guys... don't want to lose weight and be "the smaller guy"?



  • Farfourah
    Farfourah Posts: 899 Member
    And that's why I carry my toothbrush shank I made in prison when I got convicted of aggravated assault and battery with grave bodily harm, robbery in the first degree and jaywalking everywhere....*****es don't know that I'm crazy.
  • NaturalinCO
    NaturalinCO Posts: 164 Member
    I'm w/the pp who said to build strength. I don't think it's necessary to jump bad just because someone is ridiculous - and WHY men seem to get aggressive because of a car (my husband gets this a LOT, I get it when I drive his car, wtf?!?!) is beyond me. I say, build strength, again, just for your own confidence, and maybe boxing/martial arts like someone mentioned. I know my son will be strong and able to defend himself for MY peace of mind lol! But don't be "that guy" just because they are. It's childish IMO. Just be ABLE to defend yourself if you must. You win some you lose some ;)
  • iceqieen
    iceqieen Posts: 897 Member
    yebb build strength. and remember that feeling of superiority you have! you can still project it, even when you are lighter. its when you are *scrawny* and smaller that the trouble starts.

    oooooh I miss my friends.. a group of mostly bulky guys.. noone would mess with them. Never realised how safe I was feeling because of that untill I got into a situation and all I had around me were scrawny guys who didn't know how to scare off idiots. it is soooo hillarious to see smaller "tough" guys run away in fear from confident bulky guys.
  • likeschocolate
    likeschocolate Posts: 368 Member
    My mindset is to avoid aggression and a confrontation. Physical violence usually is not a solution, and it's better to try and avoid putting oneself in such situations.

    If you're living in the USA -- the other guy likely packs a gun, so your extra lbs don't go far.

    So if he storms towards you in an aggressive manner -- call 911 from your 911 (sorry couldn't resist :smile: ).

    My approach is to let God guide me to good decisions and keep me safe. I understand it's not the kind of faith everyone has or what works for everyone. But, just my two cents.
  • Laces_0ut
    Laces_0ut Posts: 3,750 Member
    My mindset is to avoid aggression and a confrontation. Physical violence usually is not a solution, and it's better to try and avoid putting oneself in such situations.

    If you're living in the USA -- the other guy likely packs a gun, so your extra lbs don't go far.

    So if he storms towards you in an aggressive manner -- call 911 from your 911 (sorry couldn't resist :smile: ).

    My approach is to let God guide me to good decisions and keep me safe. I understand it's not the kind of faith everyone has or what works for everyone. But, just my two cents.

    dont believe everything you see from Hollywood. most people in the USA are not walking around with guns.
  • loseweightjames
    Well just turn that into muscle and you will probably feel more secure than you did as a "big" guy.

    it's impossible to replace the fat weight with muscle weight, I'd look like one of those giant pro body builders.
  • loseweightjames
    maybe you should mention your car some more. that might help ya feel better...

    That was a bit snarky.... if it irritates you just don't read it.

    obvious troll is obvious. I just put them on ignore, i'm just glad trolls make themselves obvious ;)
  • neverstray
    neverstray Posts: 3,845 Member
    I never thought of that. I always thought speed and power over size.

    Anyway, I'm always crazy, so I don't worry. If the crazy animal in me turns on, it really doesn't matter how big a guy is, he's dead.
  • likeschocolate
    likeschocolate Posts: 368 Member

    dont believe everything you see from Hollywood. most people in the USA are not walking around with guns.

    The county in AZ I live in has an over 50% rate of gun ownership. Statistically speaking, the other individual is more likely than not to have one.

    This is not surprising. According to a Gallup poll from last year about 47% of American households report gun-ownership.
  • loseweightjames
    My mindset is to avoid aggression and a confrontation. Physical violence usually is not a solution, and it's better to try and avoid putting oneself in such situations.

    If you're living in the USA -- the other guy likely packs a gun, so your extra lbs don't go far.

    So if he storms towards you in an aggressive manner -- call 911 from your 911 (sorry couldn't resist :smile: ).

    My approach is to let God guide me to good decisions and keep me safe. I understand it's not the kind of faith everyone has or what works for everyone. But, just my two cents.

