You face looks too thin......



  • natalie412
    natalie412 Posts: 1,039 Member
    I was wondering if I was going to look older. I am 41 and 5' 5.5"was 181 or so at my highest, now am 135, and all the comments I get are on how much younger I look. While it is possible that you may have a couple lines on your face that are more pronounced (probably not though), the overall effect is going to be that you look younger. Trust me!! The extra weight is what generally makes most of us look more matronly and older.

    Don't listen to them. I am assuming they are overweight, or they wouldn't be making those comments. They are just using their own excused on you to make themselves feel better.
    MOYESBL Posts: 1
    I have had this myself and like you mostly family and work colleagues.
    It is hard especially when you are on a quest to better yourself and it is a lifestyle change and choice.
    The way I tackled it was by nicely telling them that they were entitled to their opinion but mentally there words of discouragement were not helping me mentally. I showed them the BMI chart and said "where to you fit on this" because medically this is where I should be. You know it worked as they cant argue against that.
    Best of luck and stay true to yourself. if you are fit and well and the GP gives you the thumbs up then you are doing something right.
  • Denjo060
    Denjo060 Posts: 1,008
    the only one that tells me I dont need to lose anymore weight and Im beautiful is my mom LOL gotta love moms She also tellsme I should work out so hard she doesnt want me to have a heart attack :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :flowerforyou: :blushing: Love you mom
  • Klamber26
    Klamber26 Posts: 212
    Same story here.

    I remember a time when my grandma hurt my feelings by saying "Sweetie, you don't really need to eat another hot dog..." Now it's, don't lose any more weight, you'll be too skinny!

    My favorite was my mother saying, "You just need to accept that you'll never be a size 6, that's just how our family is built."

    Bottom line--don't listen. If losing weight is making you a happier person, then nothing they say should influence it. I agree that it is just jealousy.
  • ARDuBaie
    ARDuBaie Posts: 378 Member
    "Thanks for the concern, but my weight loss isn't really up for discussion."

  • I heard it all before when I lost weight, even heard my own family talking behind my back saying I must be on drugs, which I was not, I let it upset me so much I gained it all back and then some, this time when they talk I am just gonna remind myself, I am doing this for me and for my children , besides they are most likely talking because they themselves need to do something about weight, I know it is hard but I am just gonna ignore it and do what my Dr. told me to do if I wanna live long enough to have grand-kids someday. Good luck and don't let it drag you down.
  • Chameleone
    Chameleone Posts: 281 Member
    I know the feeling, It hasn't been as bad lately tho. But from a young age my family always had things to say about my weight, when I was like 8-11 I was too skinny, and I think that was what started my bad eating habits, then once i hit puberty I was chunky, then recently I lost weight and after losing 10 pounds my sisters and mom were like "You're okay now." Then I lost 10 more and my sisters are still saying I'm okay, but my uncle was asking me if I was sick or something....At this point I just ignore it and focus on how I feel about myself... and right now it's pretty damn good
  • Chameleone
    Chameleone Posts: 281 Member
    Also sometimes it's not really out of jealousy, it's just that they are so used to seeing you at the size that you were that it will take a while for the size that you are/will be to look natural to them...they adjust pretty slow...
  • Asiral
    Asiral Posts: 133
    "Thanks for the concern, but my weight loss isn't really up for discussion."

