Green Team Week 10!!



  • kitn621
    kitn621 Posts: 215
    hey greenies!
    Can I re-join this team? I stopped using myfitnesspal in May when I found out I was pregnant, but that went south and I am trying to be back into the swing of things as far as diet and excercise are concerned!

    welcome peachy! The more the merrier!

    Okay I have just found the time to get on...sorry. Hope everyone had a great weekend!
    Hubby and I decided to cook out and invite my fam over. So I rented an inflatable water slide...(OMG that thing was the most fun) and we cooked a huge roast and I made squash casserole and baked beans and crock pot mac and cheese and just had the most fun hangin outside with my parents and sisters. Even though I hurt my shoulder while trying to go up the slide. Between laughing my *kitten* off and having had 3 mixed drinks already I was feeling great but not all that coordinated.
    IDK if there has been any real weight gain from Saturday but I had fun and will not and do not feel guilty about any of it. I am looking forward to this weekend b/c we are going camping in the mtns with one of my sisters and their kids. getting the boat from my father in law who has one on the lake up there and going tubin down the river!~ we have so much planned and cannot wait! The time away and getting to where we can relax and just do nothing is the best thing ever!!!!
    Did great on food today.....what about everyone else???
  • jacque509
    jacque509 Posts: 978
    Hey all,
    I know this summer has been rought on all of us!:grumble:
    Peachykate u know you are more than welcome back you are home!!:heart:
    Christy u need to be careful girl, mickey happen in the most unlikly places. Well hope you start to feel better.:drinker: hair of the dog to ya:wink:
    I wish I had some words of wisom for all of you, but unlike Kel and miss V i am not very articulate. So this is what I do know I work in the medical field. I been a nurse for over 20 years and now in research almost 4. I have seen alot and read alot. the last paper I read said that people who have a network of freinds or web site like this do much better then doing it on your own. medical wise every day you do one good thing to change is one day you add to your life. So I feel sometimes we focus on the negative. So as of now I think we all should try to post at least one thing we did good, better or different then the day before when ever we post. If we do this each time we can change our mind set. Now please don't think you can never complain, no that is defintly needed, cause there were times that if I didn't sound off to you guys I would have gone to jail for murder :laugh:
    So so far today I ate 3 serving of fruit and had over half of my water requirment needed for today, that already make me better then yesterday!!:flowerforyou:
  • porka29
    porka29 Posts: 868 Member
    kitn - how much was that water slide rental just out of curiosity??? Our weather is so crappy here either raining or friggin steaaaammmmyyyy...:sad:

    hi peachykate - I remember your posts!!

    jac - thanks for the words of wisdom, I have a busy week but am certainly gonna keep up on here to keep my motivation levels up.

    Wheres our other buds? Isn't miss sassie about to get married?
  • aml0484
    aml0484 Posts: 425
    Kelly~ I just switched my work out routine up this week. M W F I will be doing all of my lifting instead of half one day and the other half the next day. I was only doing the eliptical for 60 minutes every day. I had a personal assessment done by the personal trainer at my gym and he said I need to switch things up and use the bike and the treadmill. So I am doing a walk/run for 10-20 minutes and 20-30 on the bike or the elliptical.

    Is there a link for the couch to 5k? I would be interested in looking at this program. I just bought my son a jump rope not to long ago. Maybe I'll have to use this some while he is at school.
  • kelly_a
    kelly_a Posts: 2,010 Member
    i am just so happy right now....the board has come ALIVE!!

    for those of you wanting the COUCH to 5K, here is the link ~ hope this helps and if not let me know. I am planning on starting it Monday August 3rd. Today I went on my planned 30 minute walk ( yes, I am walking now b/c i have not done my walk/jog for so long) anyway, at about 15 minutes, i started jogging and jogged straight for 2 minutes. SO, I know my body is still in the jogging mode...that was a good feeling.

    jacque ~ look at you go now! you are doing so good..I AM PROUD OF YOU! good idea with making daily posts on the POSITIVE!! this truly will help folks! i know i have mentioned it before, but Jacque is right! by seeing all the good in your life, your choices, the better ones, will eventually blow past and thru all your bad thoughts and in the end make you stronger....and WANT to be that thinner, healthier, happier person!

