In need of advice/tips. Please no preaching.



  • crisanderson27
    crisanderson27 Posts: 5,343 Member
    I agree!
    You should really do your own thread for the workout! And if I get a chance to do before and after pics with it I'll gladly share with everyone! =)

    Thanks :).

    There's a link in my profile to my progress workout is discussed there some.

    Remember though...overworking is FAR worse for your body than underworking. When I first began this...I felt like I wasn't working enough!! The people I learned it from told me ', go play with your active...but don't do this more than 3x a week, your results will be impacted'.

    And they were right.
  • em9371
    em9371 Posts: 1,047 Member
    Op - if you can't eat enough cals try adding high cal but small volume foods - 50g nuts is 400 cals with healthy fats and protein which will get you to your target cals.
    Looks like you need to work on body composition rather than losing weight which means weight training at maintenance or a very small deficit. The program cris posted looks fantastic if you can't get to a gym.

    Cris - thats an amazing change in 3 months, well done!!!

    Aww thanks!

    Seriously's not a difficult program to follow, and it usually leaves you feeling energized rather than worn (after you recover for a short bit lol). I loved it while doing it...and still switch back to it every couple months for a challenge. My current gym/weight workout is based directly on what I was doing at home.

    It's good to see what can be done without a gym. A lot of people go for stuff like 30ds DVD with teeny dumbells for home weight training, when really that's more cardio.
    You should make a seperate topic with your workout, it would help a lot of people get their home workouts right :-)

    Do you have any suggestions for lower body exercises that don't put any strain on the knee? I'm currently unable to do squats / lunges / leg extension or curls, so ive been pretty stuck for any kind of leg workout :-(

    The problem with lower body workouts, is that your body is designed in such a way that in order to utilize those muscles...your knee has to bend.

    About the only thing I could suggest, and this would only really work for your glutes, and perhaps your hamstrings, is to perform a 'time' based exercise, and do sets of time till failure.

    For example...slide to the edge of your computer chair. Extend your legs out until they're comfortably straight (which will mean slightly bent most likely, that's fine...your knee position isn't really important). Now...tighten your legs entirely, and try to lever your body upwards out of the chair (trust me, this isn't actually going to happen lol) by pushing your feet into the ground. Hold it until you can't anymore, that's 1rep. Do this 5x in a row, then take a break. Build up from 1 5 sets as your strength allows.

    You may get cramps in your leg muscles lol...this really is a difficult form of exercise.

    You can do a similar thing with your calves to engage your hamstrings, tighten your ENTIRE legs when you do)...but since most people can stand on tiptoe for substantial periods, it's best to get some weight involved there, and since you aren't bending your knees, this shouldn't be a problem.

    Will give those a try thanks :-)
    Can't wait till my knee is right and I can get back to some proper workouts!!
  • Funsoaps
    Funsoaps Posts: 514 Member
    I was having that same issue. I'm glad I found this site because I found out I was eating 900 calories per day, I thought because I was snacking all day long that I was eating way more, but it's definitely not going to help me lose weight with working out and eating that little! Some days 1200 calories i'm I've come up with some calorie-boosting ideas that don't take much;

    Eggs, always eat the yolk and add avocado to it (avocado has a lot of fat/calories).
    Nut butters will really boost calories, try a spoonful here or there or add to your smoothie. (like raw almond butter, cashew butter, sunflower seed butter, etc.).
    Coconut butter, it is SOOOO good, I just take a spoonful and eat a bite..they have cocoa coconut butter too, it's actually healthy for you.
    Add virgin coconut oil to all your cooking...drizzle olive oil over your salmon and salads.
    Eat salmon (it's got a lot of good omega fats).
    Smoothies will boost calories like no other, fruit, yogurt, protein powder, coconut/hazelnut/almond milk or something like that.
    Cheese. if you eat cheese (I don't but it's an idea).

    So I've been told by soooooooo many people that I need to eat more if I intend to lose any weight. I'm at a good size for my age/height but I'd love to be 120 again. If possible.

    Well according to MFP I should be consuming around 1300 calories. Which is EXTREMELY hard to do for me considering I struggle to eat 1000 a day before any exercise. Then I came across ( and according to it I should consume around 1800. Today I just barely reached 1300 calories and I feel so uncomfortable from eating so much cause it's not usual for me. No I do not have a eating disorder I'm just never really hungry. I eat around 2 times a day and I'm full. I'm not a fan of meat or seafood (Not a vegetarian I just don't care for any of the taste/texture)

    I am a sahm who is starting up my own small business. Alot of my time is spent on the computer but I make sure I get in exercise. My daughter and I play all the time, running around, walking around stores and parks. things like that.

    Before you reply heres what i already know. Yes I understand the whole "starvation mode" thing. Yes I understand I need protein in my diet and I know meat is the best way for that. So please if I could have advice on what I can do from what I've already said that'd be great.

    Thank you so much in advance. =)
  • crisanderson27
    crisanderson27 Posts: 5,343 Member
    Will give those a try thanks :-)
    Can't wait till my knee is right and I can get back to some proper workouts!!

    You're welcome. If anything it will help to limit muscle loss while you recover...along with maintaining neuromuscular response (this is what makes your muscles jiggly and unresponsive when you're very inactive or movement is restricted, and also why people think they're gaining muscle when they first start exercising...they aren't gaining, their brain is just relearning how to communicate with the muscles, and they're functioning more efficiently).

    By the way...this will work for ANY part of the body. If you can't workout for whatever reason...'flex' each muscle as hard as you can until failure. I know people who have gained substantial strength with this method. It's basically isometrics...and can be effective if used properly.