What do you do for a living?



  • cholibear
    cholibear Posts: 86
    I'm an assistant...so desk job.
    I work right by Lake Erie, so on my breaks (if it's nice) I go and walk on the beach (if that's what you want to call it...lol)
    But since my whole day is usually spent in front of a computer, I bust my *kitten* in the gym at night!! :)
  • tdmcmains
    tdmcmains Posts: 227 Member
    I'm a software developer. i work for a major software company but work from home, so I can get my workouts in after dropping the kids off at school and before the rest of my coworkers know i'm "in".
  • amandabrady
    amandabrady Posts: 203 Member
    I actually am an office manager for a traveling carnival company! When we move, set everything up, and take everything down, I get in a tough workout for the day but the rest of the week I'm indoors or just walking around our area. I also work from 10:30 in the morning until almost midnight every single day with very few days off...Ever. Workouts have to come after the day is done, or in the mornings when I wake up before the day begins. It's tough sometimes because I'm just so burnt out, but I usually convince myself to at least go for a jog. During the winter when I have time off, I love practicing circus style aerial acts, hula hoops, and more challenging things I don't get to do while on the road. My biggest issue is never having a set schedule/routine like some people do, and finding the motivation after being so tired from work. I also struggle with cooking all my food ahead of time so I'll have it for the next day as I don't have enough time on my breaks to whip anything up!
  • manderann
    manderann Posts: 189
    I sit behind a desk all day long. In the summer, I try to get outside and play hacky sack with the guys at lunch, just to get moving a little. Sometimes I walk at lunch too. My other job is a Passion Parties consultant and sometimes carrying those totes full of toys to the third floor of my host's apartment building feels like quite the workout haha. When I'm not working or in class, I'm chasing my three year old around, so I suppose you could call that a workout. I also go for a walk or run almost every night after she goes to bed.
  • archadtz
    archadtz Posts: 33 Member
    I'm a computer programmer analyst/DBA by day, and I am also a mom and show and raise Himalayans and Yorkshire Terriers.
    During the day I am sedentary, sitting all day. Sometimes the only time I get up is to get water (then pee!) . Would love to walk during my lunch and breaks, but I work in an unsafe part of the city :(
    In the evening, I am go, go, go tending to children, family, and animals (cats, dogs, horses). I usually only sleep 4-5 hrs a night (I know, bad!) so workouts are tough. I horseback ride, am starting up in Zumba and when (if) I get a chance to watch TV, I use the stationary bike
  • LeighAnnH75
    LeighAnnH75 Posts: 34 Member
    I'm a Radiologic Technologist and love it!
  • mindidily
    mindidily Posts: 196 Member
    I am Active Duty Air Force, and we get PT 5 days a week, thank goodness! Otherwise, my homestation job is a desk job and it sucks. To stay busy, sometimes I just wander around the building or go up and down the stairs. When I get home I'm crazy busy as Husband works nights and long shifts so I'm alone with the kids. I tend to toss the squirtlings into the stroller and go for long walks in the evening, or take them to the park and run around with them.
  • HelloSweetie4
    HelloSweetie4 Posts: 1,214 Member
    I'm a residential case manager so I am sitting at a desk most of the time. I make sure I get up and walk around the building at least once an hour, if not more often. I can't afford a gym membership so I work-out at home. Right now I'm doing 30DS but usually I take walks in my neighborhood and use the weight bench that the last tenants left in the basement (gotta love free stuff! lol). I try to work-out right after I get home from work, while dinner is cooking.
  • cburky911
    cburky911 Posts: 89 Member
    I'm a Police/Fire/EMS/911 dispatcher. So I sit all day at work. A few years back I had gotten in to running. I ran 2 full and one half marathon in 2009 and two more half marathons in 2010 then kind of got out of running for a while. Started putting the weight back on, so I've been running again. Ran a half marathon a couple of weeks ago and am scheduled to run another half in October.
  • grasshopper421
    Well I design bridges ... :smile:
  • JustJennie1
    JustJennie1 Posts: 3,843 Member
    I make mobile apps for Apple iPhones, IPads etc and Android so I am behind a computer all day however I go to the gym and do 30 min of hard cardio and an hour of weights. Afternoon and evening I do another very brisk walk or a jog depending on how I feel which is another 8-10 miles.
  • Cyngen
    Cyngen Posts: 557 Member
    I'm an independent photographer and web site developer/designer. There are times I'm on my feet walking and then times I'm sitting all day.

    I try to get in two walks each day for my exercise as well as doing things like lawn mowing, yard work, house work to cut out the calories. In about a week I will return to the gym to start lifting weights as well.
  • grex1949
    grex1949 Posts: 130
    I have an office job (lawyer), though I have plenty of flexibility in my schedule every day. I belong to a health club that is located halfway between my office and the ramp where I park my car. it's easy to stop there in the morning on the way to work to get somem exercise, and if I miss the morning session, I have to walk by the club on the way to my car to get home, so it's pretty hard to skip a day unless I'm scheduling a rest day. It's a pretty ideal situation, really, and I feel very fortunate for that.
  • smithhm12
    smithhm12 Posts: 23
    Special Education Teacher - I primarily work with kids with emotional and behavioral disorders. Usually i walk 4 - 5 miles a day at work. They keep me busy. But a lot of times I don't get a lunch because I am dealing with issues. This is a problem for me because I have to have something quick, easy, and portable. Not too many health foods that are like that. Either that or I binge eat at night because I am starving from not eating anything all day. blah. But I LOVE my job! :happy:
  • skybird455
    skybird455 Posts: 172 Member
    I am a biblical counselor (psychotherapist), and full time grad student taking roughly 45 grad hours a year. I sit alot w patients, behind the comp and driving. I also have two boys so I cook all their meals, clean a ton etc. I run on a treadmill, do HIIT on it 3 times a week, and I lift weights....HEAVY weights, and run/speed walk inclines. I stay active every single chance I get ie: I belly dance while cooking, I speed vaccum (no laughing, it helps) I dance while folding clothes and sweeping etc you get the idea. And I race my boys up and down the block and arm wrestle them....their 11 and 8 so another year or so and they will start winning ;0)

    Keep moving, it helps
  • africaa
    africaa Posts: 228
    I am a full time college student. I have a car but I don't drive it...I walk everywhere on campus and I workout atleast twice a day. I don't have any medical issues so I have no excuses not to workout. :)
  • jclist1
    jclist1 Posts: 87 Member
    Commercial Pilot....feels like all I do is sit
  • prsusa38
    prsusa38 Posts: 29
    Active Duty U.S. Navy - going on 22 years
  • kylee_marie
    kylee_marie Posts: 299 Member
    work full time in an office and waitress part-time. finding the time to exercise is hard, but not impossible. i found a park close to our house that i can take my son and let him play on the playground while i run the trail (it loops around the playground so i just keep running in circles instead of continuing on the trail)
  • Shollin243
    Shollin243 Posts: 30 Member
    Work full time in the mortgage department at a bank headquarters. Most unrewarding job.