Want to be built for speed not just comfort....



  • Well the Body bugg just wasn't working out for me .. The first week i lost 3 pounds yeah but Igained that back the second week I think I was stressing to much about making the numbers, working out enough to do it and in the process I was sabotaging my weight loss.. so I am going back to what has worked for me so far..

    MFP has a more comprehensive food list ... Body bugg had to input most of it my self
    MFP has a place to make daily notes .. Body bugg does not
    MFP has the forum so there fore the support of fellow members ... Body Bugg has no real support system other than ones self and family...
    The Body Bugg was in my opinion underestimating my workouts, .. the machines and history and logic says that 30 min on a elipitical with a HR between 140-150 will burn 400 + calories not only 200 calories ...

    I figure even though the chest strap on my HRM is not all that comfortable I am better off using that for workouts and logging food... staying within the parameters and guidelines that I have learned and set for my self. and if I do that more days than not I will lose weight...

    I have learned the science of weight loss...

    if Calories in are less than calories out on a consistant basis and other nutrients are in balance and at or below guidelines ( sodium for instance) the weight will come off...
    IF the image i nthe mirror is looking skinnier, people are commenting on your weight loss and your clothes fit better or are more getting baggy... you are doing it right... If not re-evaluate adn try a slightly altered approach ..

    Think Skinny :flowerforyou:
  • Just got back from the gym and although the increase in pounds this morning acording to the bathroom scale is depressing I am not going ot let it control my diet.. :grumble: :huh:

    That is the reason you shouldn't weigh in everyday. If seeing regular downward movement of the scale motivates you, then just think about how hard is to watch it go the other way. This is especially true when the have been following the program consistently. To see your weigh go up under those circumstances can really torpedo your motivation.

    I have a ritual for performing my weigh in. I do it every Sunday morning at the same time with my body in the same condition every time. (Clothed/Naked/Fed/Hungry etc) It doesn't really matter how or when you weigh in, just that you do it consistently each time. For me, it really helps to look forward to my weigh in. I'm not saying that if the progress is not forthcoming despite your best effort that It doesn't hurt motivation, but regular weekly weight in's reduce the chance of disappointment.
  • The last 3 days have been a bust diet and gym wise... I had so much other things to do around the house and errands to run that I just couldn't seem to get it all done in time to get to the gym.... I probably could have made time somehow / someplace. like instead of watching a movie with my husband, or playing on the laptop .. it is hard sometimes to get to the gym when you would rather be spending the time just being in the same room as the one you love even if you are not doing the same thing just being together...
    Well I am going to the gym everyday this week after work I figure if I do that plus get in there during the afternoon on my day off during the week even if I cant get in on the weekend because of other chores I'll still be at the gym 4-5 days a week... that's not to bad..

    Well it is time to get back on track.. if I want to be down to 175 ish by June I better get my booty in gear.. I have 35# to go ... it is do able if I work hard... then after that I'll have all summer to lose the last 10-15 pounds... to reach my ultimate goal weight..
  • Ugh getting back on track is not that easy... at least I haven't really gained any weight while I have been goffing off the gym and diet. I have been trying to still watch what i eat which wil lbe good once i get the weight off but I still need to get my perverbial butt into the gym ... Told the hubby tomorrow we are bot off and no matter what excuse i come up with we go to the gym for a minium of and hour.. I am going to try to get there tonight too ..
    Wish me luck..
  • I dont think I realized how hard it is to get back on track ... Here it is the 18th of the mmonth and I have not been in the gym yet this month.. :frown: The good side is I have not really gained any weight to speak of I am still hovering in the 205-208 range but I know that if I want to reach my goals I HAVE to get my butt back into the gym and start workig out again whil I have it because after June 1st the gym is gone.. can't afford to maitain it after the prepaid period is over so I am going to have to utilize it while I have it... I am soooo close with in 30 pounds of the first goal weight and 40 pounds of the ultimate goal.... I have lost over 40 pounds so far.. This is doable .. IF I get off my butt and get to the gym and keep a tighter control on my eating... I am just going ot have to forget hanging with the hubby after work, tell everyone to make their own dinner or wait til I get back from thegym and just go.... it is just sooo hard sometimes.... I miss my husband because his schedule has him working early hours so he goes to bed at 9 pm so he can get up and 3 or 4 in the morning ... which doesn't leave much time for us in the evening, and he is working hte weekends so we are getting maybe one day a week off together... :frown: I have to stop taking it personally .. it is not his fault the way the schedule is right now... I just need to stop stressing, stop complaining, and just make the best of it.. .
  • SturgeonGal
    SturgeonGal Posts: 88
    I am finding myself strugling to get back on my diet wagon... I go good for a day or two but then life gets in the way last week it was Mother nature and her monthy gift.. ugh .. .then trying to spend time with hubby since after this week I wont see much of him during the wek because of shift changes and working opposite shifts to get weekends off together , on sacrafice for a gain.. .I did manage to los 2 pound this week ... but I know if I had gooten to the gym more like I want to do I would have done better... I am still trying to watch my eating so if nothing else I dont go totally crazy if I dont make it to the gym and after this week I will have 2 weeks of gym member ship left to bust my butt during hte week .. no excuses... I have to figure out something or throw i nthe towel completely.. I am half wy to my goal and want to get down to at least my weight when i got married 4 years ago (180#) if not my goal weight ( 165#)
  • SturgeonGal
    SturgeonGal Posts: 88
    ugh.. why does this have to be so dang hard for me to find the time and get my butt into the gym or just work out????

    I want to lose the weight and know what I have to do to do it but I need to get motivated to do it...

    Wish I had more girlfriends or just friends in general who lived close enough to me that wanted to work out with my either at the gym or just walk after work....

    Hubby is closing tomorrow night so there will be no reason for me to not go to the gym after work.. round up my teenager and go sweat for an hour or more ... and this weekend.. I can hit the gym AND mow the yard.. DOuble work out .. Whoot Whoot...

    Starting next week Hubby in working swing shift so after work I can go sweat monday thru Friday and then take the weekend to hang out with him...

    Sounds like a good plan.. Lets see if I can just impliment it and get my butt off the couch...
  • SturgeonGal
    SturgeonGal Posts: 88
    I have found a really cool alternative to syrup.... I like to have french toast in the mornings sometime with sara lee delight 45 cal a slice bread but didnt know what to do about the syrup so the other day I took a 1/2 cup of frozzen unsweetened strawberries (this morning blueberries) and warmed them in the microwave then pour the whole thing juice and all on my french toast.. yummmm low cal, actually good for you and get fiber and vitamins what more can ya ask for :tongue:

    Also Dessert: when the rest of the non dieting family is having Ice Cream and sundae's from mc Donalds.. The Fruit and yogurt parfait is only about 160 calories and better for oyu and still taste like a dessert.. I keep Yoplait very vannilla non fat yogurt on had at home as well as bags of frozen unsweetened berries in the freezer so if I want a sweet dessert I can make a fruit sundae at home.. all the sweet natural yumminess with out the guilt :happy:
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