Couch-to-5K - Who's In?



  • traceyjayne64
    traceyjayne64 Posts: 262
    Im hoping to start tomorrow, is there a group or are we keeping in touch here ? :smile:
  • ColtyHan
    ColtyHan Posts: 59 Member
    I am just finishing week 1. Loving this so far, and I am already seeing an increase in my recovery time during the walks. I plan to do the program twice. The first time for endurance, and the second time to increase speed.
  • kiku76
    kiku76 Posts: 352 Member
    I'm redo-ing week 4 this week (stating tomorrow). last week was super busy and I only was able to go running wednesday so I just planned to redo the week.
    I'm looking forward to it actually. My run double app conked out on me and on the 5-min run interval, it seemed to stop working. I was running for longer than 3 minutes and was thinking, when is this going to end so I checked the timer and it said I still had 4 minutes left! I don't think so. I updated and I hope it works this week. I know I went longer than 3 min (which has gotten fairly easy which is amazing since when I started, one minute was hell) so I want to know know if I can actually make the 5 minutes.

    oh and I learned that jogging slowly is key. I can always work on adding speed later. right now I concentrate on endurance.
    good luck to all who are just starting! you can do it!
  • upacreek
    upacreek Posts: 5
    I'm In! I'm on a mission to prove that the older crowd, (I'm 57) can get off the couch and get healthy! I'll start today.
  • nhall423
    nhall423 Posts: 8 Member
    Me, please! I just finished week 1 yesterday, and I definitely feel stronger than day 1. I'm running in the Color Run in Philly this summer and my goal is to run the whole thing (and beat my sister).
  • terraskye
    terraskye Posts: 370 Member
    I just did week 1 day 3 today...I'm totally sore and it wasn't as good a run today as I hoped but I'm not giving up at all..

    Feel free to add me if you'd like:)
  • dreamingchild
    dreamingchild Posts: 208 Member
    I've decided to start this on Monday. I mean, what do I have to lose?? I hope I don't hurt anything though. :)
  • AbbeyRysMom
    AbbeyRysMom Posts: 101 Member
    I finished week 1 yesterday, but I'm going to do it over again. It was REALLY hard and I'm REALLY out of shape, so I'm going to restart W1D1 on Monday.
  • shaelataylor
    shaelataylor Posts: 224 Member
    i just finished it and now am working on adding some more speed...its a great program so good luck! :)
  • missywill1
    missywill1 Posts: 23
    I am in---I have always wanted to run but have never thought I had the stamina!
  • kreisad
    kreisad Posts: 12 Member
    What do you do to increase your speed? I've completed the program before and did other exercises. Now, I've started it again and the only way I know to increase my speed is try to run the intervals faster. I'm also trying to incorporate weight lifting into the program and other forms of cardio but I can't come up with a consistent plan. I'm afraid if I incorporate those other things, I'll be too tired to run. Thanks for suggestions.
  • peppermintkitty
    Just started today! Finding the perfect playlist really helps keep me motivated.
  • yallcallmedeb
    yallcallmedeb Posts: 294
    I have problems with my breathing as well. My husband told me that there's a reason why the military chants while they run. It forces you to breathe correctly. Since then, I have been lip syncing while I run and listen to music along my run. It really has made a huge difference. The key is to breathe from your stomach, not your chest. And, don't go too fast!
  • Hopingforchange
    I just started week 2 on Friday and going out for W2D2 in a few minutes. Anyone can feel free to add me!
  • yallcallmedeb
    yallcallmedeb Posts: 294
    I'm trying to figure out how to get my 3 days in this week. I will definitely be going tomorrow morning at my regular time, as soon as I get the youngest kid off to school! But.....they are off for 5 days (plus the weekend) for Memorial Day due to un-used snow days. I'm hoping to find someone to watch them for an hour on W and F for me and, if that doesn't work, I'm going to try to take them to the track with me but it is usually too crowded there for me to think that it's going to work. My husband is traveling this week, so I can't even go at a crazy hour when he is home :(
  • johnny_66
    johnny_66 Posts: 12 Member
    I'm on Week 2 and loving it, so I'm in too!

    Edit: If anyone would like to download free mp3 tracks which help guide you through each run, check out this link on the NHS website, they're pretty useful!

    Thanks for this link, I just started C25K this past week and found that timing myself was a pain.....Tried the nhs link and loved it. You can include me in the group also.
  • DuckieMom
    DuckieMom Posts: 22 Member
    Add me to the list... I need the motivation and accountability to run again. I know it is good for my body! I will start on Monday.
  • Newf77
    Newf77 Posts: 802 Member
    Going to start this program again this week.
  • alyson820
    alyson820 Posts: 448 Member
    I just started this today! I'm doing the Color Run on August 25, so it's perfect to train for!
  • Hjbaker
    Hjbaker Posts: 165 Member
    I am in! Just got a new pair of trainers yesterday and can't wait to put some mileage on them :)