    ^^^^^ Great! I will be using this when I lose enough weight to have haters.
  • Brandicaloriecountess
    Brandicaloriecountess Posts: 2,126 Member
    I get a lot of comments when I tell people I want to lose another 8-12 pounds. But I know what I want so I ignore it!
  • meldaniel
    meldaniel Posts: 111
    oh you get closer to being at your goal weight people will become critical and tell you "you don't need to diet", "you don't need to work out", etc, etc. I have decided that everyone, no matter how fit and slim and trim, needs to watch what they eat...perhaps not diet but make healthy choices every day. The same for working out! EVERYONE should exercise, and often! Our bodies were designed for it. When I hear things like that I just smile and use the famous southern dismiss..."Oh, aren't you sweet.... bless your heart. " :)
  • arojas1227
    arojas1227 Posts: 56 Member
    I'm sorry. I totally know how you feel; my entire family is overweight/obese and I've seen how they get when others have lost weight. Not sure about your family, but I know mine comes at least a little bit out of jealousy.
  • MILICA1986
    MILICA1986 Posts: 168 Member
    My grandma told me the other day that I looked like a blonde insect!
    Today, she said I look fantastic and that she had never said those words. Bless her...she is 95!:bigsmile:
  • FrostyFour
    FrostyFour Posts: 262
    I try to not even talk about it because I'm so sick of my eating habits being talked about like they have a say in it. Just like when you're pregnant, everyone wants to tell you, you can't name the baby that, don't eat that, eat more, don't lift your arms above your head or you'll strangle the baby...

    So I'm not saying S***!

    My husband did tell me to change my weight goal because he thought it was too low (110 at 5'4") and I agreed and changed it. But other than that, I tell people to go worry about something else!

    Last night we were doing Yoga and MIL came in and turned on a bunch of loud stuff so we couldn't hear the TV and kept doing stuff blocking our view so we decided to give up. She said "Wow you guys sure give up easy." I told her to shut up and go eat some butter lol
  • TrailRunner61
    TrailRunner61 Posts: 2,505 Member
    I hear the same stuff from my family, and they are all fat. I'm 5ft 3, started in Jan at 179 and I've lost 33lbs, I feel awesome. I also want to get down to a healthy 125 so i have another 23lbs to go. I just brush it off as if they just don't want me to be thinner than them, which is odd, because even as fat as I was, I was still thinner than them all!
    Just ignore them.
  • ARDuBaie
    ARDuBaie Posts: 378 Member
    With family members, I won't discuss weight issues. The last time I did, I had to listen to my sister tell me how fat I have been all my life (I wasn't overweight until I hit highschool) and how the BMI scale is not accurate for her because of various reasons, including she is big bone, that she has a different metabolism, that she can carry the weight at her height, and that she can't lose weight at her age. She's only two years older than me. Yet, the BMI scale is accurate for me. Funny that.

    Then, she goes on about how I am losing it too fast. Really, 40 pounds in 7 months is too fast? Or how I shouldn't be lifting heavy and how I should go about lifting. Like she is doing that! She hasn't seen me in a year and feels that she is the authority on my weight loss efforts.

    So now, I am going to just tell them to that discussions about my weight loss is off limits. It just is a losing subject with my family. My coworkers are okay with my weight loss. My friends, well, they like to eat out a lot so I am having problems with them realizing that there are better things to do than eating out all the time. Like walking the dogs or just taking a hike.
  • kylakesgal
    kylakesgal Posts: 952 Member
    Kuddos to you!! You have done an amazing job! I agree this is a lifestyle change for me also:) And yes I've gotten all that crap too from supposed to be family and friends. All I can figure, is that they are just jealous because I know also I'm not too thin either. I know that i'm still a work in progress and I just ignore any comments like that. I don't think I"ve gotten even ONE compliment from family and friends other than my husband (and he had better be nice)!! Just don't let it bother you and know that you are doing what it takes to be healthy and fit:) Keep doing what you are doing! Here's to a healthier us:):)
    Btw, you look incredible:)!!
  • MsQt
    MsQt Posts: 793 Member
    Oh I know this all to well. I feel like everyone around me is against me except for my trainer and my pals on here. Thank goodness I'm not living my life to make them happy! :happy:
  • heidikat72
    heidikat72 Posts: 42 Member
    haters gonna hate...they are just jealous and trying to justify their own unhealthy habits
  • gcanter
    gcanter Posts: 194 Member
    Somebody has what somebody else wants! If you are big, you here about that. If you are thin you hear about that. You have to be happy with you. It's hard when family gives no support, but your lifestyle change is for you,right? Its not for them. I just smile and say thanks. It makes them mad and they leave me alone. Just keep at it! You're doing great!