
  • SW: 69 kg
    LW: 58 kg
    CW: 58 kg

    Two weeks now at a plateau, nothing much happening at all. I've been exercising a lot and mostly staying within my calories. I'm not complaining about the plateau thing, it's just sort of boring after seeing almost daily results.

    A little event coming next weekend: Housewarming party with lots of people I haven't seen for awhile, who will all notice my change in size! Good excuse to go buy a cute new outfit and bask in the compliments. Since my weight doesn't seem to want to change this week, I'm going to focus on the toning. I recently discovered ab workouts on YouTube, short and to the point!
  • busymom74
    busymom74 Posts: 3,341 Member
    I'm a wednesday weigher but I thought I'd stop in and say congrats to the losers! :laugh: And to everyone else, hang in there, it's about the big picture. :flowerforyou:
  • kaja
    kaja Posts: 145 Member
    well done to everyone.

    I'm gonna weigh in tomorrow, expecting to have gained spent most of the weekend celebrating - birthday and end of school (i'm a teacher so its holiday time now. yay) and bad timing TOM.
  • linnebooc
    linnebooc Posts: 84 Member
    So happy!

    SW 280
    Last Week 265
    This Week 263
    GW 150


    My friends and family have started to remark that I look like I'm loosing weight. I hadn't told anyone I was going to try. All my cloths are getting too big *laughs* I had on a skirt yesterday and I was pulling it up all day. Nice problem to have isn't it?
  • Sparklene
    Sparklene Posts: 38 Member
    SW in September--170
    SW in June--157
    Last week--154.5

    But I was on vacation last week, and the week before that my aerobics instructor was on break, so it was a good excuse not to workout as much. After all I ate and without much exercise, I guess I should be happy. Kind of on a plateau, though. ugh But several people have commented that I look like I've lost weight, so that's good.
  • hamak13
    hamak13 Posts: 11
    SW 150- today
    Short-term goal lose 5 by August 25
    Long-term goal 135 by October
    130 is just a dream

    I'm hoping I can stick to this. I'm upset because my pants can't fit... well, I've been facing that for a few months now. It's hard doing this all by yourself.

    The best of luck to everyone! I'd love to hear about anything that worked for others out there.
  • AlmostHot
    AlmostHot Posts: 312 Member
    Had a terrible weekend, sabotaged myself, and weighed higher this morning, but my jeans are now baggy so i think i will weigh again tomorrow when the weekend food is out of my system lol:wink:

    I have decided to go with the 0.5 pound gain:grumble: because of technical difficulties I didnt get to weigh again:angry: . So hope I have a good loss next week:tongue:

    LW 207.2pounds
    TW 207.7pounds
  • jklm
    jklm Posts: 281
    JohnnysGirl34...you need to keep taking good care of yourself. Hope you're feeling better soon. :flowerforyou:

    I'm at 201 today. No change. I need to get back to logging my food. It's sort of funny, because I can spend time reading MFP threads, but I "forget" to enter my food! Better recommit to that food diary.
    It's great to read about the success so many in the group are having! :smile:
  • yolie1220
    yolie1220 Posts: 223 Member
    Ok, so I have this supposedly good scale with a body fat thing and all. I only use the body fat thing once a week at most and it keeps saying 30%. But I thought, that can't be right. So I go to the gym and they do it there with one of the hand-held ones which he tells me is more accurate. My body fat is actually 24% :noway: I couldn't believe it! He tells me the reason my home scale is so off is because you stand on it and the "signal" can't get all the way up the body so it mostly analyzes the lower half of the body which is where I carry a lot of my weight. So from now on I'll just use the one at the gym every 3 weeks or so :drinker:
  • jklm
    jklm Posts: 281
    I'm hoping I can stick to this. I'm upset because my pants can't fit... well, I've been facing that for a few months now. It's hard doing this all by yourself.
    The best of luck to everyone! I'd love to hear about anything that worked for others out there.
    Welcome to the June Starters, hamak13...the best thing about MFP is that you won't be doing this all by yourself! Everybody's in the same boat with you and we're all working together towards success for one and all. :smile:
  • Daisy_May
    Daisy_May Posts: 505 Member
    So I'm weighing in at 212 today, I should be happy but I was hoping for a big loss this week because of all I gained on vacation. But it's my TOM so I guess I"ll have to be happy with any loss at all, now to hid the scale until next week so I don't spend the week crying every time I step on it.....

    So Last week 215, this week 212, -3lbs
  • shannahrenee
    shannahrenee Posts: 380
    Okay I found my scale and it was not a happy time.

