What was your wake up call?



  • lelstar
    lelstar Posts: 374 Member
    Not having control of a lot of things in my life.. This is one thing i can control. The one point where i have a choice.

    Also, my doctor told me it might get rid of my asthma and acid reflux.

    Something to try for the reflux: juice from half a lemon in a glass of water before you eat anything in the morning.
  • AlphamaleBAMF
    AlphamaleBAMF Posts: 373 Member
    It was when I got divorced. My whole life had collapsed and I decided to move to a new town and start over. So far I've quit smoking and gone from 136kg down to 110kg.
  • Jonahyona
    Jonahyona Posts: 108 Member
    I kept looking on Facebook and seeing guys my age with big arms with six packs or close to it. It made me feel bad because I am entering my twenties and I should look my best. Also, my dad had been teasing me that I will get fat because I don't exercise or anything. Lastly, I kept seeing pictures on Tumblr of models and actual guys around my age and they all looked really good. I don't really care to look like a model but I would like to be healthy and look good. :)
  • chrissilini
    chrissilini Posts: 77 Member
    I have always battled with being overweight. Strong family history of heart disease, stroke, high blood pressure and diabetes. Then I was diagnosed with breast cancer in Nov 2011. One of the best things to minimize my chance of recurrence is to lose the excess weight. 15 down, 35 to go!
  • EstherZue
    EstherZue Posts: 39
    I was going out one night and was trying to "jump" into my jeans when the pockets ripped. I covered it with a long shirt and in the course of the night I ripped the inside legs of the jeans also. The next morning for work all the buttons of my last wearable pants exploded in all directions when I sat down in the car. I laughed, cried, and started dieting immediately. 8 kg lost, 10kg more to go :)
  • katbiggle
    katbiggle Posts: 5
    When I hit 10st 91bs which is the heaviest I have ever been. I hated looking at myself and none of my clothes fitted me. Then my neighbour told me about MFP and how she had lost 20lbs and that inspired me :o)
  • TheVimFuego
    TheVimFuego Posts: 2,412 Member
    I tried to get into my work trousers after a year's break and couldn't, this was about 3 months ago.

    This was after religiously following the low fat calories in/out philosophy for the duration of the break, and being in complete control of what I ate and shopped for.

    I realised that it just doesn't work for me (and I was hungry all time, sounds familiar?) and started investigating nutrition.

    Today I hit the scales and am under my initial goal weight and feeling great, the trousers are a little loose if anything.
  • R666ECE
    R666ECE Posts: 8 Member
    being on Holiday and realising i didnt eat anything healthy ... then Girl friend left me .... i was never going back to being a skinny fat ever again
  • Umeboshi
    Umeboshi Posts: 1,637 Member
    There was no 'wake up call'. I just felt like seeing if I could lose weight, and turns out I could.
  • k2charmed4u
    k2charmed4u Posts: 282
    Also, do you know your previous and or current numbers for your cholesterol, blood glucose readings etc? And what is your age if you don't mind? Thanks :)

    Wake up call was finally feeling confident enough to make a difference. When I was 272lbs my cholesterol was 5.9 and my sugars were 7.1 I was 20 on those readings. When I lost 56lbs I was 22 with a cholesterol of 4.9 and sugars of 6.3. I put on 48lbs last year (now lost another 4lbs so at 260lbs at the minute) but don't have any recent numbers at the minute. :smile:
  • netchik
    netchik Posts: 587 Member
    Another miscarriage.

    Cholesterol has always been excellent and still is. Blood pressure before was dangerously high (hospitalised at 167/80) is now on average 122/67 (test every saturday).

    Fasting Blood sugar was peaking at 9. Now average of 5!

    That's 40lb worth of health for me :)

    Sorry forgot age: 37
  • TaylorsGranddad
    TaylorsGranddad Posts: 453 Member
    My entire life fell apart and my weight was one thing I could control.

    Me too 100% same, but my life back on track now... and the weight is coming down too :)
  • higgins1988
    higgins1988 Posts: 38
    lots of comments over time and generally feeling unhappy about myself, but i started dieting in earnest so i would look good for when my boyfriend got back from travelling. It was only after i had lost some weight that i actually realised how much bigger i had gotten :S
  • amaryaxxx
    amaryaxxx Posts: 47 Member
    My wake up call was on a flight when i couldnt buckle my seat belt, and needed an extra strap, and at a theme park when I couldn't fit on a ride.
  • MySweetPotato
    MySweetPotato Posts: 175 Member


    true story bro :drinker:
  • anku08
    anku08 Posts: 82 Member
    mine was when i couldnt fit into my last summer clothes... and my stupid friends instead of supporting me started to move away from me :cry:
    but well I am a bit better than before.. and i threw those friends out of my life..
    Atleast i have got the guts to lose that fat.. they did not even have the courage to motivate me through my journey..
    dumb losers they are.. :smile:
  • bathsheba_c
    bathsheba_c Posts: 1,873 Member
    I was 135 lbs throughout college. I had something of a wake-up call when I went to the doctor three years later, and was at 155 lbs (my heaviest weight ever). Then I hit the snooze button.

    My major wake-up call was when I went to the doctor a year after that, had a blood panel done, and found out that my cholesterol was 236 (don't know glucose, and my blood pressure has always been low).

    After that, I started watching what I was eating, majorly reduced my saturated fat intake, working to reduce my carb intake, and I'm trying to be much more physically active.
  • munkey418
    munkey418 Posts: 139
    when my shoes started to feel tight and i realized my ankles were as swollen as the day before i gave birth to my daughter. And im not expecting.... another wake up call that has been slowly sinking in is i weigh too much (thanks PCOS!) to have more kids which is something my husband desperately wants and i feel like a complete failure in life that i cant even do something that i feel like i was put on this earth to do :(
  • sarann111
    sarann111 Posts: 16
    My 'before' picture that was taken in January 2010; I never realized just how bad I looked until I saw that. Getting divorced also gave me a lot of free time, anger, and motivation that I chose to use to better myself.
  • lord_lethris
    lord_lethris Posts: 40 Member
    Cholesterol too high (6.7), back pains, leg pains, chest pains, achy arms, fingers blagh blagh.
    5 different Quacks over 8 years thought I had anklyospondilitus, sciatica, bad thyroids and osteoarthritis.
    And every time the Quacks weighed me they said "well.. your not Obese".

    4 trips to an osteopath last year, for a bending session, and he basically said "8 years of anklyospondilitus? what a load of Boll**ks! your fine..."

    Went to my 6th new Quack, (by now, even "I" started to think I was a hypochondriac). She did a blood test for everything. Cholesterol still high (6) and positive for osteoarthritis, however the score for osteoarthritis was very low, and I had a very small trace of a chemical that "may" contribute to anklyospondilitus... A VERY SMALL trace thats not worth thinking about.

    So I asked the Quack why I have been in so much pain for years. and she said "Given that you may have osteoarthritis, and you also suffer from a high Cholesterol count, you are, infact, overweigh for your condition"

    Me - **Shock face""

    She said "You are not Obese, BUT You could really benefit with loosing a little bit of weight. Get yourself down to 69kg and see what happenes".

    So here I am :) And you know what? She was right. After 8 years of agony, all the pain has stopped after just a few months of dieting.

    I've still got a few KG to go, but I'm getting there ^_^