What do you do for a living?



  • m0nsterjam
    m0nsterjam Posts: 3
    I am a stay at home homeschooling mom.
  • anthemforagirl
    I am a professional dog walker and pet sitter.
    A certified pharmacy technician and veterinary technician.
  • Jugie12
    Jugie12 Posts: 282 Member
    Transportation broker/ account manager. It's the first desk job I've ever had - I've always had really active, physically demanding jobs - and I HATE SITTING ALL DAY.

    get up at 4:20a, to work by 6:30, leave work around 4:30 (on a good day) home by 5:15-5:20ish. Hit the gym, get in heavy sessions and cardio. Home, shower, cook & eat, dishes, *try* to relax before passing out around 10/11pm.

    Speaking of which, is it nap time yet?!
  • m0nsterjam
    m0nsterjam Posts: 3
    I hope you are doing well. My husband just found out about a mth and a half ago he is in remission.About another 40lbs on me but at least he is healthy now.
  • wendyrvp
    wendyrvp Posts: 46 Member
    Im the Office Administrator for a large Neonatology Clinic. I love all the precious babies but do sit for hours and hours a day.
    Our campus is large though, and I try to walk around whenever I have the opportunity. Also have to park a long distance just to get into work. So luckily I get a short walk in several times per day.
  • gpstrucker
    gpstrucker Posts: 930 Member
    Oh, I forgot to mention, please don't tell my family I'm a truck driver, they think I'm a piano player in a cat house. :tongue:
  • bci0bz7
    bci0bz7 Posts: 6
    I'm a nuclear security officer. I spend some days sitting around and other days on my feet for the majority of the day. On occasion, I literally run for the required drills (both as a good guy and as a simulated bad guy). I walk around as much as I can while at work, but still try to exercise outside of work.

    I also play drums in a local band- it's the best cardio workout I've ever gotten! We play for 3-4 hours on a given weekend night, as well as the hours of loading equipment in and out. it's a great workout!
  • April4th
    April4th Posts: 140 Member
    Secretary to 12 or so Neonatologists, and the NICU Medical Director, at a Children's Hospital by day. Writer by night.
  • jesterx888
    jesterx888 Posts: 181
    I am a diesel mechanic, full time student and a father of a 3 yr old girl and a 3 day old boy! Also a Chemical Specialist in the Army National Guard
  • jesterx888
    jesterx888 Posts: 181
    Oh, I forgot to mention, please don't tell my family I'm a truck driver, they think I'm a piano player in a cat house. :tongue:

    haha I like this ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^

    I work with a bunch of truck drivers so in some instances, I think your little saying has more truth to it than people realize :-)
  • kbresso
    kbresso Posts: 40 Member
    I work in marketing and business research, so a desk job. I'm also student and mother. I run 4 days a week, in the evenings. I walk over my breaks at work. The walking is just to keep my head on straight.

    The only way to get things done is to prioritize them. My running comes first. I don't work late on days I need to run. I don't work weekends unless I've finished my run. I don't clean my house until my running is done. It comes first. And you know what? All the other pieces fall into place when my running comes first.

    I'm a better employee.
    I'm a better mom.
    I'm a better student.
    (I'm a better runner).

    I completely agree! I am a banker - so it's a Mon - Fri 9-5 desk job. And then I have two little ones at home. My biggest challenge has been coming to peace with the fact that me getting my "me time" to work out is a non-negotiable. Dirty dishes will sit in the sink, the laundry will sit a while longer. I work out 5 days a week. I would love to get a morning workout - but my hubby leaves for work @ 3:30 a.m. - and if I do a workout video at home...... the wee ones wake up and think it's their wake up time already. So I go everyday after work - and get home close to 7:00 p.m. The biggest KEY to my success is preparation - I don't feel guilty about my workouts and getting home late, if I already have the next day's dinner planned out/started. Otherwise I come home to a family who has eaten yet, kids that still need baths and it'sa crummy feeling. If I know they are taken care of - I enjoy my workout time. I also noticed I am pretty darn crabby if I go to long without workout out. It's cheap therapy. :)

    This, definitely. I'm a lawyer so if I'm not sitting at my desk, I'm sitting in my car or sitting in court. I workout in the morning, usually getting to the gym around 4:45 during the week and 6:00 AM on Saturday with the goal to get back before anyone wakes up. I completely agree that preparation is the key to success...and a supportive hubby who is helping to make all this run smoothly.
  • pxpwop
    pxpwop Posts: 704 Member
    Currently I am an operations supervisor for Navteq/Nokia/Traffic.com... Whatever we are called today. Having said that, as of June 1st I will be unemployed :(

    I also am a professional videographer that I do on the side. If anyone needs video and you are in the Philadelphia area, feel free to contact me!!
  • smiley245
    smiley245 Posts: 420 Member
    Wow some of you have interesting jobs!
    I'm an admin assistant. Mostly my days are filled with sitting at my desk reading the message boards of MFP lol
    Im also a mom of 2 plus a cute little pup we aquired in march. I try to stay active with aquafit 2-3times a week at the Y plus working out at home and walking the dog. Some days I seriously lack motivation though!
  • tatya317
    tatya317 Posts: 74
    Hi Kelly,

    I am a catering and event sales manager. I do events and weddings and get very vert busy during wedding seasons. ( May- November ). My weekends are long- 12-17 hour days and weekdays..I can't complain ..it can be normal.

    I do log my food here daily and it amazes me how much or how less I can eat per day. I love MFP and it keeps me on my toes. I have a very long way to go in weight loss..but I am slowly learning and getting there :)
  • erikblock
    erikblock Posts: 230 Member
    I work in administration at a college. I pretty much sit all day. I was much happier with my weight when I was working manual labor....but that's the ONLY part of my life I was happier with.
  • peggymenard
    peggymenard Posts: 246 Member
    I am retired but owned m;y own company, worked as an asset manager, stay at home mom, flight attendant and artist. Now I am the daytime caregiver for 5 yr old grandson and for my retired husband. Maintain a house in and out. I have always been a physically active person but let things slide these past 20 years...
  • Lizabee84
    Lizabee84 Posts: 353 Member
    I am a Receptionist for a Oil Company and I also do work in our Accounting department as well. Sadly I sit 90% of the time at my job.
  • Temporalia
    Temporalia Posts: 1,151 Member
    i'm an admin assistant, I would say i'm 75% sitting and 24% dashing out of my office for whatever urgent need there is. I compensate by using my bicycle to go to and come back from work (in the am, it wakes me up, in the pm, it relaxes me between work and home). Once i'm home, I change clothes and do my P90x session with bf.
  • ipsamet
    ipsamet Posts: 436 Member
    I work at a daycare so I am on my feet all day! And right now, I am training for my first triathlon, so that's how I get my workouts in - swimming, biking, running. Either before or after work, whenever I can fit it in really. I also lift weights three times a week.
  • stroogie
    stroogie Posts: 2 Member
    I'm a Realtor and now that it's dead I am my husbands helper as a plumbing contractor. Not glamorous but it keeps me busy and always moving. I then come home to be a cook, teacher, maid etc.