Am i the only one it pisses off



  • Imawonder
    Imawonder Posts: 65
    How do you know that they can't do anymore? Some people have joint problems or heart problems and are there to help themselves. Maybe try to be a little more understanding that not everyone is as physically fit as you are.

    ^^THIS"" When I started, I could barely walk at 2.5 mph. Why be so judgmental?? I know for me, if I didn't start at the gym, I would never have started. I have a treadmill at home, but that makes it too easy to quit and go sit on the couch instead. Give 'em a break!
  • overit75
    overit75 Posts: 150 Member
    What I get mad about is that people look at me weird because I am soaked in sweat at the gym. Sorry I am there to work, not socialize. I also get mad when people socialize while hogging up a machine.
  • militarydreams
    militarydreams Posts: 198 Member
    Move to the freeweights. You'll be happier, less stressed, and get a better workout =p.

    This is all you need to know about getting stronger in the gym. If you're serious enough to get angry then you're serious enough to do it properly.
  • FitBunnyEm
    FitBunnyEm Posts: 320
    There is so much that goes on at the gym that ticks me off; I just don't go anymore. I do my workouts at home and love it!
    yep same here but im still going at the mo even though i could kill
  • Jacwhite22
    Jacwhite22 Posts: 7,012 Member
    My gym has 2 smith machines.....On Monday one of them was being used for bicep curls and the other for dead lift.......yes...I was pissed.
  • tripitena
    tripitena Posts: 554 Member
    You aren't the only one it pisses off, there are plenty of other *kitten* out there.

    tripi listens for the sound of this thread slamming closed.....
  • bagge72
    bagge72 Posts: 1,377 Member
    these people suck. you can have an injury or arthritis and still manage to be considerate in the gym. maybe those people should understand that since their fitness level is lower, they need to be considerate to those who are healthier. i'm seeing a lot of reverse logic, for a 10k do they line the walkers up at the front? no!!! the fast elite runners go to the front, and the slow people take their place int he back. people need to learn to fall in line and they are not special.

    anyways, i agree with you!!!! my gym is 90% dudes that only lift and NEVER do cardio. they work out in groups of 2 or 3 and during their "rest" one of them just sits up the bench/machine so no one else can use it, even though they are just talking. These "rest chats" can last as long as 10 minutes. one time i asked if i could work in with two guys who were doing this (i could have finished my whole set during 1 rest) and they said NO!!! selfish *kitten*.i find this is so annoying, some of us have things to do and can spend three hours at the gym shooting the *kitten* with our buddies!

    **** or get off the pot, go big or go home, whatever you want to say. just get out of the damn way and have respect for people with limited time!

    I had kind of the opposite experience the other day, I used a machine that was empty, and by the time I was on my 3rd set a guy comes over, and was just looking at me, so I asked him if he would like to work in with me, and he goes "No I was here first!" Well sorry for ya, because you left the machine, and I got 3 sets in so you couldn't have been to worried about it.

    But for the OP I see this crap all of the time, but these people pay for the membership just like you do, so stop pretending you are better than them, and just do something different. I'm sure there are plenty of people at my gym who complain about the fat kid using the the treadmill for an hour, but they can go f' themselves, because how else would I get in shape.
  • RealDealNeil
    I know that feeling
  • Maribelle1978
    I myself cannot stand workingout all sweaty and out of breathe, so i workout at my pace... i have a delicate knee too, so i don't want to aggrave it... and like many have said , as long as you MOVE, that's the important thing...

    Besides, 30 minutes of a good pace walking burns just as much as a 10 minute run... so relax, let people workout at their own pace. When you have the machine, you do what you want, and when others have it, its theirs to do what they want!
  • kitkatkmt
    kitkatkmt Posts: 178 Member
    Hey, even the smallest and easiest workout can still be beneficial to them. :)

    ^This. I can't work out quickly - I may look like I'm barely moving, but for me, with bad joints, it's not the speed, it's more the fact that I'm even able to do something. Suck it up and let people do things at their own pace.
  • 17ChargerGirl17
    I hate when I am waiting to use a machine and someone is texting on their phone!!!
    and yes I agree, if you are going to workout, workout. If you can talk to the guy next to you, you are not doing it correctly. LOL
    Get off and go walk around the block with your friend, there are people who actually want to do Cardio...
  • amelia_atlantic
    amelia_atlantic Posts: 926 Member
    It bothers me more when the machines are constantly broken (PLANET FITNESS), yet the gym doesn't put a cap on new memberships when they clearly can't accomodate so many (PLANET FITNESS).
  • KrystleKiri
    KrystleKiri Posts: 135
    Well, that's not fair AT ALL. Everyone goes at a different pace. If it's a chick that's texting, talking to her best friend, and casually gliding on the eliptical, okay, yeah, that sucks, but if someone is just going slow in general? it's not up to you to determine how hard they should be working out.
  • Debbe2
    Debbe2 Posts: 2,071 Member
    Possible that they have been working out and finishing a long session so winding down. I don't get upset at the gym with people cause we're really all struggling to get fit, stay fit and do it in the limited time we have available.
  • iAMaPhoenix
    iAMaPhoenix Posts: 1,038 Member
    And that pisses you off...I hate to see what you do when the traffic is rubbernecked.
  • thaislcrd
    thaislcrd Posts: 76 Member
    Not everyone can or should exercise at the same pace as everyone else. My mom used to be very active and strong, now she can barely walk on a treadmill, and watching her on the stationary bike seems like a joke. She moves her feet very slowly when on a bike and walks slowly on a treadmill, but can walk fast anywhere else. That's because of problems that she has on the nerves of her legs, but if you were to see her, you would think that she has not problem at all. I'm really proud to see that even through pain, she's exercising. So, what I'm saying is, don't judge! Not everyone has the same ability as you. Some people might have problems that you don't know about!
  • MissFit0101
    MissFit0101 Posts: 2,382
    I work out very hard, but honestly, I don't give a crap what other people are doing.
  • WhittRak
    WhittRak Posts: 572 Member
    Because you are the Queen of fitness machines right? Get over it.
  • becoming_a_new_me
    becoming_a_new_me Posts: 1,860 Member
    I have severe fibromyalgia. While normally I will go for a hard burn, there are days that the fact that I made it out of bed was a victory. I still go workout, but I will do a slow workout because I don't want to end up in bed for three days. You don't know what that person has going on in his/her life. It could be a major victory that they made it to the gym in the first place.
  • Jugie12
    Jugie12 Posts: 282 Member
    When I do cardio, I get to go up the stairs to the treads or elipticals and bikes where I have full view of the rest of the gym. I have fun watching and observing - I can think of one girl inparticular who will go sit at a machine and put it on the lowest weight - 10lbs or less - and will sit and do reps just looking around. She swings her arms up and down without focus or resistance and her reps are always unevenly numbered... could be 21 reps then 25 or 12. She got new boobs so she sticks them out if she can and does that look-around to see if the guys in the area are paying attention. If she thinks one if looking her way, she'll blow out a breath as if she's straining on that workout, then when he turns away she'll slump back and wait to catch another dude peeking, lol

    yes, it's a waste of time and money for her but it's entertainment for me. Plus, I like to think it makes me look like a badass when I go to the same machine and move a stack of weights that would make most of my friends cry. :bigsmile:

    When I am lifting though, or running, I don't see or hear anyone else. My time to focus on me and my muscles.

    If I have to cool it off and walk though, people watching is free game! :tongue: