
  • yolie1220
    yolie1220 Posts: 223 Member
    So it seems that we have many Wednesday weighers. Should we reconsider weigh in day. I have been weighing in Mondays, but I would be happy with Wednesdays as well. I do tend to weigh lighter on Wednesdays, but I just figure if you stick to one day, it doesn't matter which it is, it is all relative.

    How about a vote....

    I'm neutral.
    I'm neutral too, but just a thought... weighing in on Mondays helps me to stay on track over the weekend because I know I'll be posting my weight on Monday :flowerforyou:
  • kandyjo
    kandyjo Posts: 4,493 Member
    So I'm sitting here looking at the picture of my bf and me on holidays that I have in my profile(taken while on vacation last week) and I can't wait until he holds me and his arms go all the way around me! LOL silly little thing but I can't wait......
    Not a silly thing :wink: You'll get there!!! :drinker: We are all cheering you on!!
  • kandyjo
    kandyjo Posts: 4,493 Member
    So I'm sitting here looking at the picture of my bf and me on holidays that I have in my profile(taken while on vacation last week) and I can't wait until he holds me and his arms go all the way around me! LOL silly little thing but I can't wait......

    That's funny becuae I was putting my hubbys clothes away yesterday and I was looking at his bigger shirts thinking "i'm going to be small enough to sleep in these someday"! I have always been bigger than my hubby and I can't wait to be smaller :happy: :happy: :happy: :happy: :happy:


    Hey, a loss is a loss!!!! So congrats!!!! :wink:
    AND way to go on giving up smoking!! You can do it!! :drinker:
    Okay...so I lost half a pound :happy: I can live with that right now. I was expecting to gain becuase i've been on my monthly joy ride and kinda ate poorlyPLUS...it's my 4th day of NOT SMOKING :smokin: and it is SOO HARD FOR ME RIGHT NOW. I stayed in my calorie limit though, just not for good choices. This is a new week though and i've been doing awsome so far today...even though it's only 11:30 am :laugh:
  • kandyjo
    kandyjo Posts: 4,493 Member
    So it seems that we have many Wednesday weighers. Should we reconsider weigh in day. I have been weighing in Mondays, but I would be happy with Wednesdays as well. I do tend to weigh lighter on Wednesdays, but I just figure if you stick to one day, it doesn't matter which it is, it is all relative.

    How about a vote....

    I'm neutral.

    We have different people who weigh in all through the week. So, I think we should keep starting this thread on Mondays and just let everyone pop on here whenever they weigh in through the week ...
    That's my opinion :smile:
  • magglett
    magglett Posts: 2,000
    So it seems that we have many Wednesday weighers. Should we reconsider weigh in day. I have been weighing in Mondays, but I would be happy with Wednesdays as well. I do tend to weigh lighter on Wednesdays, but I just figure if you stick to one day, it doesn't matter which it is, it is all relative.

    How about a vote....

    I'm neutral.

    :ohwell: I need the Monday weigh in to keep me on track on the weekend so I vote for Modays for me please? I think Kandy is right ... people have gotten use to weighing in on different days but we're all June starters right? As long as you pick the same day each week it's all good. :flowerforyou:
  • thirtyby40
    thirtyby40 Posts: 702 Member

    :ohwell: I need the Monday weigh in to keep me on track on the weekend so I vote for Modays for me please? I think Kandy is right ... people have gotten use to weighing in on different days but we're all June starters right? As long as you pick the same day each week it's all good. :flowerforyou:

    Okay I agree actually. When I weigh in Mondays I am better behaved on the weekends, just thought I would put it out there.

    Go June Starters :wink:
  • thirtyby40
    thirtyby40 Posts: 702 Member
    I messed that up, you get my drift though.
  • isandi
    isandi Posts: 162 Member
    :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:

    SLIMMINGMOM, your right...I am in onderland! yea! I love your before and now pictures! Hey gal, a half a pound is a half a pound is 2 cubes of butter! YEA !!

    GETFIT, good for you on the 1 pound loss. Keep that scale moving!

    MISS MESSY, I would go for the baggy jeans any day! Don't be down on yourself!

    GEMIWING, nothing wrong with not losing!look at your wonderful loss, wow, 20 pounds! Awesome!

    MAGGLETT, YEA, for you! I am doing the happy dance for you!!!

    MOMTWO4, , What a great dream, now keep on visualizing it and it will happen! A suggestion...not that I am good at doing this, do the 3 bite rule! Just 3 bites and then push it away! Good luck!

    DAISY MAY, thanks for your support and for checking in!

    TAMMY, great job! You go girl!!

    KEVINSGIRL, great job and isn't that the way it works? Feel thin and gain or feel fat and lose! Who knows. This last week I got a new outfit and I thought I really looked cute and when I saw myself in a picture I looked like a TOAD!!

