What do you do for a living?



  • TrailRunner61
    TrailRunner61 Posts: 2,505 Member
    Happily unemployed and hopefully staying that way!

    I have worked in real estate, food service, owned a construction/remodeling business, worked at my dad's business, was an Emt/firefighter and I worked in a hospital doing telemetry.

    I walk 4-7 miles a day, at least 25 per week, 100 per month with a goal of 1,000 by Oct 31st. I'm up to about 450 miles since Jan. 1st! I swim, hike, garden ( I grow and freeze veggies and fruits), fish, geocache, play with my grandson, cook, clean, mow, weed the flower beds, walk my dog, clean the pool, do laundry, run errands and my mother just lost her driver's license so I'll be running her around too.

    I started C25K a few weeks ago but tripped over my dog and ate some asphalt. My injuries are just about healed up so I'm going to start back on that tomorrow!
  • breakthecycle
    breakthecycle Posts: 64 Member
    I am a substitute teacher. I worked for years in the school system but after losing 115 pounds and putting it BACK ON I went into such a depression that I QUIT my job and stayed in my house for almost a year. I FINALLY got over myself and got my butt back into gear and STOPPED feeling sorry for poor pitiful me that failed and started over! I work out 5x a week NO MATTER WHAT! I MUST come first now! I have realized that everything in the house will actually still be there waiting for me if I spend 30-45 minutes at the Y. :laugh: I must say days I work I have to push myself more to go to the gym because standing up all day is tiring.(Yep I know a good excuse but I don't use it but it's always there floating around in my head on the ride to the Y)
  • BeautyFromPain
    BeautyFromPain Posts: 4,952 Member
    I'm at TAFE full time working to get my Personal Training certifications, and also working in a fast food shop 4 days a week.
  • rubixcyoob
    rubixcyoob Posts: 395
    Mother, law student, lifeguard, bartender/waitress, fiancee.
    As they say, jack of all trades but master of none aha ...
  • gatorginger
    gatorginger Posts: 947 Member
    I'm an administrative secretary so mine is a desk job but I am up and down quiet a bit but what I do is I go for walks outside on break. I have another lady here at work that walks with me and we have been doing this for over 10 years. We only walk 25 minutes. I don't go to the gym but I am trying to incorporate jump rope in the evenings. Right now I can only jump rope for 2 minutes but gonna try to do longer as I get used to it. Walking they say is one of the best exercises out there for you.
  • karylee44
    karylee44 Posts: 892
    i am a substitute teacher
    and on the off times, i am an artist..
    working on getting more teaching artist gigs.
    more publications, and more shows.

    i am on my feet all day.
  • jkaupanger
    jkaupanger Posts: 72
    Administrative Officer at the Department of Veteran's Affairs in Washington, DC.
    LOVE my job! I'm finally doing something I can be totally proud of... helping our Vets!
  • Sweet_Pea_82
    Sweet_Pea_82 Posts: 41 Member
    I'm an accountant for a manufacturing company. A lot of sit down time from 8-4:30. I have two girls so I get up at five am with my hubby and do my workout from 5:45 to about 6:30 or so. If I want to take a walk at lunch though, my boss is super nice about it. When I get home, I try to play softball or something with the girls, especially on days that I do strength training. So nice to read about all of you!
  • classy1ne
    classy1ne Posts: 6 Member
    I am a full time college student, wife and mother of a 6 year old boy. I am also a full time employee for Missouri Girls Town as the Medical Coordinator. Girls Town is a home for abused and neglected teenage girls.
  • rebeccacleary
    I am a professional photographer. When I am shooting on location I am very active. I burn calories by carrying heavy equipment and props, chasing after toddlers, standing on chairs to get a good angle and walking to romote locations to get the perfect settting. In studio I am moderately active as most of it entails positioning and photographing newborns. My adrenaline is so high when I am shooting because I absolutely love what I do and get very excited when a shoot going well, so maybe that helps boost the calorie burning a bit. The downside is post processing. If I have a busy week, I can be sitting at the computer editing images for 6-8 hours a day sometimes more.
  • f1ctional
    f1ctional Posts: 235
    Graphic designer for the Department of Defense.

    where do i send my resume! good stuff!
  • mcleodconnor
    High school and wrestling are my jobs.
  • f1ctional
    f1ctional Posts: 235
    I am a freelance web designer / developer with my own company. I do my own web sites and also have several contracted companies which have their own independent set of sites I have been working on for years. I also do regular IT stuff such as computer repair, virus / spyware / malware removal, networking, and custom system builds.

    I am currently attending school to get my bachelors degree in Digital Cinematography in hopes to bring my love of movies together with my mad computer skills and step it up a notch profession wise.
  • sgarrard01
    sgarrard01 Posts: 213 Member
    I'm a Chatered Surveyor and Project Manager in central London, fortunately i have construction sites in various parts of London, so usually get around 20-60minutes of walking in a day, but thats only circa 200calories worth, so once i'm at 50% of my target weight loss i'm going to start adding in more cycling and swimming to begin the process of toning/increasing fitness after work, whilst still maintaining the weight loss! Unfortunately thats going to be after i get back home, usually around 7pm! :-(
  • angelaexphys
    I am an exercise physiologist who works as a pharmaceutical rep and trains folks in the evenings.
  • hyphenbobbit
    hyphenbobbit Posts: 104 Member

    I'm a stay at home mum to three children ages 3, 4 and 8. Do workout dvd's whilst the older ones are at school and youngest joins in. Live in the country and it's quite hilly so we get out walking too. Lucky enough to have a treadmill and usaully able to steel 15-20 mins 2-3 times a week at night or 1st thing whilst hubby still around.

    Apart from that I guess the rest of the day is spent picking up toys, cleaning, school bus run (about 1/2 mile), gardening, tending the chikens etc etc.

    Seem to be pretty busy most of the time.
    FORIANN Posts: 273 Member
    I travel back and fourth in time assassinating people and then replacing them with carefully constructed copies of the originals. My only objective really is to see a season 2 two of the Firefly television series and stop Guns and Roses from making Chinese Democracy.
  • allifantastical
    allifantastical Posts: 946 Member
    I work at home for a printer company. I do internal customer service. It is a blessing and a curse. I love not having to commute, but the only exercise I get from my work is my 2 second walk from my bedroom to my office. Also, no one is here watching and there is food in the kitchen, so I have to fight the willpower to snack all day. Not having to get dressed up in business casual clothes is really nice because I hate dressing up, BUT i think when I first started working from home I gained alot of weight and didn't even realize it because I didn't have to squeeze into any form fitting clothes. However, it is nice because on certain days, I can go walk around the block, or do my xbox kinect for exercise.
  • NomiS6
    NomiS6 Posts: 67 Member
    I skipper crew transfer vessels working on wind farm projects, so mainly sitting around all day
  • neelia
    neelia Posts: 750 Member
    I'm an insurance agent!