

  • CasperO
    CasperO Posts: 2,913 Member
    Edit, delete, happy face happy face,,,

    I'm good, but thanks. :happy:
  • Sparklene
    Sparklene Posts: 38 Member
    1 Tbs. peanut butter on whole wheat bread. Some days I add half a banana and/or 4 oz. of OJ.
  • FireMonkey
    FireMonkey Posts: 500 Member
    During the week, oatmeal, fresh berries or other fruit and skim milk.

    On the weekend I treat myself to pancakes, regular or potato, and back bacon (Canadian bacon to you folks south of the border :smile: ), or an omelet.

    I love coffee but can only have one cup in the morning now as any more gives me arrhythmia :sad:
    It's been a few weeks and it's safe for my colleagues to look at me again in the morning, even speak to me very softly, but anybody who comes near me with a hot steaming cup of coffee only has herself to blame :explode:

    I am so thankful to whoever invented the microwave - when I worked at the old Salvation Army Lodge as a care aide, we had to get a big kettle of oatmeal started at 4am. By 8am it was just right, the texture of wallpaper glue, and tasted about the same :sick:
  • HelenG83
    HelenG83 Posts: 6
    Never get time for breakfast in the morning before work so I take it with me, 1 small pot of fruit flavoured yogurt and 1/2 cup of cereal on top, seems to keep hunger locked up till lunch for me :o)

    If I'm being more induldgent at the weekend i'd have scrambled egg on toast or big field mushrooms on toast... mmm... nummy :o)
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