for those who are entirely comfortable in their skin...



  • tistal
    tistal Posts: 869 Member
    I am pretty comfortable in my own skin. Not 100% but getting there. But I feel uncomfortable when I wear makeup. I dont know why. I wear it about once a year when my hubs and I go out for our anniversary dinner. lol It takes time and you have to get things straight in your head to make progress and surround yourself with good people!
  • fluffysexyme
    fluffysexyme Posts: 104 Member
    Wow hunny... I don't even know where to start. Lets address people calling you out your name: 1- It's not what someone calls you, it's what you answer to. Number 2- no one would ever talk sideways to me and think that is ok and you shouldn't let then do it to you. I love me some me and while my body might not be perfect and I might not be the most beautiful thing on this earth, I'm all I have at the end of the day and if I don't love me, then who can or will? You have got to stand firm and say to your co worker(s) STFU! If you don't have confidence, fake it til you make it because that is unacceptable. You need to get up every day and look in the mirror and say "I'm fabulous" or "I love me some me" or "dammit I'm hot!" until you believe it. As far as the person you are living with... EFF THAT! They don't have the right to abuse you because they're helping you. I love my mama more than words but I will respectfully stand my ground and if necessary (and there has been occasion) get very flippant and kinda mean. I have told her before I'm your child but I'm not a child and it is not ok for you to talk to me as if I were on when I'm raising a child of my own. I would start making other arrangements right now so that as soon as you can you can get your own space. Even if that means renting a room somewhere. It's not worth it to be crapped on daily.

    Bottom line, love, you dictate what is acceptable behavior from the people in your life. You set the bar and maintain the standard. You have to decide what those standards are. Write a list. Stick it on your door and read it every day out loud until you really believe it. But I guarantee that simple action will change dramatically how you feel about yourself.
  • km_jenn
    km_jenn Posts: 107
    I suffered from low self-esteem for a long time and it can be overcome. I went on a spiritual, physical, and mental journey of healing. For me it first started with my spiritual life. I needed to connect with God and find my path to peace. I had to get an understanding of who I was and whose I was, now I am not talking religion I am talking live my life for Christ. I realized that in order to love me I had to love the one who created me. Then I started to heal and find uncover where the low self-esteem came from, some was childhood trauma, others resulted from bad relationships. Once I started to cover the source I could heal in the inside,

    Then I worked on the outside. I began to live healthy by working out and making better food choices and I have gone from a 20/22 to a 12/14 which is great start. Although my body is not perfect I love me and that cannot be taking from me. I walk with confidence and I still have some things that I need to deal with but I finally don't care what others think, it is all about me.

    I am finishing my master's degree to keep my mind strong. Discipline in every area of your life is essential. So I discipline my spirit by spending quality time with God. I discipline my body by eating healthy and working out on a schedule. I discipline my mind by concentrating in school, reading new things on a regular basis, and focusing my thoughts to weed out the negative and think positive.

    Living my life whole: Mind, Body, and Soul!

    I love this! Good for you girl, that sounds just like my journey. I don't think it will ever be over, but that is okay, I'm to the point now I embrace it and enjoy it. Most of all, it has changed my life.
  • amy_fulk
    amy_fulk Posts: 69
    I'm only 20 and have literally been completely comfortable with myself since January. I have five different auto-immune diseases that made me go through numerous surgeries, treatments and medications that made my hair/eyebrows fall out, I gained 30 lbs and I had to give up my entire full ride volleyball scholarship in the middle of my season! I grew up as the loner and was nicknamed "the ugly girl." Last fall I became extremely depressed to the point of being suicidal-I didnt want to deal with my diseases any longer.

    Working out and doing a lot of advocacy has really helped me a lot. Last month I went to see a physical therapist/psychologist who is simply amazing! She's already taught me to not let the words of others get to me and that I cant let negative things control my life. I've learned to focus on my studies (Pre-Med), keeping my body healthy for my diseases, being strong spiritually and staying close to the people I love.

    Do what makes you happy. Surround yourself with people that feed off of positive energy instead of nagging about other's. And most impotantly, be the person you would want to meet. xx