You face looks too thin......



  • kittyhorn
    kittyhorn Posts: 112 Member
    I agree: Jealousy. There's a person in my life that told me I was "obsessed" when I started. Now she tells people that I dress nice when I go out for the boys ( I couldn't care less about what the boys think). Jealousy is a funny thing.

    Keep at it! You're doing great!
  • mamasyd
    mamasyd Posts: 80 Member
    I started hearing those things when I was about 25-30 pounds out from my goal. At that point, I was wearing a size 12 and it wasn't about what size I was. I, also, wanted a BMI that was in the normal range.

    Since I have lost so much weight, one of the things that I have to consider is the weight of the excess skin that I now carry. The doctor said that it might be 25 pounds or more, even up to 40! If I factor that in to the BMI (taking off 25 pounds to consider that as my "real" weight), I am still within the normal range.

    The truth is that most of the folks saying those things were also extremely overweight. They had been very encouraging early on in my efforts, but began to feel a bit threatened by the success. Having now reached my goal and wearing size 6 (and feeling great) they are no longer making the unkind comments. I know that they genuinely care about me. Sometimes people just can't deal with their own issues very well.
  • Raenstoirm
    Raenstoirm Posts: 5
    To me you are "lucky." My mother is constantly on me about my weight. Even when I was bikini bodied, I heard from her about how large I was. "You would be so pretty if you dropped 20lbs." Thanks mom. No wonder I have issues with food! :explode:

    Congrats on the loss. That is awesome!
  • xButterflyEffectx
    xButterflyEffectx Posts: 40 Member
    What mama said ^ plus, no one has noticed my loss. They don't even comment when I point it out to them.
  • goldfinger88
    goldfinger88 Posts: 686 Member
    Do you have a small frame, medium or large. A lot of how you look at a given weight depends on that. I'm 5' 1" and weigh 139.8 (might as well say 140) and it looks just slightly overweight but not a big deal because I have a large frame. My goal weight is 135. That's where, at my age and frame, I feel and look good.

    But just going by the numbers you gave, you're not at all too thin. Only pay attention to what people say when it's of benefit to you. Don't let what they say affect how you feel about yourself or what your personal goals are. Now, if you were "really" too thin, that would be different. But you're not.
  • CynGoddess
    CynGoddess Posts: 188 Member
    I could have writen every bit of that. The "diet" part always ticks me off. has taken a long time for me to convince just a few people I am not on a diet, this is my way of life. Just let it go in one ear and out the other. do what you want to so you feel good about yourself.
  • SexyCook
    SexyCook Posts: 2,249 Member
    Sadly we all hear that from someone....For the most part if I had listened to many that said I didn't need to lose anything I would not be the person inside and out that I am.....I hear the any more weight loss and you are going to blow away....Some mean well...and others Haters....Do what's comfortable for you and when you have that confidence you have a come back for them...I know I do.....Keep doing an awesome job until you are satisfied with yourself...
  • evansproudmama
    evansproudmama Posts: 493 Member
    I get the same thing.. my sister in law and my mother in law look at me like im nuts when I say I want to lose another 35-40lbs (I lost 50lbs already with the help of another site I was at 210lbs when I started) Im like I still weigh 175lbs theres no way that 35-40 is such a crazy goal.. they are both super skinny so I dont know if they want me to be the "fat" in law or if they just dont realize how much I currently weigh.. anywho Id say your family is jealous and you do whats gonna make you happy! I agree that a healthy BMI is whats important and BTW CONGRATS on your success!!!!
  • belle_74
    belle_74 Posts: 954 Member
    Well done on your loss! You have done so well.

    We have very similar stats! I am 5 ft 2 and at my heaviest was 187 lbs. I have lost 38 lbs since the beginning of the year with another 14lbs to go before I hit my first goal weight of 135lbs, which puts me in the top end of a healthy BMI for my height. My ultimate goal weight is 125 lbs too (but that is my goal for next year :)! I have been 125 lbs before and I would not have described myself as skinny at that weight!

    I'm starting to get the same from people too - especially my parents and my sister in law. If I heard once last weekend that I have lost 'tonnes' of weight and I am fading away (I am hardly fading away - I am overweight!) I heard it a hundred times! I kept saying, 'really - I haven't lost too much weight since I saw you last but I have lost inches so that must be it' ... it is like it is almost acceptable to lose inches but not lbs!