    LOL - not everyone in the US carries a gun. In fact, I'd say 99% of people DONT carry a gun in the US. I do not know anyone that carries a gun on them besides law enforcement and i'm former army ("retired" but i hate saying that cuz i'm not old enough to retire from anything)

    911 takes time to get there, in the meantime you have to somehow defend yourself
  • loseweightjames

    dont believe everything you see from Hollywood. most people in the USA are not walking around with guns.

    The county in AZ I live in has an over 50% rate of gun ownership. Statistically speaking, the other individual is more likely than not to have one.

    This is not surprising. According to a Gallup poll from last year about 47% of American households report gun-ownership.

    gun ownership is not the same as gun in your pocket. Having a rifle in the closet at home does not help.

    show me statistics for people carrying guns in their pocket on a daily basis and then we'll talk. Even if they have a license to carry, doesn't mean they actually are 24/7. I have a fishing license, doesn't mean I'm fishing right now ;)
  • taunto
    taunto Posts: 6,420 Member
    I live in a small city that was named "Murder capital of America" by NYtimes. I'm 100 lbs overweight and I can assure you, if somebody wants to hurt you, you "having 30-50 on him" won't mean jack. If you can fight, you can fight. The way you walk and talk makes all the difference. If anything, being overweight makes you look weak.


    U either know how to fight or you don't. In a boxing ring weight might matter but not on the streets.

    I do boxing. A girl who's about half my size hits harder than me just because she's been doing this for 10 years and when the assistant coach at the academy says to the guys "You hit like a girl" we're unsure to take it as an insult or a compliment.

    Bottom line. Build strength. That. Is. It. If you wanna get bulkier than thats better but fat and out of shape vs. fit and in shape, I would definitely be more intimidated by the guy who's in shape because against the fatty, I know I can run away in the worst situation.

    But then again, where I live some kid got shot over $8 and killed so guns are a bigger problem than anything in Flint

    Edit: Also, in Flint, MI if cops show up 3 hours after you call due to murder then you're considered lucky. Around here, people carry guns/knives on them and most of the areas cops don't even bother going into because there even the cops get shot (not making this stuff up btw, google Flint, mi)
  • likeschocolate
    likeschocolate Posts: 368 Member
    My mindset is to avoid aggression and a confrontation. Physical violence usually is not a solution, and it's better to try and avoid putting oneself in such situations.

    If you're living in the USA -- the other guy likely packs a gun, so your extra lbs don't go far.

    So if he storms towards you in an aggressive manner -- call 911 from your 911 (sorry couldn't resist :smile: ).

    My approach is to let God guide me to good decisions and keep me safe. I understand it's not the kind of faith everyone has or what works for everyone. But, just my two cents.

    LOL - not everyone in the US carries a gun. In fact, I'd say 99% of people DONT carry a gun in the US. I do not know anyone that carries a gun on them besides law enforcement and i'm former army ("retired" but i hate saying that cuz i'm not old enough to retire from anything)

    911 takes time to get there, in the meantime you have to somehow defend yourself

    You're mistaken. But we'll agree to disagree.

    I'd still prefer to avoid confrontation, you're welcome to your own view on aggression. :smile:
  • loseweightjames
    My mindset is to avoid aggression and a confrontation. Physical violence usually is not a solution, and it's better to try and avoid putting oneself in such situations.

    If you're living in the USA -- the other guy likely packs a gun, so your extra lbs don't go far.

    So if he storms towards you in an aggressive manner -- call 911 from your 911 (sorry couldn't resist :smile: ).

    My approach is to let God guide me to good decisions and keep me safe. I understand it's not the kind of faith everyone has or what works for everyone. But, just my two cents.

    LOL - not everyone in the US carries a gun. In fact, I'd say 99% of people DONT carry a gun in the US. I do not know anyone that carries a gun on them besides law enforcement and i'm former army ("retired" but i hate saying that cuz i'm not old enough to retire from anything)

    911 takes time to get there, in the meantime you have to somehow defend yourself

    You're mistaken. But we'll agree to disagree.

    I'd still prefer to avoid confrontation, you're welcome to your own view on aggression. :smile:

    what? ok.... you are wrong too.... ? how does that make any sense? "Hi.... you are wrong.... that is all"

    damn trolls

    and sometimes confrontation is unavoidable.... because i can not control the behavior of other people :(
  • Laces_0ut
    Laces_0ut Posts: 3,750 Member

    dont believe everything you see from Hollywood. most people in the USA are not walking around with guns.