    Miss V ~ so, so GOOD to hear from you!! it's ok, many of us hear have been struggling with a lapse or two or are coming here and to me that says you still care about changing your lifestyle! take some time, sort things thru. remember, this is not easy, changing our old ways....but you can do it and we are here to cheer you along and pick you up when you fall! we want success for you and every green team member there ever was!!

    PEACHYKATE!! HI!! oh, so nice you are back!! things have been kinda trickling along here....i was getting a little worried and sad that the team was falling apart. we CAN be stronger than ever, let's do it!!

    porka ~ hey there! sounds like you had a fun weekend, well, kinda :ohwell: take it easy and push the fluids ( water kind ) and go for it! been sauna like for you guys? is that normal? we have been below normal and set records recently. heard the next 3 mos are predicting below normal temps for us..:cry:

    kitn ~ that sounds awesome..the water slide! i bet that was a blast....i think that would be so much fun, adults too! a fun time ahead for you too! enjoy it!

    aml ~ sounds like your trainer is having you do some interva/ training workouts. i think those are good for increasing your metabolism and helps speed up wt loss. anyone have any comments about having a personal trainer, or even the assessments? i am curious and it might just be what i need to find out where i am physically. do they offer eating/menu advice too? keep us informed on your new routine!

    well, my day didn't go as planned, meal wise. ended up having a couple pieces of pizza and a piece of cake at my mom's planning our LV trip. have been guzzling water since....and did my good choices today would be my water and the walk. oh, and i did some free wt lifting too. tomorrow WILL be better. but on another happier note, just coming here seeing my buddies back has been a huge boost for me! love you guys! hope to see ya'll 2morrow! g'nite! :yawn:

    i think sassie told me she will be leaving LV when i arrive...she is there around the 24th i think...i leave monday the 27th.

    are any of you guys interested in having a wt chart, like previously? also, what about adding to our Green Team name. i have seen others (team names) and just wondered what everyone else thought. if not, that is fine. didn't know if any of this would help inspire or motivate us.....plz share your thoughts! have seen Beautiful Blue team, Red High Heels team....
  • kitn621
    kitn621 Posts: 215
    kitn - how much was that water slide rental just out of curiosity??? Our weather is so crappy here either raining or friggin steaaaammmmyyyy...:sad:

    hi peachykate - I remember your posts!!

    jac - thanks for the words of wisdom, I have a busy week but am certainly gonna keep up on here to keep my motivation levels up.

    Wheres our other buds? Isn't miss sassie about to get married?

    the waterslide was right at about $200 for 8 hrs....I got it for $100 only b/c I knew the guy and I got it based on referrals I had given him. But even though he said 8 hrs I got it for almost 24 hrs b/c he didnt pick it up will the next day around 2pm. It was TOTALLY worth it. Its one of those things that if you got a few people together you could have them all chip in and pay a little and have a big ole party. YeeHaw!
    the guy I rented from has tons of things. Inflatable jousting ring, boxing ring, sumo wrestling suits, waterslides, regular jumpies and inflatable slides. I will be renting again from him for my daughters 5th bday in October. :bigsmile:
  • jacque509
    jacque509 Posts: 978
    Hi all,
    I love the idea for a name boost I think we should get everyone imput, hoppping green team :laugh: the real grean team :happy: Rolling in the green team :laugh: Oh I know you all can do better, just playing around. Wow that was fun!:wink:
    Is anyone else getting tired of the how I cut 5lbs of stomach fat ad they have here advertised daily. I hate how the media is always jaming stuff down our thoart about weight! Its not enough that we alreaedy have these issues and they make it worse. Sorry just venting:mad:
    Well on a postive note I got up this morining with the attitude today is gonna be as good as I make it. Also totally put my boss in her place, that really help my ego:laugh:
  • porka29
    porka29 Posts: 868 Member
    Yep FL has been super duper steamy and that would be normal for us was it late August, then again, guess we are close to August already - wtf? We took down our big fill up pool that everyone here saw pictures from because it got green while on vacation and since the cover became damaged, I felt it better to get a new cover and start all over, with proper chemicals, etc. The slide was sounding like a reprive............but guess I just need to fix our pool - lol.

