Green Team Week 10!!



  • aml0484
    aml0484 Posts: 425

    In my assessment he measured flexibility and to see if my left and right side were equally strong. I learned that my left side is stronger than my right. I thought it would be opposites since I am right handed. This trainer was big into free weights and resistance bands instead of weight machines. He also thought it was better to use your body for that ie situps squats lunges etc.

    Team name how about the Skinny green beans since that is where we will all be some day?

    The chart wasn't so bad to do. I just didn't realize how time consuming it was and at that point I didn't realize I really didn't have the time to do it. I think if we did a chart it should be simpler for whoever does it. I know when I did it that time or two there were 20+ people in the group. I sure hope all those people are still working at it even though they don't check in. Well I have a big day tomorrow. I am doing some portrait pictures for one of the girls that works at the gas station I go to all the time. I'm kinda nervous as this is my first big portrait gig. Thank goodness I have a date with the gym to work of some of those jitters.

    Hope you all have a great hump day tomorrow!!
  • kelly_a
    kelly_a Posts: 2,010 Member
    Hey All!!

    well, today i get my head examined, just a re check on my meds. am thinkin i need a haircut b4 i face the heat in LV. will get a pedi this much to do AND get my youngest son packed for Canada, he leaves Sat. ok, need to share some stress i am facing at the moment, well, for a few days now....son going to Canada, first time without us. he will be w/granpa, but the man is hyper and needs to slow down. i am just kinda freakin out cuz of the bears and NO communication what so ever and help is 2 hrs away. PLUS, our last trip we had propane gas leaking in the cabin and 4 of us got sick? am i being silly or is there reason for my insomnia nites???? i just dont know what i will do if something ever happened......:frown:

    jacque ~ so the car needed a break you can go again soon, right? i am ok with new members..but this is my concern. we all know how frustrated it gets for us when things quiet down in here, and i totally understand how our lives take us away from posting. dont know about the rest of you, but i plan on being here at least thru xmas and hopefully longer, just b/c i need the support, and so far, this is it for me. i just dont want to see a bunch of ppl come and be so excited, cuz i was when i joined the team and well, i STILL am, and then no one be here for them...anyone else have thoughts about this? i myself, like the friday WI, and one time i was on a Monday, and that did make me try harder on my weekends, but i struggled. and ya know, that shouldn't matter i guess if i am truly gonna win this battle....:ohwell: and the wt table, i am willing to learn if someone directs me. i have never done it before, so just let me know.

    christi ~ you are soooooooooooo FUNNY!! :laugh: my 'peppa' style definately depends on what day it is and how i feel. some days i feel green, red, orange, or yellow, and well, a little spicier too! :blushing: so, well, today even tho it is cloudy/rainy, i feel sunny like a yellow pepper! :happy: and i look like a pepper too, well, the apple shape :tongue: that skinny chinese one, the 'ol chili boy, not sure if i will get there...but i will keep my focus on it! :happy:

    aml ~ thanks for all the info! good to know. i have only ever been on a treadmill, and i dont really care for it cuz it seems like a harder workout than when i do the WATP or outdoors. oh, how neat, you take pics! i need to get appt for my son for Sr pics. having a hard time finding someone. did not care for the man that did our other son's, cept the quality was good. he just didnt 'capture' his true self. i want a lot of outdoor pics for this one since he is fisherman, hunter, farmer type. have fun with your gig!! :flowerforyou:

    i too heard from purrr, and she is ok. :heart:

    well, need to get my doggies out and start my day! will check in later, so have a good one GT pepp's!
  • jacque509
    jacque509 Posts: 978
    Good mornong all!!
    Well the day is starting out fresh and clean, hope to keep it that way.
    aml- you will do fine on your first gig, how exciting!!:bigsmile:
    Kel- I know and completely understand what u are going thru with your son. I haveing been trying to let go with my daughter, AGH!!! it so AGH! But pray tru it, because they love u more if they think we can trust them. It's scarey I know but, pray thru it!! is my best advice
  • jacque509
    jacque509 Posts: 978
    Oh yeah I feel like a cool large green pepper
  • MissVitaVonCherry
    MissVitaVonCherry Posts: 709 Member
  • jacque509
    jacque509 Posts: 978
    Ok so doing much better for food so far today!! yeah!!:drinker: Anyway now to find a wasy to make the car end up at the gym today hahaha. I am so tired for some reason today and I even went to bed earlier then normal. oh well just getting old I guess
  • MissVitaVonCherry
    MissVitaVonCherry Posts: 709 Member
    jacque_ Tell the car if it gets you to the gym today you will be able to grab a fat free ice cream on the way home!
  • jacque509
    jacque509 Posts: 978
    Sounds like a good plan! V its only 4'o clock and I am sooo thinking about dinner!! Did not have enought snack option for today AAGH!!
  • jacque509
    jacque509 Posts: 978
    Ok a funny story, well on my way home the car decided it wanted to go straight home. hahaha I know how sad, but its ok, I am still making good choices and have not gain any. I just need to get my butt motivated and go to the gym. I think because I am soooooooooooo broke I am letting it affect my attitude. My issue, oh lord where r my tissue hahaha:laugh: Anyway......................
    Ok all I got to vent, sorry if this bums anyone out but I think we might be getting a little to ... what the word I am looking for? senitive? judgemental? maybe? This is how I see it and If u think I am wrong feel free to comment. This site is to help us lose weight but as we all know that losing weight is not just a food issue it an emotional issue too. With that said I think we have to realize that people who are trying to change will get moody, and tired. I just went thru some major $%^& in my life and I had days I did not check in. It was not because I was lazy I just couldn't cope, but when I did check in you my friends were there and I am forever greatful for that but there were weekends when I got on and nobody was around, I did not take this personel, I just kept on posting and when people got back on so be it. I think if we just be patience thing come around full force. The other day when things were slow, those of u that r on my friend list I checked on and left personel messages, and wam bam people were so happy I checked on them. So I think it best that we put each other on our list and when u notice some one hasn't check in just send a message and say hi. No pressure, there are gonna be slow days, let embrace them and try not to get discourage if it slow, make it a reason to reach out. you all are so special to me and I feel that even if u leave for awhile that ok, It just make you coming back so much more special!!
  • jacque509
    jacque509 Posts: 978
    oh yeah positive note I have the best TEAM in the whole MFP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:smile::wink: :laugh: :happy: :tongue: :love: :flowerforyou: :smokin: :heart: :drinker: :bigsmile:
  • kitn621
    kitn621 Posts: 215
    oh yeah positive note I have the best TEAM in the whole MFP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:smile::wink: :laugh: :happy: :tongue: :love: :flowerforyou: :smokin: :heart: :drinker: :bigsmile:

    I agree with you Jacque that everyone should be on each others friends list and we should all check in on one another. you are all such great people and I have come to find myself really looking forward to hearing from each of you every day. learning of your successes and even failures b/c I know I too have the same issues you do. We are only human and will always make mistakes....its just up to us to learn from them. I hope each of you have a great day. i am headed off here in about 20 mins to go and get a small loan to help my step son get his first truck. Cannot wait for him to get his own vehicle and not drive mine or his dads. YEAH!
    check back in later on this afternoon. Love you all my hot green peppers:bigsmile:
  • kelly_a
    kelly_a Posts: 2,010 Member
    morning GT!!

    aml ~ how did the photo shoot go?

    kitn ~ i know the feeling when the kids finally get their own vehicle!! lil freedom! have a great day!!

    jacque ~ thanks, yes faith will get me thru. i feel the same way you do about 'posting'. this team rocks and i am so happy that each and everyone of us are here!

    made some Puppy Chow for my ds to take to Canada. also, will be cooking a lot before i go to LV so they have meals to eat while i'm gone. the Red Cross is in town and i will be donating later. have a good one all you Hot Peppers! good luck at weigh in tomorrow!
  • jacque509
    jacque509 Posts: 978
    Hey all!!
    Kit-good luck with the car buying!! It such a major thing, I myself will have to do that soon with my daughther.
    Ok so today is starting out good, phew so far so good.
    Well I will check in later with u all!
  • jacque509
    jacque509 Posts: 978
    Hey All!!!
    Remember starting tomorrow we are the Smokin Hot Green Peppers!!
    Rolling Rolling hahahaha
  • kelly_a
    kelly_a Posts: 2,010 Member
    yes, I'm a pepper, she's a pepper, you're a pepper, we're a pepper....wouldn't you like to be a Smokin Hot Pepper too? love it, love it, love it! :laugh:
  • jacque509
    jacque509 Posts: 978
    Had to post I Love it!!
    Only One Pound

    Hello, do you know me?
    If you don't, you should. I'm a pound of fat,
    And I'm the HAPPIEST pound of fat that you would ever want to meet.
    Want to know why?
    It's because no one ever wants to lose me;
    I'm ONLY ONE POUND, just a pound!
    Everyone wants to lose three pounds, five pounds, or fifteen pounds, but never only one.
    So I just stick around and happily keep you fat.
    Then I add to myself, ever so slyly, so that you never seem to notice it.
    That is, until I've grown to ten, twenty, thirty or even more pounds in weight.
    Yes, it's fun being ONLY ONE POUND OF FAT, left to do as I please.
    So, when you weigh in, keep right on saying, "Oh, I only lost one pound."
    (As if that were such a terrible thing.)
    For you see, if you do this, you'll encourage others to keep me around because they'll think I'm not worth losing.
    And, I love being around you - your arms, your legs, your chin, your hips and every part of you.
    Happy Days!!!

    After all, I'm ONLY ONE POUND OF FAT!!!

    - Author Unknown
  • kitn621
    kitn621 Posts: 215
    Had to post I Love it!!
    Only One Pound

    Hello, do you know me?
    If you don't, you should. I'm a pound of fat,
    And I'm the HAPPIEST pound of fat that you would ever want to meet.
    Want to know why?
    It's because no one ever wants to lose me;
    I'm ONLY ONE POUND, just a pound!
    Everyone wants to lose three pounds, five pounds, or fifteen pounds, but never only one.
    So I just stick around and happily keep you fat.
    Then I add to myself, ever so slyly, so that you never seem to notice it.
    That is, until I've grown to ten, twenty, thirty or even more pounds in weight.
    Yes, it's fun being ONLY ONE POUND OF FAT, left to do as I please.
    So, when you weigh in, keep right on saying, "Oh, I only lost one pound."
    (As if that were such a terrible thing.)
    For you see, if you do this, you'll encourage others to keep me around because they'll think I'm not worth losing.
    And, I love being around you - your arms, your legs, your chin, your hips and every part of you.
    Happy Days!!!

    After all, I'm ONLY ONE POUND OF FAT!!!

    - Author Unknown

    :laugh: :laugh: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :happy: :drinker:
  • kelly_a
    kelly_a Posts: 2,010 Member
    this is so great Jacque! :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:
  • MissVitaVonCherry
    MissVitaVonCherry Posts: 709 Member
    :bigsmile: Hey all good morning!
    love all the posts! and love the new name!:bigsmile:
    Went to the doctor today and am still trying to figure out my breast issue, so i am getting Another ultrasound to see if this time we can get further then we have gotten already.:wink: happy about that.
    Ate thai food lastnight and am telling myself it was good for me!:drinker: i don't know if it is or not, but that is that and the eating is done and over with, so i can't go back now!:blushing:
    Kelly you are a sweetheart! no worries!:bigsmile:
    Jacque you will find time for the gym when you can, so down worie about it now
    Everyone else! have a wonderful day!:drinker:
    Ill be on and off here checking on all!
  • porka29
    porka29 Posts: 868 Member
    Hey ::smokin: :smokin: hot green people!!! Did I tell you I used to have a gear of green people as a child? aka wicked witch pf the west and hulk, good thing yall are pretty!!:love: Wjat a jectic two days I've had, I hate mid0year reviews and paperwor, plus multiple travel trips!!! All happened this week, I still fit into my 14 suit even though it doesn't button on the side but does zip - hell, doubt I'd button it anyway unless it was really loose, don't like anything cutting into me. Girls, it is also hotter than a dog's breath outside, I need to get that pool back up asap!!!