Being bashed on for being 23 and pregnant!! :(



  • missjewl
    missjewl Posts: 214 Member
    Hun... i was 23 when i first got pregnant! There is absolutely no shame in it! I know many girls much much younger with several children and they turned out just fine. Ignore the ignorance from others and you'll be fine. Big deal you're that age you should be mature enough to handle anything. My son is will be 10 soon and im at the perfect age to enjoy everything he wants to do. enjoy the fact that you're pregnant... Congrats!
  • cowchick4_fun
    i was 19 when i got pregnant with my first one and then when i hit 3 months i lost it. it broke my heart. then after i turned 20 i got pregnant again with my daughter and had her at 21. now im going on 28 on friday and i now have 3 kids ages 6, 5, and 2. i love them so much and im ok that i was young having them. so dont even feel that your too young to be having a family at 23 because your young but old enough to take care and love the baby! Please Dont stress yourself out with comments people have to say about it. as long as your happy and ready to take care of the baby thats all that matters im sure you will be a great mom no matter what age you are!
  • karenwill2
    karenwill2 Posts: 604 Member
    my sis had her first son at 18. My bff from high school had her first and only child at 17. Both of these kids are amazing and the moms are as well. I had my first at 28 and hope mine turn out to be half as good as theirs.
  • sisierra
    sisierra Posts: 707 Member
    There is nothing wrong with being 23 and pregnant! I see a lot of people I know that are pregnant or already have kids and i'm glad I've made it out of my 'teens without getting preggers. As long as your happy with the life you've lived/are living I think you'll be fine =)
  • UsedToBeHusky
    UsedToBeHusky Posts: 15,229 Member
    My mother was 23 when she got pregnant with me. I was 21 when I got pregnant with mine.

    I know you have pages and pages to poor through here, but have you considered that the 'age' issue might just be a cop out for your family. Could it possibly be something else that they protest when it comes to your pregnancy? Like maybe the baby's father?

    My family hated my ex-husband... and honestly, they had good reason.
  • donna_glasgow
    donna_glasgow Posts: 869 Member
    I had my first child at 17 YO ..... I was a single parent for the first 5 years of her life, ... being a mum is the best thing that ever happened to me from the minute she was born and I held her I knew I could never love anyone more .... times were hard at 17 I had no job or career, so I struggled for a long time but I wouldnt change it for the world

    think of the plus sides of being a young mum ... energy is one of them

    good luck with your pregnancy xxx young mums rock xx
  • BigCed77024
    BigCed77024 Posts: 1,115 Member
    So I recently just found out that I am pregnant. I do not believe in abortion, and I am for sure willing to own up to my responsiblity. My boyfriend is very supportive as well, although the thing is.. I recently just left my job to go back to school, it is hard finding another job these days otherwise I would've saved money if I knew I'd get pregnant :( I know no matter what I will strive to be the best mom I can be, I may be very "young" to alot of people, but I would love to hear any stories from young mothers who are holding up strong with their child today, and who HAS MADE IT if there was a struggle along with being pregnant at a "young" age. My mother & family aren't speaking to me as of this day and think I am so stupid and crazy for having a child. Please.. I need the support....

    I'm worried about being unemployed.. my bf is working, I am going to a ROP program for school which is about a 6-8 month program for medical assisting / billing & coding, I cannot afford going to another school right now.. I hope I can make it, I know it will be a struggle but I also know it'll be worth it.

    I was 20 when I got the news that I got a woman I barely knew pregnant. We ended up getting married and the result was two beautiful boys that I couldn't be prouder of 24 years later. It WILL workout and who cares what anyone else says! GOOD LUCK!
  • Bobbiehenderson
    Bobbiehenderson Posts: 18 Member
    I was five months prego when my husband an I got married at 20. I was like you not working and very scared about what my family would think. My husband had a job but nothing great, At 21 my son was born 15 months later we had a little girl, My family was very hard on us at first telling us it is going to be hard and we need to think about what we are doing but i wouldnt have it any other way. My husband has a wounderful job now. Three years ago we were blesssed with another baby boy. Two years ago i went back to school and became a phlobotomist. I wont lie it has been hard at times but in the end it is all worth it. Dont let anyone make you feel bad about your choice cause in the end it is all about you and that amazing little gift from god. :smile:
  • Nice
    Nice Posts: 84
    I was 16 years old..way too young!!! However, I finished high school on time, went directly to college after and worked as well. It was hard but I never gave up. I'm now 28, married, with 3 boys :) I bought a home when I was 23 years old and my husband and I do quite well.
  • KDMC3
    KDMC3 Posts: 2
    Hold your head up and everything will turn out just fine. My mom had her first at 21 and a second by 23!! You'll do great, just leave the negative and only take the positive!
  • Falling2Grace
    Falling2Grace Posts: 220 Member
    You will do fine. My situation is a little different since i dont have to worry about college anymore. But my husband and i managed it! We are now 24. but we had our first baby at 21 (miscarried that one though). Had our second baby (a boy!) at 22 and at 23 we had another boy. Some of the best moms i know are "young" like us! I love it and i wouldn't change it for the world!
    And people can bash all they want, and im not generally a vein person, but i think i do a damn good job at rising my two boys, which by the way are only 17 months apart! You already sound like you are going to be such a great mom! Dont let others ruin this special time in your life, even if it happened a bit differently than you envisioned.
    If you want another young mom MFP friend, feel free to add me!
  • Sabresgal63
    Sabresgal63 Posts: 641 Member
    Hello sweetie..............I am 48 years old and had my first child when I turned 16 and another when I turned 18. My boys are 29 and 32, healthy and happy men. It's hard to raise children at any age, so don't let people talk down to you...........I don't know what your beliefs are, but I believe that our lives are already mapped are supposed to be a mom and kudo's to you for not aborting the baby:bigsmile: That seems to be the biggest form of birth control out there now a days..............very disturbing! Your life and your baby's life will be just fine as long as you have lots of love and hugs:heart:
  • angiemartin78
    angiemartin78 Posts: 475 Member
    I was 24 when my daughter was born and we're fine! She is almost 9 and is one of the sweetest and most loving children out there. Did we struggle at times, of course we did, but we pulled through!

    I'm not going to tell you that it's going to be easy...Being a mom, while it's the most fulfilling thing you could EVER do, it is also one of the most difficult things. Since kids don't come with instruction manuals, it's going to be a learning process for both you and your baby.

    I'm sure your mother will come around. How can she not? Her baby is going to be a mommy soon! The first time she sees that beautiful grandbaby of hers she will melt and be forever wrapped around the childs little finger. Just give her some time to get over the initial shock of you being pregnant.

    Good luck to you honey! You WILL be fine!
  • maddmaddie
    maddmaddie Posts: 160 Member
    I'm 22 and I don't have any kids BUT there are many benefits of having kids earlier in life.

    1. When you're 50-60 yrs old your kids will be grown and out of the house.

    2. You will be able to see more of your child's life, and perhaps have more time with future grandchildren. :)

    3. You will have more energy at this age to be able to keep up with the kid.

    Sooooo glad your boyfriend is supportive, hopefully he can help out financially while you go to school since you're having a hard time finding work. Getting certified in something is a great idea!!! I went to school and got my Certified Nurse's Aid certificate ( took 4 months) and there are a TON of jobs for C.N.A.'s. ($15 hr in Alaska). Good choice going into the medical field, you'll find a job in no time as soon as you get certified. As long as you have a good supportive network, you could even continue with school and get a degree. In fact, I know a few young moms whose going for a masters in nursing while raising a child. They do it with family support. I think in time your family will see you have everything together and having a child is not going to ruin your life. Nothing is impossilbe. :-) Also by continuing with school you will be setting a great example for your kid.

    I work with kids and discovered "SuperNanny" is AMAZING. Her technique on making things go smoothly in the household works! I would go buy her book or checkout her website if you ever have questions about your kid. (Supernanny has a masters in child psychology).

