What is the best thing about losing weight for you?



  • SomeMorr
    SomeMorr Posts: 220 Member
    Also being able to give away 14 grocery bags full of "fat" clothes to Goodwill. Tax write off, helps others and makes me feel awesome!
  • billgiersberg
    billgiersberg Posts: 163
    For me, it is the fight.
    I am seeing guys and girls my age who have to use those eletric shopping cart things when at the grocery store.
    They only get up to grab the oreos or potato chips.
    I am not going to be that guy.
    I am going to be the "old guy" still out there surfing and teaching my children (and, one day, grandchildren) how to surf.


    Going to a restaurant and not feeling guilty. I see so many guys (and gals) going into those places that should be embarassed to order anything more than a salad. I use to be one of them. Now I don't mind getting a smaller cut of meat and steamed veggies instead of a loaded baked potato.

    Going to Wally World and parkinf way off and walking in and thanking God that He helped me to have a little more respect for myself so that I'm not riding the Hover-rounds snagging Oreos of the shelf.... pitiful.

    My son commented to me that in his work in a hospital, he has noted that he never sees old fat people. That is, he does not see people in their 90's lugging around a fat gut. He sees only old thin people. So we all have to ask ourselves if we would rather live 10 or 15 extra years and see the grandchildren get married or if we want to spend that time riding Hover-rounds at Wally World snagging Oreos and die early after spending what should be the best time of our lives strugging to get our pants on.

    The best part about losing weight for me is I'm looking forward to a long retirement and I intend to live it up!
  • philco41
    philco41 Posts: 68 Member
    Finally being able to lose the weight I'd been saying for years I wanted to lose, dropping a pants size, lowering total cholesterol to 140, triglycerides to 74, cutting my diabetes meds (hope to be able to eliminate them soon...) At 71, it's about time..., but better late than never.
  • k2charmed4u
    k2charmed4u Posts: 282
    Being able to look at myself and think "yeah i look great for the first time" also doing activities without getting out of breathe i.e. running.

    Most of all proving to myself that I can do it and I am doing it. Every pound lost is a mini victory :happy:
  • shar140
    shar140 Posts: 1,158 Member
    Better looking clothes (and looking better in them)

    As a female being in the 100s instead of 200s feels awesome. I was 200+ for the last 14 years (and most of that time I was between 220-250).

    Feeling stronger - strength training 3x a week with progressive weight increases, I can see my biceps and waist getting defined

    Not having to worry about exceeding the weight limit on certain things, I went kayaking for the first time a couple weeks ago and i would have never done that when I was bigger b/c I would have been too scared of embarrassing myself by being too big.

    These are all true for me, as well!

    Not just weight limits, but fitting into airplane seats comfortably!, roller coasters, etc!

    I can feel my hipbones!!

    And definitely more confidence in myself, as others mentioned.
  • jennifer52484
    jennifer52484 Posts: 888 Member
    Finding out that it is possible for me to have a flat stomach.

    I have a more positive outlook on life.
  • MissC787
    MissC787 Posts: 175 Member
    controlling and reversing the diabetes. had it, took meds, it got better, no longer have it or take meds for it. everything else is just gravy

    That's AWESOME!! :) Way to go!

    For me it is proving to myself I can do this! It inspires me to keep on going, keep pushing, and keep on working. I also have seen family members (that I didn't think would be) be REALLY supportive, and happy for me.
  • LondonEliza
    LondonEliza Posts: 456 Member
    Im much more confident and happy; went on two dates this week!

    WOO-HOO! and were either of them deserving of a 2nd date? (I am SO nosy :)
  • dperich1968
    dperich1968 Posts: 235 Member
    Becoming one of the people that I've always admired..the person who gets up early to go for a run and actually finds it enjoyable!

    check - I have always wanted to be a runner and now I am!! Love that I have accomplished this goal.

    Knowing I will be a healthy Nana, inspiring my children to stay healthy, being a sexy wife.
  • KyleB65
    KyleB65 Posts: 1,196 Member
    My list is long!

    But for the important things:

    I am a happier & nicer person with my family!!

    I have an abundance of energy that is allowing me to truly enjoy my life.

    And, although I still have a long way to go with this, my self confidence has dramatically improved!
  • MelissR75
    MelissR75 Posts: 760 Member
    New, smaller clothes and not being ashamed to walk around naked! lol :tongue:
  • f1ctional
    f1ctional Posts: 235
    It has only been almost 30 days for me. The first week was rather dreary. The weeks following were insane. My energy levels probably have quadrupled. It can only get better here on out. MFP probably changed my life and will be the driving force on reaching my goal.

    Yesterday my 11 year old told me I was "more fun now". So I take that as complimentary I guess. hehe
  • cheree1969
    cheree1969 Posts: 98 Member
    For the first time in years, being able to shop in the non-plus size clothes. Had to buy myself some new clothes for summer. My old ones didn't fit anymore. Oh....and buying much smaller undies!:blushing:
  • k2charmed4u
    k2charmed4u Posts: 282
    Im much more confident and happy; went on two dates this week!

    That's great :happy: that was another motivator for me a few years back when I felt to embarrassed to date because of my weight I had no confidence. But I lost loads back then (56lbs) and I went on loads of dates and found my now husband. It's such a huge boost :wink:
  • umachanxo
    umachanxo Posts: 926 Member
    Confidence in myself and my body.
    Increased energy.
    More positive attitude.
    I now do not participate in skinny hate, and am ashamed I ever did now that I know what it takes to stay fit!
  • cavewoman15
    cavewoman15 Posts: 278 Member
    throwing all my clothes in the dryer and not worrying about them shrinking!
  • bradXdale
    bradXdale Posts: 399
    My personal health. To have the ripped body I want one day, and most importantly my fiance and I have plans to have kids one day, I want to look banging hot on my wedding day, plus I want to be a healthy dad. I see too many fathers at theme parks & restaurants and places out that are overweight fathers. It's a bad habit, who wants to tell their son or daughter they are too big to ride on a rollercoaster, or out of breathe to chase them around the backyard? Not this guy!
  • sisierra
    sisierra Posts: 707 Member
    I'm loving the changes I'm seeing in my body, therefore I'm becoming more confident and comfortable in my skin =)
  • SomeMorr
    SomeMorr Posts: 220 Member
    Better looking clothes (and looking better in them)

    As a female being in the 100s instead of 200s feels awesome. I was 200+ for the last 14 years (and most of that time I was between 220-250).

    Feeling stronger - strength training 3x a week with progressive weight increases, I can see my biceps and waist getting defined

    Not having to worry about exceeding the weight limit on certain things, I went kayaking for the first time a couple weeks ago and i would have never done that when I was bigger b/c I would have been too scared of embarrassing myself by being too big.

    These are all true for me, as well!

    Not just weight limits, but fitting into airplane seats comfortably!, roller coasters, etc!

    I can feel my hipbones!!

    And definitely more confidence in myself, as others mentioned.

    I can attest to the roller coaster thing too. One time the seat belt was twisted on this one ride and the attendant didnt realize it, so the belt wasnt able to lock on my seat so I had to get off the ride. I tried to tell the kid but he was on autopilot so he was just like "it wont lock we cant let you ride". That was the worst, especially with all the people in line watching as I had leave.
  • annafonte
    annafonte Posts: 82 Member
    For me, I'm happy in general. When I exercise, I feel it's an achievement afterwards. Looking better, feeling better, self-esteem and confidence happy. A massive increase in energy and sleeping much better at nights and of course buying smaller sized clothes.

    I could go on and on about this but you get the jist :D