    Names for the green team........I'll be thinkin about it, will let you know if I come up with anything. Has anyone heard from purrr??? I hope she's okay!
  • jacque509
    jacque509 Posts: 978
    I sent her a message yesterday when i sent message to everyone that was on my friend list to check on them. I hope she alright also. Its probably being in love keeping her busy. haha
  • aml0484
    aml0484 Posts: 425
    Jacque~I'll put my brain to some work and see if I can think of a name.

    Kelly~I did the personal assessment at my gym. When I set it up I thought they would help build a routine I could do on my own. I didn't realize it was an assessment to hire the gyms personal trainer. I did however get some great advice. Some I already new like switching up my routine but he also gave me some different exercises that would help me get to where I wanted to be. This was offered for free at my gym. The info I got was well worth the extra hour at the gym that day.

    Porka~ sounds like you have a pool just like me :) I love my above ground pool but the maintenance gets to be a lot. Thank you for the reminder to check the chemicals in mine.

    Well I hope you all have a great day and keep moving and eating healthy. I'm off to tend to the pool and garden.
  • MissVitaVonCherry
    MissVitaVonCherry Posts: 709 Member
    :bigsmile: "It gonna be a bright, bright, bright sunshiney day"
    Hello all! I am back in action. Been doing good the last 2 days for the most part:laugh:
    havn't gotten too much exercise in :grumble: Been watching the neighbor kids from 10 am to 6pm:noway: and boy of boy their 3 and my 2 puts me out of my mind!:bigsmile: sometime you need to see it in your face to decide to NOT have any more kids:laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :bigsmile:
    Well It was hot yesterday (it is never really hot here, but it was hot)
    and I am starting my day out right today with a good big smile on my face, and a cup of coffee in my hands!
    Kelly- thanks so much for the wonderfully positive words that I really needed to her! you are a wonderful cheerleader!:bigsmile:
    jacque-thank you for not forgetting me and kicking my butt into gear again!:bigsmile:
    porka- you look wonderful girl! I only see one chin and it is the only one you need!:laugh: :laugh:
    Kitn- i so wish that I went to a waterslide:) i am green with jealousey
    Welcome new members !

    We should be the "SMOKING HOT GREEN PEPPERS":bigsmile: :bigsmile: :laugh: :laugh:
  • kitn621
    kitn621 Posts: 215
    :bigsmile: "It gonna be a bright, bright, bright sunshiney day"
    Hello all! I am back in action. Been doing good the last 2 days for the most part:laugh:
    havn't gotten too much exercise in :grumble: Been watching the neighbor kids from 10 am to 6pm:noway: and boy of boy their 3 and my 2 puts me out of my mind!:bigsmile: sometime you need to see it in your face to decide to NOT have any more kids:laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :bigsmile:
    Well It was hot yesterday (it is never really hot here, but it was hot)
    and I am starting my day out right today with a good big smile on my face, and a cup of coffee in my hands!
    Kelly- thanks so much for the wonderfully positive words that I really needed to her! you are a wonderful cheerleader!:bigsmile:
    jacque-thank you for not forgetting me and kicking my butt into gear again!:bigsmile:
    porka- you look wonderful girl! I only see one chin and it is the only one you need!:laugh: :laugh:
    Kitn- i so wish that I went to a waterslide:) i am green with jealousey
    Welcome new members !

