some serious support needed. tears are falling



  • mmk2988
    mmk2988 Posts: 43
    Don't worry... BMI Scale vary from what is actual..
    You need to lower just 2 points.. you already reduced 70 Pounds. it is not so big to reduce just 2 points in BMI
  • k2charmed4u
    k2charmed4u Posts: 282
    The problem with BMI is it's generic and the problem with that is no-one is the same. You've have done a fabulous job in shifting the lbs and you should be very proud of yourself. You've made yourself fitter, healthier and only you can feel that and only your body can show and tell you that not a standard BMI graph. It doesn't take into consideration bone density, water retetion etc.

    You just have to remember that you've made a HUGE achievement and you should be proud. Keep your chin up hun, we're all here for you :flowerforyou:
  • donna_glasgow
    donna_glasgow Posts: 869 Member
    I went to my doc to tell him I was over weight and he just looked at me and said "theres nothing wrong with you why are you worried"

    My BMI was starting to reach the obese range at the time ..... he couldnt believe the scales or the BMI chart when he worked it out for himself and told me not to worry and stay healthy .....

    Ignore the numbers use a mirror x
  • janey1306
    janey1306 Posts: 83
    You should be so proud of yourself... you really do look good in your pic. You have achieved so much, either dont look at your bmi or take pleasure in seeing it go down xxx
  • furby1
    furby1 Posts: 114 Member
    The older I've got, the more that I realise that what is important in life is how you feel about yourself, are you happy with who you are right now. The answer for me is that as a person yes I am happy, I like who I am, who I have become over the years.
    OK i am obese according to the BMI scale, weight scales and also by looking in the mirror (!), I am also unhealthy, and have no energy. A lot is due to health issues, but I cannot blame all my weight on that. I know that by loosing some weight and trying to do some form of exercise I will hopefully feel fitter, have maybe less pain and be more energetic.
    My goal is to look in the mirror and be able to smile at what I see. Yes I will hopefully not be obese then, but I know I will still be classed as what, it's just a term, it doesn't define who I am. I will never be the "right" weight, but it doesn't matter.
    You were happy with yourself, you'd done so well and were not only less weight but feeling fit and sexy...go girl, you are that person.
    You looked in the mirror and smiled...keep on smiling and be proud of what you've done, be happy with who you are right now because you've done so well and look great, don't let anything but yourself define who and what you are.
  • Elf_Princess1210
    Elf_Princess1210 Posts: 895 Member
    ((hugs)) sometimes it's hard to lose sight of your accomplishments,especially when you think you're doing well and something like thi shows up. Try not to let the numbers define you. 70 lbs is quite a significant amount! And it's only 15lbs. You can lose it, you've come this far!