Any other naturals here?



  • shannypoo21
    shannypoo21 Posts: 329 Member
    I've been natural for about 2 years now. I transitioned for almost 15 months then cut off the relaxed ends. It's been one hell of a journey I must say. I colored my hair at the end of 2011 and I love how it looks when I do my twist outs but it's been hard to maintain a cute style since I work out so much and sweat like a man! Looking forward to when I gain more length and can do more with my hair.
  • 2143661
    2143661 Posts: 566 Member
    Completely natural here. I don't ever do anything to my hair nor do I wear makup. It feels so good to be free all the time!
  • mfpcopine
    mfpcopine Posts: 3,093 Member
    I don't use a chemical relaxer on my hair, but I do use highlights. Initially, I did it because my hair was so thick I thought it read as big dark mass and I wanted to break it up. Now, I use a mix of highlights and lowlights to help mask my gray hair.
  • InnerFatGirl
    InnerFatGirl Posts: 2,687 Member
    Thanks everyone for your replies! Gonna wade through and reply to some individually. Keep it natural, girlies ;)
  • InnerFatGirl
    InnerFatGirl Posts: 2,687 Member
    Completely natural here. I don't ever do anything to my hair nor do I wear makup. It feels so good to be free all the time!

    Me too! Getting ready is so easy - detangle and co wash hair, wash body, wash face/brush teeth, cream body, cream face, cocoa butter on lips and go. Don't dry my hair, just let it dry naturally. Low maintenance with better results than I've seen with the majority of make-up/product junkies.
  • InnerFatGirl
    InnerFatGirl Posts: 2,687 Member
    I've been natural for about 2 years now. I transitioned for almost 15 months then cut off the relaxed ends. It's been one hell of a journey I must say. I colored my hair at the end of 2011 and I love how it looks when I do my twist outs but it's been hard to maintain a cute style since I work out so much and sweat like a man! Looking forward to when I gain more length and can do more with my hair.

    Well done. How long is it now, and what is your goal?

    I'm jealous you can do twist outs. They don't work for me AT ALL :(
  • InnerFatGirl
    InnerFatGirl Posts: 2,687 Member
    yes yes, naturalista here! love ur curls!

    Adding you! Thank you so much! Love your hair too :)
  • InnerFatGirl
    InnerFatGirl Posts: 2,687 Member
    I've been trying really really hard to not put a relaxer in my hair and just let it grow natural. My hair is similar to yours except wayyy frizzier. I can't deal!

    Oh honey, you can do it! Relaxer is SO damaging for your hair. If you're just patient, you can have the results you want from relaxer without the breakage/the dryness etc. Trust me, I have seen women who have been relaxing for years (including the black half of my family) and most of them just have short stubs of dry hair. Not attractive.

    I would suggest joining some natural forums (CurlyNikki is a really good one), watching some natural girls on YT (especially this woman - she's amazing; and just learning as much as you can. I don't have a hair regimen at the moment, but I still use the tips I have learnt to keep my hair healthy.

    And I have frizz too! Lots of it! Learn about PH balance and sealing, and it shouldn't be too much of a problem :) it's a learning curve x
  • InnerFatGirl
    InnerFatGirl Posts: 2,687 Member
    I've been natural for about 4 1/2 years, and haven't used heat in about a year. I have thick as hell 4a/4b mixture hair. It's just pass BL now, but I keep this stuff in a pony tail bun all the time. I've recently started thinking about cutting it to my shoulders, because I am so sick of it. I love my hair and I love the fact that it grows so well, although I don't have what most people consider the "ideal" hair type. Seriously, I can't begin to tell you how many people tell me they don't know how I deal with my natural hair and that they would get a relaxer.