    Glandis, Good for you that you can see what you did and jump right back on track!

    BABYLILAC, Another 2 pounds gone! yea! Dancing the jig for you!!

    YOLIE1, unfortunately the body and the weight loss are not communicating. Check it next week!

    Nothing to stop any of us from weighing in on both days That way the Monday weigh in helps keep us honest on the weekends and Wednesdays acts as a validation for us to see how we are doing

  • Melissa_123
    Melissa_123 Posts: 115
    Sandi...haha..I bet you looked wonderful! I did the same thing...thought I looked cute today and no one says a word. If I think I look awful everyone says I look nice. Oh well...anyway I just blew my diet anyway so I probably will gain. S'mores with the kids at the fire pit. Too good.
  • thirtyby40
    thirtyby40 Posts: 702 Member
    Sandi you are so wonderful with your words of encouragement. Your posts always give me a smile thank you.

    BTW Great job on your loss, especially with vacation. How was your sons wedding?
  • StaciGirten
    StaciGirten Posts: 30 Member
    1.4 lbs down
  • Jennplus2
    Jennplus2 Posts: 984 Member
    Hello everyone!

    CW:154 (high school weight was 155 :love: )

    Yaya! That is down 3 lbs from last week.

    Created by MyFitnessPal.com - Free Calorie Counter
  • Jennplus2
    Jennplus2 Posts: 984 Member
    So it seems that we have many Wednesday weighers. Should we reconsider weigh in day. I have been weighing in Mondays, but I would be happy with Wednesdays as well. I do tend to weigh lighter on Wednesdays, but I just figure if you stick to one day, it doesn't matter which it is, it is all relative.

    How about a vote....

    I'm neutral.

    :ohwell: I need the Monday weigh in to keep me on track on the weekend so I vote for Modays for me please? I think Kandy is right ... people have gotten use to weighing in on different days but we're all June starters right? As long as you pick the same day each week it's all good. :flowerforyou:

    I agree, I post on Monday's (and most other days I weigh in anyway :blushing: )

    Created by MyFitnessPal.com - Free Calorie Counter
  • Since we don't have to weight in on monday. I'm going to change mine to wednesday also. I usually eat out during the weekend and don't eat so healthy.. lots of sodium. Also I have a chance to work off the extra weekend calorie. Wednesday weight in would motivate me to be good on monday & tuesday.
  • isandi
    isandi Posts: 162 Member
    Nothing to stop any of us from weighing in on both days That way the Monday weigh in helps keep us honest on the weekends and Wednesdays acts as a validation for us to see how we are doing

    I vote for both!
    My favorite is Friday!LOL
  • kandyjo
    kandyjo Posts: 4,493 Member
    Everyone looks like you are doing fantastic!!! Congrats on all of the losses....

    About the weigh-in, we are going to keep starting the threads on Monday like we have been doing! :drinker:
  • shannahrenee
    shannahrenee Posts: 380
    My roommate seemed to have put my scale somewhere before she bathed her dog (she got sprayed by a skunk yesterday). I will weigh in when I find my scale. By the way, I was very upset that I couldn't find my scale this morning. I'm a daily weigh in girl. It helps me stay on track. *crosses fingers* Hope I find it by tomorrow!:ohwell:
  • Johnnyswife
    Johnnyswife Posts: 1,447 Member
    I'm going to go ahead and weigh in too. I wasn't going to this week, as I have some issues wih a tooth that was pulled. I haven't been able to eat my normal foods. Only soft stuff, which means going over in calories.
    I weigh 198 1/2. I think last week I weighed 197 1/2, so I did gain a pound. Ouch! That hurt, but it needed to be done. :laugh: Now I can try and get back on track again. I'll have to get some soups, and drinkable meals to survive till my empty tooth space stops hurting, and all my other teeth stop having sympathy pains for the lost tooth. lol:flowerforyou:
  • gemiwing
    gemiwing Posts: 1,525 Member
    Nothing to stop any of us from weighing in on both days That way the Monday weigh in helps keep us honest on the weekends and Wednesdays acts as a validation for us to see how we are doing

    I vote for both!
    My favorite is Friday!LOL

    Sandi- I bow before the power of your big beautiful brain!

    I love that idea. I like the Monday because Sunday is my off day- so I like to see how it affects me. Plus adding a Wednesday would give me more info- and I'm a dork so the more data the better. :laugh:

    You guys are all doing great- Seriously great. I thought we might lose a few members here and there after a few weeks- but look how great you're all doing!

    Y'all are the best bunch of losers I've ever seen. :bigsmile:
  • Johnnyswife
    Johnnyswife Posts: 1,447 Member
    Y'all are the best bunch of losers I've ever seen.
    :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:
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