too exausted from work and commute to work out more.



  • Deedsie
    Deedsie Posts: 348 Member
    It sounds like you need a new job to me. You have to bike there and back, you are drinking frequently with co-workers and it's in an ice cream store (my GOD, I feel myself gaining weight just thinking about it.) You have a lot of suggestions here but I think the root of your problem is your employment not your diet or exercise plan. I would start to work on finding a job that isn't so exhausting. Or at least doesn't have co-workers wanting to drink and ice cream constantly at your fingertips. (You would think one of those co-workers would be kind enough to give you a lift a few days a week.)
  • sweetpotatofry
    sweetpotatofry Posts: 209 Member
    Hmm I remember reading somewhere that there's definitely a give and take with exercise. Since you're working out already as a part of your daily living-life routine, it's understandable that you'd feel less like working out beyond that. To be honest, I think that's actually a really healthy way of approaching exercise. If my lifestyle were less sedentary I wouldn't be compelled to spend as much time in the gym or working out at home because I'd already be getting my exercise from everywhere else. You might not see results as quickly as we all would like, but I think this kind of exercise is more sustainable in the long-term. So you shouldn't be too concerned about not putting in extra time to work out!
  • taximommie
    taximommie Posts: 2
    I am impressed you bike so much. I love riding my bike rather than moving my car...but thats only about 8 miles...
    I use a front groceries that fit in it and simply make more trips more often...FYI I am a mom with 2 kids still at home so I buy more food than you ould probably need and it works great. I get up at 5:30 and work out. Start my day working out and that seems to always help with motivation and general well being. I feel so much better when I work out first thing. Kind of kick starts my day so to speak. I also drink lots of water usually, love wheat grass and have learned to not beat myself up when I can't or won't work out. Enjoy life...don't take offense to others trying to help you, but take everything with a grain of salt. I have also learned ... remember I am 41 years old...LOL...that for me the amount of hours I sleep was not as important as the consistancy. Example: going to bed by 11 pm every night and getting up at 5:30 everyday. The more consistant I am with my time for sleep, often the better I feel. My body learned to work with what I gave it as long as I was consistant. Does that make any kind of sense? Best of luck...just keep your eye on your goal and remember everything starts and stops with ONLY you!