    Good luck! And Congratulations.
  • ttaylor68913
    ttaylor68913 Posts: 324 Member
    I was barely 21 when i had my son.. (he is 4.5) it is hard (but I was alone.... 2 hrs from my family and my boyfriend at the time didnt give a crap and was pretty much useless) but you will be fine. My cousin got married at 19 had her first child a month before her 21st birthday and is pregnant with her second.

    Stay strong, your family will probably come around
  • ksparky911
    ksparky911 Posts: 8
    Two of my best friends are 24 and have 2 children now! Heck, my stepsister is 21, I think, and has 2 children! Life is a struggle making ends meet, but if your boyfriend is willing to help you, and to support his child, then I'm sure you can make it until you can find a job!

    And while most people don't want to, there IS assistance out there for mothers. I don't know where you live, but here in my state we have WIC - Women, Infants and Children - it will help you buy food while you're pregnant and/or breastfeeding, or formula and later on food for your child until the child is 5, I believe!

    You can do it! Just don't give up, and I'm sure once your parents are over the shock, they will come around!
  • weefanny81
    weefanny81 Posts: 1 Member
    My mum was 16 when she fell pregnant with me, she married my dad in the October when she was 17 and had me the following March (still 17). 3 years later they gave me a little brother to play with and another year later along came another. We had a great childhood although I know they struggled financially. My mum would be making sure we were always playing and not sitting around watching tv, she would also take us on days out to museums, parks etc, dad wasn't there too much as he had to work long hours. I am now 31 and my mum is 48, my mum is my best friend and we are very close. My parents are still happily married even though both families said it would never work.
    Please don't feel bad about falling pregnant, you are not too young and I'm sure you will be a great mother.
    Best of luck xx
  • gmoneycole
    gmoneycole Posts: 813 Member
    I'm disappointed in your family. Sadly they are abandoning you when you need them the most. You will need them to support you through this difficult time so see if you can get them on board to support you. Obviously your situation isn't the best, but we are always being thrown difficult situations in life and need to get through them. I have four children and they are the greatest things in my life. Be strong! I wish you the best.
  • robinogue
    robinogue Posts: 1,117 Member
    Don't let anyone bash you! I was 16 when I became pregnant, 17 when I had my son. Hard, heck yes but I did it! I'm now 42 and he's 25, he's the best thing I did in my life and I don't regret one minute! Good luck to you, have a healthy baby...
  • Por2gueseMama
    Por2gueseMama Posts: 102 Member
    Hi I am so sorry about how you are being treated. I was 19 years old when i found out i was having a baby. I was in such denial because when i found out i was pregnant I was about to leave my sons dad due to our relationship issues we were fighting a lot and we had only been together for 4 months. We werent stable in uor lives, we were living with his mom, i was the only one working making 11.50 an hour 32 hrs a week job, he was on unemployment, struggling to find a job and he had a real bad drug and alcohol habbit. His family was very supportive and happy for me, my friends and co workers thought i was crazy, my dad was so angry with me he yelled at me for 30 mins and would barely talk to me after that. My sister was angry saying i was going no where with life and that i shoudl have waited. But after a while people came around my dad started to call me more often to check up on me, my sister was getting more an dmore excited about being an aunt. And I learned to except the fact that i was having a kid and that it was my responsibility to deal with the consequences of my actions. my relationship with my sons dad didnt get any better it got much much worse. he got a job but his attitude and behavior got worse and worse with time. I felt helpless but had to stick it out for my sons sake. Now I am 21 my son is 18 months old and I am a single mother. my son hasnt even seen his dad since july of last year. Ive been living with my parents and am almost done with school for medical assisting. Things are looking up. My son is a healthy happy little boy and very outgoing. Being a mom is the greatest gift i have ever gotten ive become more mature and responsible i have a leveled head on my shoulders and i have a bright future. You have a supportive boy friend I didnt and eveything turned out fine. You will be great. As for your family they will come around once they see that bundle of joy of yours they will want to be more involved in your life! Good Luck