    People are so ignorant. I haven't had to deal with it myself, as I have the so called 'pretty hair', but I have observed it (though I have had my share of prejudices aimed towards my hair, but I digress). It pisses me off, especially when it's black people saying it. Relaxed hair is only easier to deal with if you don't look after it, which leads to breakage and general unhealthiness. You can have semi healthy relaxed hair, but that takes as much work as natural hair. In which case, you're better off being natural.

    Why do you keep it in a bun? Protective styling?
  • InnerFatGirl
    InnerFatGirl Posts: 2,687 Member
    I tried to go natural and stop with the relaxers but it hurts so bad to comb my hair in it's natural state. It brought back bad memories from my childhood lol. It's just too much but I have much respect for my sisters out there sporting their natural locks.

    You shouldn't be combing it, sweetie. Not good for anyone with a kink in the hair. I don't comb mine unless it's detangled, and even then, it's with a wide tooth, and I am CAREFUL as hell.

    Just split into four sections, saturate with water and conditioner, and gently detangle, pulling any tangles up as opposed to apart.

    Then keep it in protective styles a lot. Honestly, hun, there's so much stuff people with afro/4a/b hair can do that I can't. Twist outs being one of them. There's lots of ladies on the internet who can be an inspiration, role model and source of knowledge for you. It doesn't have to be traumatic or extra work.
  • InnerFatGirl
    InnerFatGirl Posts: 2,687 Member
    By the way, in my OP, when I say 'BL', I am referring to 'bum length'.
  • Hanablu2
    Hanablu2 Posts: 134 Member
    2nd time transitioning, the first time grew a lot of curls and the hairdresser chopped off 2-3 inches in a so called trim, I was hurt. Done with hair dressers went back to relaxers too much damage. Now 4 months transitioning doing co washes and aphogee protein treatments, try to eat well and take b vitamins and biotin, lots of growth with biotin! Very happy.
  • clarkane8
    clarkane8 Posts: 78 Member
    Love this forum btw. Since I have gone natural (in terms of texture), I have not dyed my hair. I want to dye it again, but I am so afraid it will totally alter my curls. Anyone have this issue with getting permanent color. For those that have tried a henna treatment, how does that work?? Naturals please feel free to friend me. Would love some more naturalistas as friends!!!
  • alltacht
    alltacht Posts: 139 Member
    Funny enough I just watched the documentary 'good hair' before I saw this thread. I couldnt believe the lengths women are going to to tame african hair. Cos I really thought the women speaking for the program with natural hair had such stunning hair. There was a statistic like 10% of americas population is african american and they account for 80% of the haircare business (which isnt even owned by african american companies for the most part). I know its just a matter of taste but I think natural hair is beautiful and even if it needs some TLC or coaxing to bring it to its full potential its gotta be better than putting relaxer in. In this show they put soft drink cans in the chemical thats in relaxer and the one thatd been in it for a day had disintegrated. By the way O.P your hair is beautiful so shiny and full bodied. Just as nice as any of the hairspirations you posted x
  • InnerFatGirl
    InnerFatGirl Posts: 2,687 Member
    I've been wearing my hair natural for about four years. It took a long time to grow out the relaxer, even though I was getting a very mild one just to provide some control.

    At around the age of nine or 10, I got my first relaxer, which was industrial strength and rough on my hair. At around 16, I had my hair cut off into an Afro, which was very unflattering, and some people thought I was a boy. I grew my hair out, but back then no one had any ideas for what to do with natural hair that wasn't short so I had to go back to relaxing it.

    When my hair looks good, which it often does, I love it, but there are still days when it's a work in progress. I hope I and other people are making the world a little easier for kids with curly/kinky hair. The idea that only straight hair is beautiful, professional, etc. is crazy, not to mention damaging.

    Every mother that keeps her child's hair natural and looks after it, is another mother who is making the world easier for curls and kinks.

    It astonds and sickens me that mothers relax CHILDREN'S hair. Chemicals have no place on a little one's head, especially not on virgin hair.

