isandi Posts: 162 Member
edited September 19 in Health and Weight Loss
I will start this off....
SW 204
CW 196 -4
GW 169
good luck everyone!


  • slimmingmom
    slimmingmom Posts: 297
    Wow!!! Awsome job Sandi :happy: You're officially no longer in the 200s!!! You must be on cloud 9 right now...I can't wait for my day where i'm in the 100s :blushing:
  • slimmingmom
    slimmingmom Posts: 297
    Wow!!! Awsome job Sandi :happy: You're officially no longer in the 200s!!! You must be on cloud 9 right now...I can't wait for my day where i'm in the 100s :blushing:

    And I guess I should mention that it's still Sunday my time! I will weigh myself in the morning though I really don't think i'll have much of a weight change. Thanks to TOM i've kind of been giving in to some of my cravings this week :smooched: I hate being all bloated and irritable :laugh:
  • SW 180
    CW 170 -1
    GW 130 or size 10P
    Mini goal 1 : 160lbs or size 14P by aug 5th

    After 3 weeks plateau, I started to lose weight again.
    I'm using my sunday weight this time because I ate chinese food for dinner... lots of sodium
  • AlmostHot
    AlmostHot Posts: 312 Member
    Had a terrible weekend, sabotaged myself, and weighed higher this morning, but my jeans are now baggy so i think i will weigh again tomorrow when the weekend food is out of my system lol:wink:

    Well done Sandi thats fantastic!

    I'g glad the plateau is broken GetFit! Yay!
  • gemiwing
    gemiwing Posts: 1,525 Member
    No loss this week- and no gain. So I'm alright with that. I've lost weight a little too quickly for my peace of mind, so having my body take a week off sounds fine to me. I'm still on the DL for now so exercise is out. *sigh*

    Good thing weight loss is 70% diet, otherwise I'd be sunk.

    Have a great Monday everyone!
  • magglett
    magglett Posts: 2,000
    I will start this off....
    SW 204
    CW 196 -4
    GW 169
    good luck everyone!

    Good morning all :flowerforyou: Congratulations Sandi and welcome to ONEderland!!

    As for me ...

    SW 208.5
    LW 191.5
    CW 187.5

    That's a 4 lb. loss for me this week. Hiking the Niagara Gorge really helps ... quite the workout!! I hope you all have a great day.
  • thirtyby40
    thirtyby40 Posts: 702 Member
    Well I managed to lose my holiday weight again, but we will see if there are any ill effects from this past weekend next Monday ( I had 3 different functions, 3 different desserts :noway: ) Usually desserts aren't my downfall, but each was homemade and I felt bad not trying some. Do people start baking more when you start losing weight, or is it just my imagination??


    My first mini goal of being in the 160's by August 15 is sneaking up on me. I am going to work my butt off, but we are going away for a 4 day holiday this weekend. Maybe if I could stay put once in a while it would come off easier. I will make sure I book a hotel with a nice fitness room.

    I had a dream I weighed myself August 15 and was 164, there is one dream I hope comes true. :wink:
  • Daisy_May
    Daisy_May Posts: 505 Member
    I'm not weighing in until Wednesday but I just wanted to say congrats to all those that lost last week!! And to those who didn't, congrats for still treking on and not giving up:happy:
  • datenshi
    datenshi Posts: 840 Member
    Good morning everyone!

    SW - 253.4
    GW - 140.0
    LW - 242.8
    CW - 240

    Loss of 2.8 lbs this week. :smile:
    I am really looking forward to seeing the 230's.

    Good luck and best wishes to all!

  • stormieweather
    stormieweather Posts: 2,549 Member
    I'll be weighing in on Wednesday's too. Good work everyone!
  • Daisy_May
    Daisy_May Posts: 505 Member
    So I'm sitting here looking at the picture of my bf and me on holidays that I have in my profile(taken while on vacation last week) and I can't wait until he holds me and his arms go all the way around me! LOL silly little thing but I can't wait......
  • Melissa_123
    Melissa_123 Posts: 115
    Ok..I did my weigh in expecting the worst. I have eaten within my calories but not that great food. I feel fat, fat, fat. But...I weighed in and lost 3 pounds??? How come I feel huge!?!

    SW- 181


    CW -166
  • Mamakatspokane
    Mamakatspokane Posts: 3,098 Member
    :drinker: Great job everyone! I'm changing my weigh in day to Wednesday. The only day my hubby and I have off together is Sunday so it's my "splurge day", I find even if I stay within calories, I've usually out done myself with sodium :)
    So Wednesday is my day and I'm feeling good about a loss this week.
    Keep up the great work!
  • Daisy_May
    Daisy_May Posts: 505 Member
    I think I'm finally getting used to eating 1200 calories again, by the time I had left for vacation I found I was never overly hungry and the 1200 claories filled me no problem. Then since I've been back from vacation (where I cheated like crazy) I have found myself starving everyday! But this weekend and today, I'm good, it's lunch time and I just realized I didn't even have my usual morning snack.
  • glandis
    glandis Posts: 89
    CW- 169

    No Loss:sad: , but not too upset. I know what I did wrong and I am back on track today. Congrats to all of you that lost this week and keep up the good work for those who are still trying!
    BABYLILAC Posts: 148 Member
    LW 160
    CW 158
    2lbs done yay after not loosing last week
    You ladies are doing great:flowerforyou: keep up the good work
  • schlieffen
    schlieffen Posts: 269
    I'll be officially weighing in on Wednesday as well. That way I have a few days for my body to recoup after a week and a half vacation where some less-than-good foods were consumed and very little water :blushing:. Although, I snuck a peek this morning and not only did I not gain, I lost a little :bigsmile: :bigsmile:

    Keep up the fantastic work everyone!! :flowerforyou:
  • slimmingmom
    slimmingmom Posts: 297
    So I'm sitting here looking at the picture of my bf and me on holidays that I have in my profile(taken while on vacation last week) and I can't wait until he holds me and his arms go all the way around me! LOL silly little thing but I can't wait......

    That's funny becuae I was putting my hubbys clothes away yesterday and I was looking at his bigger shirts thinking "i'm going to be small enough to sleep in these someday"! I have always been bigger than my hubby and I can't wait to be smaller :happy: :happy: :happy: :happy: :happy:


    Okay...so I lost half a pound :happy: I can live with that right now. I was expecting to gain becuase i've been on my monthly joy ride and kinda ate poorlyPLUS...it's my 4th day of NOT SMOKING :smokin: and it is SOO HARD FOR ME RIGHT NOW. I stayed in my calorie limit though, just not for good choices. This is a new week though and i've been doing awsome so far today...even though it's only 11:30 am :laugh:
  • thirtyby40
    thirtyby40 Posts: 702 Member
    So it seems that we have many Wednesday weighers. Should we reconsider weigh in day. I have been weighing in Mondays, but I would be happy with Wednesdays as well. I do tend to weigh lighter on Wednesdays, but I just figure if you stick to one day, it doesn't matter which it is, it is all relative.

    How about a vote....

    I'm neutral.
  • yolie1220
    yolie1220 Posts: 223 Member
    I am so confused right now. I have lost 6 pounds in 3 weeks but my measurements have not changed at all! My waist, hips, thighs, and body fat percentage have not budged :grumble: Im doing cardio and strength training 3 times a week. I just don't understand it?

    SW: 134.5
    LW: 130.5
    CW: 128.5
    GW: 120-125
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