    Last Monday I was 198.6 (yay out of 200s) and I managed to stay that weight all through Thursday (while on vacation, yay me!). Then I had the rest of the weekend off and today I'm back at 200 :sad:

    Booo!!! I was hoping to at least be out of the 200s again by today but no such luck. Oh well, hopefully by next Monday.

    I can't wait until I'm about 195 and even when I fluctuate I don't make it back into the 200s. It's so discouraging. :ohwell:

    Good work everyone!!! Keep it up!

    I'm going to post my goals in hopes that it motivates/reminds me of where I want to be.

    189 or less by my birthday (September 24)
    181 by my boyfriend's birthday (October 25)
    179 by Halloween
    Maybe 169 by Christmas but I'm going to wait and see what I look like at 179
  • busymom74
    busymom74 Posts: 3,341 Member
    Well I can't even remeber what last weeks weigh in was but this week is 178.1 which is .4 less than the last time i weighed myself. lol
  • stormieweather
    stormieweather Posts: 2,549 Member
    SW: 172
    CW: 166
    GW: 135

    So I really didn't make any progress this week. I've been weighing myself every day (obsessively) and actually had one morning of 165, but others where the figure was all the way up to 169. I'm cutting out the daily weighings and moving the scale out of the bathroom. :grumble:

    I've begun eating my exercise calories and will be monitoring my fat intake more closely as I'm nearly always over, to see if that helps any.

    It's great to hear such wonderful progress from all of you!! Inspires me to keep going :flowerforyou:

    Oh and today is my two month anniversary of being smoke free! Yay! :heart:
  • schlieffen
    schlieffen Posts: 269
    Oh and today is my two month anniversary of being smoke free! Yay! :heart:

    CONGRATS!!! :flowerforyou:

    And CONGRATS to all the fabulous June Starters!! :flowerforyou:
    Now its my turn...

    Last week I missed my weigh-in because I was on vacation, so my "last" week's numbers will really be two weeks ago..

    Starting Weight: 182.4
    'Last' Week: 173.2
    Current Weight: 169.6!!:bigsmile: :bigsmile:

    Not only am I finally out of the 170's (YAY for 160's! :bigsmile: ), I reached my goal of 170 by Aug 13 WAAAYYYY early!!! I certainly :heart: this weigh-in!!!
  • courtney_love2001
    courtney_love2001 Posts: 1,468 Member
    Hey girls and gals...not too happy about the loss this week, but at least I lost something. Guess I should be excited because i just got home from vacation on Friday. Oh well, a loss is a loss and I'm ok with that!

    SW: 191
    LW: 177.5
    TW: 176.5
    GW: 150
  • Mamakatspokane
    Mamakatspokane Posts: 3,098 Member
    SW - 176.5
    LW - 170
    CW - 167.5 down 2.5lbs!

    I changed my weigh in from Monday to Wednesday so it's actually 2.5 in a week and 2 days. Very happy to be in the 160's!!!!

    Congrats to all for sticking with it for another week, whether you gained or lossed your still on the journey! Yeah you!:flowerforyou:
  • kaja
    kaja Posts: 145 Member
    SW - 180
    LW - 169
    CW - 169

    ok so not as bad as it could have been, no loss but no gain either.
  • zibbity
    zibbity Posts: 126 Member
    Hey guys!

    My name is Kisha and I’m new to the June Starters. I was looking for a group of people for support on this site, when Kandy suggested I join your group! So here I am! I hope that’s okay even though I technically joined MFP in May. :frown:

    Let’s see…. I love just about anything that a sort of odd 26 year old lady enjoys including (but not limited to): reading, sewing, writing, horror movies, tattoos, dancing til dawn, thrills, conventions, concerts, cupcakes (the concept of them more than the actual eating of them…) traveling, and spending time with family and friends.

    I’m a copywriter for a large internet marketing company, and I live alone in Midtown Atlanta with my cat Neville Longbottom in my loft apartment (a.k.a = the batcave). I really enjoy my crazy little life and all of the people in it, but I want to be able to enjoy it to the fullest, which is why I’m here on MFP!

    Here are my stats:
    Height: 5’3
    Starting Weight: 225
    Current Weight: 203
    Goal Weight: 140

    I’m really excited about this group and that an invitation was extended my way (thanks again Kandy Jo! You’re awesome!) when I was feeling so discouraged and alone. I look forward to getting to know you all!

    Thanks for reading!
  • stormieweather
    stormieweather Posts: 2,549 Member
    Hi and Welcome Zibbity/Kisha :smile:
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