    It IS damaging - you're right. What kind of message is a young girl getting when her own mother will force caustic chemicals on her little head to make it straight? Not a positive one, that's for sure.

    Well done on being natural :)
  • Hanablu2
    Hanablu2 Posts: 134 Member
    Love this forum btw. Since I have gone natural (in terms of texture), I have not dyed my hair. I want to dye it again, but I am so afraid it will totally alter my curls. Anyone have this issue with getting permanent color. For those that have tried a henna treatment, how does that work?? Naturals please feel free to friend me. Would love some more naturalistas as friends!!!

    I actually dye my natural hair red and my curls are healthy. I use dark and lovely because products like Nice and Easy or Feria fried my hair in the past. Some might say you are not a true natural if you dye your hair but when you start growing grey hairs in the front of your head a little color goes a long way. You have to make your leave in conditioners that work for your hair texture and decrease the heat and do trims. You tube was my friend in caring for my hair.
  • clarkane8
    clarkane8 Posts: 78 Member
    Completely natural here. I don't ever do anything to my hair nor do I wear makup. It feels so good to be free all the time!

    I so wish I could walk out the house without makeup. Maybe if I could get my face to act right and not break out so friggin much!! That would be a great feeling!!!!
  • InnerFatGirl
    InnerFatGirl Posts: 2,687 Member
    Love this forum btw. Since I have gone natural (in terms of texture), I have not dyed my hair. I want to dye it again, but I am so afraid it will totally alter my curls. Anyone have this issue with getting permanent color. For those that have tried a henna treatment, how does that work?? Naturals please feel free to friend me. Would love some more naturalistas as friends!!!

    I would advise against it, hun. I have very sensitive hair, and even putting too much oil in it (I put in a little almond oil today to seal, and my hair's kinda greasy :sad:) changes my curls. Dyes were suicide for my hair. Made it dry, and the curls WERE altered. Apart from the prospect of putting such a chemical on my hair, the very real risk of altering my curl pattern puts me off colouring.

    I tried the henna, and it was okay. Made my strands thicker and stronger, and I liked the colour. However, the molecules in henna bond to your hair (hence making it stronger) and it can weigh down your curl pattern. It done that to me, so I let the henna grow out. I THINK it's gone now, not too sure. Can't tell :laugh:

    This is my natural album on Facebook. I made it public so anyone can see it. It has pictures from the henna treatment in there
  • InnerFatGirl
    InnerFatGirl Posts: 2,687 Member
    Completely natural here. I don't ever do anything to my hair nor do I wear makup. It feels so good to be free all the time!

    I so wish I could walk out the house without makeup. Maybe if I could get my face to act right and not break out so friggin much!! That would be a great feeling!!!!

    My skin isn't so great right now, but I just use a vitamin C serum for my face. Make up may cover bad skin, but it won't do your natural face any favours. It can often exacerbate skin problems x
  • clarkane8
    clarkane8 Posts: 78 Member
    Love this forum btw. Since I have gone natural (in terms of texture), I have not dyed my hair. I want to dye it again, but I am so afraid it will totally alter my curls. Anyone have this issue with getting permanent color. For those that have tried a henna treatment, how does that work?? Naturals please feel free to friend me. Would love some more naturalistas as friends!!!

    I actually dye my natural hair red and my curls are healthy. I use dark and lovely because products like Nice and Easy or Feria fried my hair in the past. Some might say you are not a true natural if you dye your hair but when you start growing grey hairs in the front of your head a little color goes a long way. You have to make your leave in conditioners that work for your hair texture and decrease the heat and do trims. You tube was my friend in caring for my hair.

    Yeah the last time I got a dye job was when my hair was relaxed. It was with Aveda color and my hair felt like hay. Maybe because there was a relaxer in there too. I don't know. Thanks so much for the info. Maybe I will consider dark and lovely. I already do regular trims and use olive oil and leave ins every day. Youtube has been my bestest friend when it comes to techniques, and maintenance!!!