    The county in AZ I live in has an over 50% rate of gun ownership. Statistically speaking, the other individual is more likely than not to have one.

    This is not surprising. According to a Gallup poll from last year about 47% of American households report gun-ownership.

    you implied the person had a gun on them if you had a confrontation out somewhere. an extremely small percentage of Americans carry their guns with them when they leave the house.
  • TexanThom
    TexanThom Posts: 778
    ok maybe i'm crazy, but there has been times, when i'll be walking somewhere... not necessarily "down a dark alley" but you know, places like that, less safe, and someone looks at you like something might be up, and you're thinking, oh ****, if they did something, could i defend myself? And it's been comforting to know I have a good 50 or 70 lbs on the guy, and ya i know weight's not everything, bruce lee weighted like 130 lbs and could kick anyone's *kitten*, but you got two average people the guy that weights significantly more (within reason, if he's like 500 and can barely walk that doesn't count) is likely to be the victor

    like, some guy hit my convertible porsche on the highway, on purpose, because he was mad i went around him a few miles back (crazy right?), and we pulled over and he came storming up to my car (top down, so nothing between us) and i thought I'm glad i have about 70 lbs on this guy, so i just looked at him like he was crazy because i had no doubt i could take him.

    does anyone else feel like that sometimes or am i just weird?

    If I weighed 500 lbs. I would just belly flop on the guy and problem solved.
  • Laces_0ut
    Laces_0ut Posts: 3,750 Member
    My mindset is to avoid aggression and a confrontation. Physical violence usually is not a solution, and it's better to try and avoid putting oneself in such situations.

    If you're living in the USA -- the other guy likely packs a gun, so your extra lbs don't go far.

    So if he storms towards you in an aggressive manner -- call 911 from your 911 (sorry couldn't resist :smile: ).

    My approach is to let God guide me to good decisions and keep me safe. I understand it's not the kind of faith everyone has or what works for everyone. But, just my two cents.

    LOL - not everyone in the US carries a gun. In fact, I'd say 99% of people DONT carry a gun in the US. I do not know anyone that carries a gun on them besides law enforcement and i'm former army ("retired" but i hate saying that cuz i'm not old enough to retire from anything)

    911 takes time to get there, in the meantime you have to somehow defend yourself

    You're mistaken. But we'll agree to disagree.

    I'd still prefer to avoid confrontation, you're welcome to your own view on aggression. :smile:

    you are confusing gun ownership with carrying a gun in public.
  • militarydreams
    militarydreams Posts: 198 Member
    Try pushing some weights and taking some self defense classes, write everything down. Get stronger and lighter then come back on here and tell us all how you feel about taking the 'old you' on in a fight. Seriously, I know women that could give you a run for your money... size isn't everything.
  • loseweightjames

    Bottom line. Build strength. That. Is. It. If you wanna get bulkier than thats better but fat and out of shape vs. fit and in shape, I would definitely be more intimidated by the guy who's in shape because against the fatty, I know I can run away in the worst situation.

    of course, i'm not talking about 250 lbs 10% body fat vs 250 lbs 35% bf, obviously it would be better to be a huge muscular guy vs fat guy, i'm just saying it would suck to cut down from 250 to like, 180, and lose all that. He'd look better with the shirt off but not nearly as intimidating
  • likeschocolate
    likeschocolate Posts: 368 Member

    dont believe everything you see from Hollywood. most people in the USA are not walking around with guns.

    The county in AZ I live in has an over 50% rate of gun ownership. Statistically speaking, the other individual is more likely than not to have one.

    This is not surprising. According to a Gallup poll from last year about 47% of American households report gun-ownership.

    you implied the person had a gun on them if you had a confrontation out somewhere. an extremely small percentage of Americans carry their guns with them when they leave the house.

    You're right a lower percentage of people carry guns. And I should have better highlighted in my post that it was only an example.

    The real point was: there are a number of variables you don't account for when you choose to get into a fight. And my view remains: violence / confrontation is not usually a good solution. :smile: