What was your wake up call?



  • TrophyWifeSass
    TrophyWifeSass Posts: 490 Member
    Photos from a family vacation, I was horrified. Life was passing me by and I was miserable and trapped in my own body. Never again.
  • kmoore02
    kmoore02 Posts: 167 Member
    My doctor put me on Simvistatin, 20mg a day back in November because my cholesterol was over 300. In February I had it checked and it was down to about 200. I had it checked about 2 weeks ago at my HMO's wellness screening and it was about 164.

    I've never been on meds before and as of two weeks ago, I quit taking them. I'm on week 5, day 3 of my C25K and I'm not looking back. This is my 2nd week on MFP and I've lost 25lbs since the end of March!

    I've gained a 100lbs in 10years! That's my reality check!!!
  • missystracker
    when i went to an amusement park with my family got on the ride and the girl had to put all her weight on me to get the seatbelt to lock. as mortifying as that was i wanted to hug her for it. i didnt have to get off the ride. I then realize i had slowly been on the side lines with my oldest kid because of my wieght.
  • lelstar
    lelstar Posts: 374 Member
    My naturopath told me I have metabolic syndrome, the step before diabetes, and if I didn't get my health under control I would have diabetes. Cholesterol, glucose etc is normal. I'm 26.
  • CaraColleen
    CaraColleen Posts: 110 Member
    When I had to unbutton my pair of jeans at work because they were too uncomfortable to sit in.
  • calalily77
    calalily77 Posts: 240 Member
    A photo of my husband and i in Mexico in my swimsuit. Every time I look at it I am so disgusted with myself. So I am wanting to be able to get a new swimsuit picture this summer with no love handles and no puffy stomach.
  • HelloSweetie4
    HelloSweetie4 Posts: 1,214 Member
    My wake-up call was when I noticed my husband losing weight and looking good and I wasn't lol. I actually haven't had bloodwork done in at least 6 years (even though I go to the doctor regularly) so I have no idea where any of my levels are at. I'm 24 (will be 25 in July!)
  • crzyone
    crzyone Posts: 872 Member
    I dropped my bad cholesterol by 51 points of "healthier eating" for sevenish months.
  • jillian769
    jillian769 Posts: 247 Member
    Occasionally the seat belt on a plane didn't fit!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I WANTED TO DIE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! The scariest part was when I would see other very large people clicking the seat belt just fine and I thought, "That person is huge, how can she fit in the seat belt but I can't, I'm not that huge!!!!!!" LOLOLOL Ummm, helloooooo!!!:embarassed:
  • lelstar
    lelstar Posts: 374 Member
    Maybe it could help someone to mention that since I found some motivation (my boyfriend, quite supportive) in August 2011 and cut out (although I'm not that strict now) sugar I have dropped 19kg (from 103 to 85ish)
  • CME76
    CME76 Posts: 7 Member
    Last month, my husband went to the doctor and his triglycerides were over 700 and he is in alot better shape than me. Then, an acquaintance from High School died of Cardiac Arrest. Also, pictures made at Mother's Day.

    I went to Doctor yesterday....my bp is very high and my HDLs are low. New to this, but working on it. And I am 36.
  • kalynn06
    kalynn06 Posts: 368 Member
    I had to weigh a skittish dog, so I jumped on the scale with him, and thought "Wow, he weighs more than I thought". Then I weighed myself to do the subtraction, and realized where the extra weight was. I knew that I had put on some weight, but not almost 15 lbs.
  • mystinamarie
    mystinamarie Posts: 51 Member
    I got married in December and was at a weight I was pretty happy with, but didn't have to worry about "fitting into my dress" anymore- so went kind of wild with the eating.

    I didn't realize how wild until Easter break when family was visiting. I looked at the photos they took and was absolutely ashamed. I was squeezing into my yoga pants and I looked like a stuffed sausage- you could actually SEE cellulite through the pants fabric. Then I dug out the scale, and found I'd gained almost 20 pounds. Major, major wake up call.
  • melissalynn317
    melissalynn317 Posts: 46 Member
    I saw pictures of myself and thought "my arms should not look like tootsie rolls." They aren't going to fix themselves and I'm always up for a good challenge.
  • michaelsgirl1210
    michaelsgirl1210 Posts: 37 Member
    My husband took me to a museum and took pics of me with some historic books (I had hoped to use the pics in my professional blog since I'm a librarian). When I saw them, I was terribly embarrassed. When I weighed that night, I was at my highest non-pregnant weight ever. I knew something had to change. I was also tired of being unable to keep up in my 2 year old's "Mommy & Me Dance" class. I'm 27, and I've lost 17 from my highest weight (15 with MFP), gained a lot of muscle, and now I can chase my daughter and have energy left over. And I'm only 1/3 of the way to my goal!
  • bellaboo07
    bellaboo07 Posts: 22 Member
    I was heavier than my husband! ( not now though!) also was 3 stone heavier than when I was 9months pregnant unreal! I don't know My numbers but after I had my daughter had to go on beta blockers for a few months as my blood pressure was so high and now being over 5 stone lighter I have perfectly normal blood pressure.
  • Henism88
    Henism88 Posts: 2 Member
    I was 19 years old and I tipped the scale at an alarming 348lbs. I thought it was make it or break it time.
  • sagetracey
    sagetracey Posts: 607 Member
    When my husband told me that his greatest fear was that I would die or end up in a wheelchair because of my weight.
  • nekochanpurr
    Not having control of a lot of things in my life.. This is one thing i can control. The one point where i have a choice.

    Also, my doctor told me it might get rid of my asthma and acid reflux.
  • Alissakelly
    Alissakelly Posts: 119
    superficial reasons :S

    My boyfriend was really skinny, not a pound of fat on him. I felt like an elephant beside him. Ironically, it wasn't until we went home for the summer and were apart that It really hit me how I wanted to change. I wanted to be comfortable in my skin, proud of my body, and feel great with and without clothing.
    I wanted him to be proud of me, what guy doesn't want a girl other guys think has a good body? (he never said he wasn't proud or that he wanted me to change, but I didn't feel i was anything to be proud of) Picking clothes to wear became awful, old clothes weren't fitting, my sister told me I had gained a lot of weight at school. I realized wishing to look good gets you nowhere, unless you work your butt off and so I started
    :) happier than ever now and still working away