Do you look before commenting?



  • MaraDiaz
    MaraDiaz Posts: 4,604 Member
    I comment on exercise and on comments made by people but not on food because I don't look at diaries most times and I don't want to tell someone they did a great job, then later find out all they had to eat that day was four twinkies and a diet coke.
  • Kaylarhodes
    Kaylarhodes Posts: 12 Member
    I look, but mostly because I am looking to add something new to my diet.
  • sandrahermione
    I do look sometimes but keep thinking. Processed, processed etc. or junk junk not particularly on friends but people posting too. I feel worried for them if they eat little but high cal food or good food but very little around a 1000. I am more of an overeater than a bad eater generally. Too much yoga and looking after your body madness in my head. However, I go through phases where I eat rubbish gain weight and feel terrible, so do not feel in the position to moan at others. I just want to hug undereaters and say 'why?' I have only ever under eaten during periods of grief so sort of feel like that towards them as if they need to be taken care of.
    When I see people who seem to enjoy starving themselves I find it quite repulsive.
    Either way I don't know anyone well enough to comment, There are just too many variables that I am unaware of for the individual concerned for me to judge.
    I would however like to boot off obvious ED sufferers that praise their choice in imagery and word. They are not helping themselves or us. Found a few of those and considered reporting them. (under 99lbs at 5'9") Should I? What do you think? Sorry for the rant.
  • 12by311
    12by311 Posts: 1,716 Member
    I only comment on people's exercise.

    I don't really care about what people eat.
  • jazziesaj11
    jazziesaj11 Posts: 351 Member
    I do look sometimes but keep thinking. Processed, processed etc. or junk junk not particularly on friends but people posting too. I feel worried for them if they eat little but high cal food or good food but very little around a 1000. I am more of an overeater than a bad eater generally. Too much yoga and looking after your body madness in my head. However, I go through phases where I eat rubbish gain weight and feel terrible, so do not feel in the position to moan at others. I just want to hug undereaters and say 'why?' I have only ever under eaten during periods of grief so sort of feel like that towards them as if they need to be taken care of.
    When I see people who seem to enjoy starving themselves I find it quite repulsive.
    Either way I don't know anyone well enough to comment, There are just too many variables that I am unaware of for the individual concerned for me to judge.
    I would however like to boot off obvious ED sufferers that praise their choice in imagery and word. They are not helping themselves or us. Found a few of those and considered reporting them. (under 99lbs at 5'9") Should I? What do you think? Sorry for the rant.

    No rant at all, I'm loving all the opinions on this. :D I honestly agree fully with you and here's my take on people with ED's here, if I see, and feel they are honestly here to try and recover and become healthy again, then I try and give them as much support as possible. I think you have to get to know them or at least read their profile because their are quite a few who say "I'm in recovery and wont accept adds from people with eds" HOWEVER, I refuse to support or encourage those who are on here with ED's and are trying to lose more weight. Not only is it against everything I believe in, but I think that is the WORST kind of influence to have especially since there are a lot of young girls (18-20) on here that can be derailed and easily influenced by that type of behavior. So when I see those, I report. They don't like it? Whatchu want me to tell ya? xD lol As for the super processed diets, I agree and try to give advice or "hints" i.e. try this instead, it's super yummy too" I don't want to be mean and say, that food is crap your killing your body. xD But you know, subtle hints...

    The problem is, I think because we've all been through trying to lose weight before and empathise with harsh criticism, people fear other's reading their diary because of the chance someone may criticise them, vice versa, people are afraid to comment because they don't WANT to seem critical and hurt that persons feelings. At least that's the vibe I'm getting from most of these comments. However, and again this is just my opinion, I feel the entire point of this lifestyle change and strong community base is to change bad habits and do so through help, suggestions and knowledge of others. If you never leave your diary open, how will you ever get feedback if you're getting proper nutrients, macros, etc. On the other hand, if you never leave comments how will the people know if they could/should be doing something different. Idk, just my take.
  • sweetpea129
    sweetpea129 Posts: 755 Member
    I look at the diary just to get some ideas for myself. But i would never comment something negative on it. It's not my place to judge unless they have specifically asked me. I dont think making a diary public means that one has the right to comment about it. Many people (myself included) do it to give ideas to others.
  • 78brownie_wechanged
    I don't look at diaries. Personally, I think it's weird to comment on what someone eats unless they ask. In fact, my diary used to be public, but I didn't like it when people would comment on what I I made it private. Eh... just my two cents.
  • kaydensmom12
    kaydensmom12 Posts: 338
    I look but normally say great day regardless. I used to say something to those that logged 800 calories, but they didn't care, and honestly who am I to judge them and tell them that they need to up their calories. I will say something once, let them know my stand if they are new and seem to be unsure, but if they continue to eat that way then I respect it because we all have different journeys and different meanings of "healthy". Some people would comment on mine and say "wow, you are cutting it close" because I would always eat my calories and they would always have at least 200 left for the day, so just because you or someone says something, it does not mean that it is correct. We all have different ideas and different ways of eating.