    We should be the "SMOKING HOT GREEN PEPPERS":bigsmile: :bigsmile: :laugh: :laugh:

    I love MissV's name....."SMOKING HOT GREEN PEPPERS!!"
    or GREEN WITH ENVY....HEHEHE:bigsmile: :drinker: :tongue:
  • MissVitaVonCherry
    MissVitaVonCherry Posts: 709 Member
    :flowerforyou: GREEN MACHINES!
  • jacque509
    jacque509 Posts: 978
    Had a vegi delite from subway for lunch :drinker: proud of myself for gettin a healtier lunch. Green with envy hahaha they all sound great!! I like green machine and smokin hot green peppers too. Brought my bag to work so I can go to the gym after work. Hope the car finds it way there hahahaha:laugh:
  • kelly_a
    kelly_a Posts: 2,010 Member
    hi GT!!

    I am just so excited to see all the action here, you are all making me HAPPY! :happy: Well, took my h.s. Sr. son shopping today....surprisingly, did ok. he is NOT fussy bout clothes, or shoes. ate at Perkins, and i was good and had a salad....but wondering bout my diet Coke....almost tasted like regular :noway: did get me some new shorts for LV and love buying the smaller sizes!! has rained all day long...hope it ends so i can take my evening walk...

    kitn ~ wow, that was a great deal on your slide! that just sounds like a total blast!! i bet that guy loves his job!

    jacque ~ you are doing so good and in control!! keep at it, one day at a time, soon a week will pass, then a month....i agree on the ads here, irritate me, but it keeps this site free!

    christi ~ i sent purrr a message last week...YES, i am worried about her. i just hope that market man is treating her nice.....she deserves it!

    aml ~ in your assessment,did you have to do situps, push ups, etc? that is my biggest fear, and having an audience! i just know it would motivate me! have fun outside!

    Miss V ~ lol, the kids....i get my share bus driving, but all ages (K-12) and 2 hrs a day...which is ENUF! :bigsmile:

    you guys have great ideas for the name change...i like Smokin' Hot GREEN Peppers!
  • jacque509
    jacque509 Posts: 978
    Ok so So far I think smokin hot green peppers look like it in the lead ! we have until thursday night. Do we want to do a new member alert like Smokin Hot GREEN Peppers wellcome new members? do we want to put week in or just on thursday I start a new tread. Do we still want Friday weight in or do we want to change to wed or Monday? Let have imput and we can go from there. Lets see if the car finds it way to the gym today hahahah:laugh:
  • porka29
    porka29 Posts: 868 Member
    :laugh: :laugh: I have visuals od smokin hot green peppers!! We are vasr as a team size and height wuse, visions of jala[enos, habaneros etc damce in my warped head!:bigsmile:
  • porka29
    porka29 Posts: 868 Member
    Yikes, can you tell I was lazy and laying down to type!!!:noway: I meant for those of you who can't translate lazy that I have visions of Smokin Hot Green Peppers dancing in my head because we are all vastly different in sizes of weight and height - so I see jalapenos, habaneros, the long skinny chinese ones, lol!!! So, no I didn't go on another bender............been alcohol free since my bad exp sat night!:laugh: I really was laying down and apparently I type better with two hands than one left one :tongue:
  • jacque509
    jacque509 Posts: 978
    hahahaha christi u soooooooooooo funny:laugh: Ok totally blew dinner, the kids got back and I made them their fav and indulged myself. good old meatloaf, potatoes and corn, yes I know pig slop food but it their fav and I can not remember the last time I saw them eat that good.:laugh:
    So I got a message from purr so we know she safe and she said she will write soon.
    Ok So it looks like we will go With Smokin Hot Green Peppers. So what do you all think about new members and do we want to change weight in day or do we all still like Friday? Also
    Kell-I would love a table but never did figure out how to do it so if anybody is willing I am game
    Oh in case u were wondering the car never found it way to the gym, It was in a hurry to see the kids. Must punish car and force it to find gym tomorrow:laugh:
  • jacque509
    jacque509 Posts: 978
    oh yeah:laugh: postive note the kids ate so much I did only normal portion size for myself (pat on back) :bigsmile: