bad at all, you don't even really notice that you're not getting the nicotine anymore since it gradually weans you off of it.

    You can do it! I'm rooting for you! :bigsmile:

    My boyfriends dad just quit smoking last night. I'm so excited, happy, and proud of him... now if we can get him to start working out a little and changing his diet his health will be so much better. I'm still trying to convince my mom to quit - she already has emphysema and still goes at it like a chimney :cry:

    hey thanks lizagna i have been on so many different forums for health smoking fitness lol but this is definately the most friendly one. alot of the others ignore or dictate and can be very irritating.

    last time i did the patches i finished the course and picked up a cigarette and blamed boredom. this time i have my goals so i think they will overide any other emotion. thanks for the heads up though I'm kinda excited about being nico-free.

    don't give up on your mom. they always say anytime is better than never for quitting. also congrats on quitting yourself. how is the exercise going now. I'm sure i read a post you had written saying that you thought your lungs would clear out sooner lol. maybe it was someone else but anyways good luck
  • Learning2LoveMe
    Learning2LoveMe Posts: 1,430 Member
    hey thanks lizagna i have been on so many different forums for health smoking fitness lol but this is definately the most friendly one. alot of the others ignore or dictate and can be very irritating.

    last time i did the patches i finished the course and picked up a cigarette and blamed boredom. this time i have my goals so i think they will overide any other emotion. thanks for the heads up though I'm kinda excited about being nico-free.

    don't give up on your mom. they always say anytime is better than never for quitting. also congrats on quitting yourself. how is the exercise going now. I'm sure i read a post you had written saying that you thought your lungs would clear out sooner lol. maybe it was someone else but anyways good luck

    Thanks :smile:
    Exercise is getting a lot easier now. My lungs have caught back up to my body, or my knees I should say lol. I'm up to 90 second jogs and instead of wiping out there I can go right back into a semi-fast paced walk. I think by next month I'll be good to start the couch to 5k and prepare for my 5k walk/run in November. I'm super excited! I already can walk it... my goal is to jog it.
  • Simplicity
    Simplicity Posts: 383 Member
    Thanks :smile:
    Exercise is getting a lot easier now. My lungs have caught back up to my body, or my knees I should say lol. I'm up to 90 second jogs and instead of wiping out there I can go right back into a semi-fast paced walk. I think by next month I'll be good to start the couch to 5k and prepare for my 5k walk/run in November. I'm super excited! I already can walk it... my goal is to jog it.

    excellent stuff. good luck with that. i did one day and decided running was out of the question. round where i live if you are seen running people think you have stolen something lol. i will stick to my girly 30 day shred which is totally not girly ha ha:laugh: