Candida outbreak...finding out you have one!



  • emilyrtanner
    emilyrtanner Posts: 22 Member
    I have done the candida-free diet; it's tough.

    I also failed at it, however have gotten candida under control through the use of apple cider vinegar, extra virgin coconut oil, and probiotics.


    excellent!! i picked up some coconut oil yesterday and was thinking of adding in the apple cider vinegar but i read somewhere vinegar was bad for those sufferign with candida so i was confused. did you just gulp it before you ate?
    Cider vinegar is good but distilled white vinegar is not.

    The vinegar tastes awful so I got apple cider vinegar pills. So much easier though more expensive.
  • zellagrrl
    zellagrrl Posts: 439
    Very interesting!

    I actually just got back from the doctor today, and found out that I'm not allergic to anything other than cats and dogs! I was hoping to find out that there were some other things I was allergic to, but no! Back to the drawing board for me.

    You were *hoping* to find out if you're allergic to something? That seems twisted, to me.

    Not when you've been looking for why you feel like crap all the time. I was ecstatic to find a root cause for my symptoms, because it gave me a starting point for making some dietary changes. Not knowing what to eliminate means you eliminate everything or nothing (either way makes you miserable).

    For those on the naturopaths are quacks lines, my naturopath has done more for me than my gastroenterologist ever did. For some reason, he couldn't understand why I tracked my IBS symptoms against what I ate, because "IBS has nothing to do with diet." He's my ex-gastroenterologist for that specific reason.

    My naturopath is an advocate for my health. If she ever stops, I'll find another doctor. For the record, I don't have anything related to Candida-- just Hashimoto's, IBS and PCOS (and an ED lurking behind a corner still).
  • liog
    liog Posts: 347 Member
    An FYI, you can test negative for wheat allergy but still have gluten intolerance. For example, Celiac Disease is an autoimmune disorder and not an allergy.
  • RonSwanson66
    RonSwanson66 Posts: 1,150 Member
    i read it as canada...i was hoping i had a surprise canadian i didnt know about. this is disappointing. :(


    Now back to our regularly scheduled trip across the Woo-becon.
  • BondBomb
    BondBomb Posts: 1,781 Member
    I am not a doctor but I am a biochemist. I have had some issues regarding yeast so I too did quite a bit of research on this.
    First I want to say - I really think the whole candida systemic infection is a load of crap. The reason I say this is because I have done a lot of work in the pharmaceutical industry. And they will throw money at any study if they think there is a chance to increase indications for medications. And yet as much as they would love to prove systemic yeast infections they can not.
    Second if you have allergies they probably have very little to do with the amount of yeast in your body.
    You didn't specify what you think this yeast is doing to you. Is the problem digestive or vaginal? Either way a treatment like diflucan can eliminate the yeast. It wont hurt you cut back on bread and sugar but these are only small factors IMHO.
    Adding a probiotic can also help.
    If the problem is vaginal it is due to something creating an alkaline environment. This can come from oral contraceptives, sperm and other soaps. And can be aggravated by non-cotton underwear as well as douching. The best thing you can do for this is boric acid pills. DONT EAT THEM. You insert them vaginally.
    Please get a second opinion but your family physician or ob/gyne prior to taking on a drastic diet change.
    PM me if you want more info.

    For me the problem is both digestive and vaginal. I don't have any allergies. I have taken diflucan and it did nothing. This was my last resort and I feel I have no other options. I would love to hear more though....
    Diflucan doesn't work! I have heard this from so many women. Not to mention the expense of over the counter creams. I am super sensitive to yeast infections of any kind. Although I am not sold on the idea of candida as systemic, I do believe you can be sensitive to yeast overgrowth because you body is naturally more alkaline. I have been able to fight this in two ways. One is the apple cider vinegar that someone suggested. I put a little in warm water with honey and drink it a few times a week. Some have suggested taking acv pills. This has kept my digestive issues at bay. Vaginal I suggest boric acid suppositories. They will literally get rid of the infection overnight. Use one a day vaginally for 5 days. Then I use one a week for 'maintenance'.
    You can order the boric acid from amazon along with 00 vegan capsules to make these yourself. One bottle of powder will last a year or more for me.
    I have no idea why my body is more alkaline. I snagged some ph paper from my lab and tested myself.
    I do suspect birth control pills but who knows for sure.
    I didn't have to change my diet..honestly I don't think it would help anyway. I hope this method works for someone else out there. It's actually pretty simple, cheap, effective and easy. Good luck!
  • Reinventing_Me
    Reinventing_Me Posts: 1,053 Member
    bump to read later