Wellbutrin and weight loss



  • ShannonG0306
    ShannonG0306 Posts: 3 Member
    I have been on welbutrin 300 xl for 3 months now and have gained almost 10 pounds taking it. Which is depress I no me more after losing 122 lbs this last year.
  • laurelhitchin
    I lost close to 20 pounds on wellbutrin over the course of a year, and kept it off for 3 years. I think it's partly because of the medication itself and partly because I felt better so I took better care of myself. After a few years I switched to zoloft and gained it all back, so I would just caution you to be careful when you eventually get off of it. Good luck!
  • MarkC1963
    MarkC1963 Posts: 51 Member
    I take 300 mg of Wellbutrin as an antidepressant as such runs in my family genes. Wellbutrin helped me lose weight when I transitioned to it exclusively a few years ago from other drugs like Zoloft which caused weight gain. It seems to give me a spark of energy as well as keeping my mood light. I highly recommend it.
  • deezo16
    deezo16 Posts: 7
    hey guys ive been on wellbutrin for about 4 and a half months and lost a total of 80lbs crazy but true and that is without any effort at all hope this helps
  • TheUnwritten
    TheUnwritten Posts: 158 Member
    I'm taking Sandoz HCL 100 mg twice a day which is generic Wellburtrin. I've been on it close to a month. The first week I felt amazing. Lots of energy and my appetite was pretty much gone. I had to force my self to eat something. I did have some pretty weird side effects. I would feel like I was gonna have a panic attack when I would stop at lights while driving. It was pretty scary also had headaches. I cut out caffeine to see if that would help it did. I lost 4 lbs so far. I binge on the weekends alot which I'm working really hard on. Don;t have much of a willpower seeing my pregnant wife eat whatever she wants and I give in and eat way more than I should. I've noticed now I got some of my appetite back and I have on and off days when I feel tired and some days I feel wired. I'm gonna see if I can get a increase on the pill on my next appointment. So far I really like wellbrutin. Its my first AD. I was suggested Celexia at first from my doctor but I refused it. My brother had crazy side effects from that and gained 40 lbs!
  • corinne1977
    corinne1977 Posts: 144 Member
    I've been on the generic Wellbutrin for 2.5 weeks now. I'm taking 150mg twice a day. So far it has given me more energy and suppressed my appetite as well as helping with my depression. I've been counting calories and I'm lucky if I eat 1000 cal/day. I also run 2-4 miles a day. Just curious as to when does the weight loss kick in or will it.
  • shed50kg
    shed50kg Posts: 69 Member
    One of my family members is always on a diet and suffers from depression, is wellbutrin a good option for her? What is the recommended dosage to start with? And, is it best taken in the morning or evening?
  • strawberrycoconut87
    strawberrycoconut87 Posts: 19 Member
    Just a heads up that Wellbutrin does nothing for anxiety. I asked to be switched a couple years ago but I had to go off it and just go back to all Celexa because I have anxiety along with depression.
  • 100acrepiglet
    100acrepiglet Posts: 1 Member
    "One of my family members is always on a diet and suffers from depression, is wellbutrin a good option for her? What is the recommended dosage to start with? And, is it best taken in the morning or evening?"

    There are never guarantees that an antidepressant will work for someone. Wellbutrin does work for a lot of people for depression (not so much anxiety), and in many people it does have the effect of curbing appetite somewhat. I don't know of many who have gained weight on Wellbutrin -- people usually lose a little (especially at the beginning).

    Paxil and Celexa are known to cause weight gain, so if that is a concern to your family member, advise the person not to try Paxil or Celexa because putting on those pounds is awful. I gained almost 40 pounds on Paxil in just a couple months.
  • kelseyg22
    kelseyg22 Posts: 25 Member
    I don't know about Wellbutrin being an appetite suppressant... I have continually been on wellbutrin (several years now), both while at my heaviest over a year ago and currently now at my goal weight....I do not think that it messes at all with the effort you will put into your weight loss......
    Do not look for this change in meds to be a quick fix.....but it shouldn't make you gain any weight :) Good luck in your efforts and stay strong!!
  • holliebevineau
    holliebevineau Posts: 441 Member
    Celexa made me crave sugar like a mad woman!! Wellbutrin caused insomnia and the trazadone gave me nightmares and cotton mouth. I am not taking anything now. I can't deal with the side effects. I am slowly breaking my OCD habits.
  • beautyforashes777
    yeah, I also gained about as much as your brother on Celexa. I was on it for 2 years. Now I'm off of it and on Wellbutrin. It's great!
  • beautyforashes777
    I think you should consult with a psychiatrist to be safe.
  • I was on wellbutrin for about 11 years. I recently weaned off of it (last week being my final pill) and have gained about 10lbs (possibly more, I'm scared to look) since starting my wean (so since april). I have been logging on to mfp religiously for over 40 days, eating 1200 calories a day (with some cheat days) and NOTHING. It's really disheartening!! I don't want this to be the hill I die on, because otherwise, things are GREAT!
  • LaReinaDeCorazones
    I was on both wellbutrin and celexa. ..I guess I was lucky because the 2 times I was on celexa alone I lost weight and just kept on losing when I was on both.
  • stillhere1981
    stillhere1981 Posts: 119 Member
    I did lose some weight when I started Wellbutrin, but the appetite suppression wore off after a while.

    Be very very careful with Wellbutrin. It can cause seizures. I had a seizure about a year and a half ago after being on Wellbutrin for many months. The doctors were pretty sure the Wellbutrin caused it because I had no history of prior seizures.
  • peacemongernc
    peacemongernc Posts: 253 Member
    I took Wellburtrin more than 20 years ago when I weighed over 300 pounds and dropped 40 pounds in 6 months without even trying. I felt SOOOOOO much better that I had energy to do more. I actually kept most of it off for a while. I quit taking it when I was pregnant with my first child (who is now 18) and gradually gained back about 10 pounds with each of the 3 babies I had, and gained back the last 10 I had lost when the last one finally weaned.

    Aside from the crazy sweating I did about 30 min after I took each dose, it was the easiest 40 pounds I ever lost!
  • AGAthanas
    Most doctors are loathe to put their patients on the maximum dosage of 450 mg/day because of the risk of seizures. But I have been on 300 mg per day for probably 7 years now (which only barely addressed the depression and did nothing for weight loss) and it wasn't until I went to 450 that my appetite got under control. Maybe 450 was the magic number for me. I hope it lasts.
  • Athijade
    Athijade Posts: 3,280 Member
    May talk to my psych about Wellbutrin because the Lexapro is not really doing anything. I still have no energy, am anxious all the time, and have been having even more trouble with my depression. My aunt is on Wellbutrin and has had a ton of success on it. Just thinking the Lexapro isn't for me.
  • esaucier17
    esaucier17 Posts: 694 Member
    I have been on Lexapro and Celexa....hated both. Gained weight,made me moody and affected my sex life!
    I've been on Welbutrin for about a year now. I love it. I didn't gain weight and it helped my anxiety a lot.