    It is also beginning to annoy me when people ask me what 'weight' I am now or how much weight I have lost - really I don't think it is anyone else's business! I know lots of people who have lost weight recently and when I see them I say things like 'you look great', 'your looking well', or 'look at you ...' and if they want to tell me how much weight they have lost, what they are doing to lose weight etc. then that is up to them. I would never ask some straight out how much weight they have lost but then again that is just me :smile:

    I think your goals are very realistic! Best of luck ...
  • janey1306
    janey1306 Posts: 83
    im 5ft 2 and aiming for the same weight. Its in the middle of the healthy bmi, ive been that weight before and was happy with it, ive weighed less, but i was much younger and was happy with it then, but think its to thin for me now. Im no where near there yet, so havent been told anything like that, I have been told that im aiming to lose to much though, i think though they dont realise just how much I weigh
  • 19kat55
    19kat55 Posts: 336 Member
    If you continue to lose more weight, you will look older!! Are you sure you eat enough? You have to be close to your stopping point? Dont you think you are already thin enough?? I think you should worry more about maintaining then losing more!! You will start to look sickly!! Oh, I know you won't eat this, because of you DIET!! Blah Blah. This is all within the last five days from family, friends, co-workers. I really get sick of hearing this consistently from certain people. First of all, I am not on a DIET, I am on a life style change and I choose to eat healthier and not gorge on food all the time. I am 39 years old, 5'2" tall and weight 138.5lbs. I would not consider myself TOO THIN. I have a goal of reaching the a healthy BMI for my size. Which I would consider 125lbs would reach that goal for me. I am going to the Dr on Monday to get my BMI tested at my current weight to get an idea at were I stand, since I tend to run on the more muscular side then most people, (have all my life). I have loss 39.5 lbs since January (From my heaviest it more like 46.5lbs). I am super Proud of myself . It has taken alot of hard work and determination to get to this point. Just wish certain people in my life were my supportive. :-(. I can say that my Husband is not one of the above and is extremely supportive. Must of this is coming from my Mom and Sisters.

    Has anyone else experienced the same situations?

    All the time! I just smile and tell them I have a few more to lose and will stop when I am considered healthy by the charts.
  • mogriff1
    mogriff1 Posts: 325 Member
    Congrats on your success! Yes, I've heard it from mom and sis....not as extreme, but they both agreed I need to stop where I am and dont lose anymore weight. LOL

    I am 38 (and 7 months), 5'3" and currently weigh 134 lbs. (Starting Weight 148lbs (Jan 2012), Goal weight is 130lbs).

    I think maybe they are just not used to the new you. Well, they just better get used to it huh? That's how I feel LOL (take it with a grain of salt, everybody has opinions....just ask them to keep theirs to themselves if they can't say something positive).
  • esphixiet
    esphixiet Posts: 214 Member
    sadly our society doesn't really have good role models for what healthy weight actually means, or looks like. Plus, people get used to the way you're "supposed" to look, i.e. how you've looked for x period. When that changes, I think it's the unfamiliarity of a slimmer face or physique that startles them into comments like, "you should stop losing weight".

    You just keep doing what you're doing and ignore the rest :)
  • MzAJ2012
    MzAJ2012 Posts: 47
    I hear you I have been getting some of those same comments and I just say keep watching me its more to come most people are dealing with some issues of there own take there negative response and turn them into positive ones for your self
  • darrcn5
    darrcn5 Posts: 495 Member
    Heck, I just wish some of my family members would even notice I have lost weight! I guess I am going to have to get to my goal weight for someone to notice.
  • penny39
    penny39 Posts: 266 Member
    I am 5' 3" and aiming for 135! I think people get jealous because you are doing something they can't! You should hear the comments I get! I have a bubble butt that is starting to stand out more now that I am getting smaller and all the haters are making comments!
  • rm830
    rm830 Posts: 531 Member
    I don't tell anyone my goal anymore because I get the "you'll look sick" "that's not healthy" "you'll kill yourself working out so much" "you need to stop going to the gym, 1 or 2 days is more than enough" "you're a mom, you're supposed to be big" ugh!!
  • shamr0ck
    shamr0ck Posts: 296 Member
    Heh. My inlaws were giving me a hard time about all the workouts i do. My MiL said something to the effect of "what do you want, to look like the women on the cover of those fitness magazines?" I said "not exactly. I just want to look good naked". This, while we were sitting at the table during a family dinner.

    Strangely enough, i've not heard anything else from them about it. :D
  • 1DEH
    1DEH Posts: 23
    One word for your commenters, honey. Jealousy.

    You are doing a great thing for your health, and you just keep on keepin' on! :flowerforyou:

  • LynC33
    LynC33 Posts: 196
    If im overweight, I get those "looks". You know when they try and be subtle when they eye you up and down in disgust? Or its the "now dont go overboard, you dont want to get too skinny." Cant win!!