"Face it, we'll never be that skinny again."



  • Bentley2718
    Bentley2718 Posts: 1,690 Member
    As far as taking what she said to heart, as several people have already pointed out, this statement was likely about *her* not you. She doesn't think she'll ever be that skinny again, I doubt she was really thinking about you when she said it. People, even people who care about us, are sometimes thoughtless like that. I doubt she meant to imply that she doesn't believe in you.

    I could be wrong, but going from a size 10, to a juniors size 3 in 3-4 months (late May to sometime in September) seems like a pretty tough goal to me. I also think the above poster who pointed out that while it may be possible to be "that thin" again, the necessary measures may be more than you are willing to take to achieve that goal. At a certain point, is it really important to be a size 2/4 again? Would it be worth harming your mental or physical health to do so? Probably not. Would it be worth constant worrying to do so? That's a judgement call. I'd suggest that rather than focusing on being a specific size, you may find it more productive to focus on health and fitness related goals. For example, you might want to be a generally healthy weight, have normal cholesterol, run a 10k, go on bike rides with your kids, etc.. These sorts of goals are probably more achievable, and can have a much more positive influence on your life than the number sewn on a little tag (or screen printed) on the inside of your clothes.
  • Trail_Addict
    Trail_Addict Posts: 1,350 Member
    I graduated at 132 pounds. Lord kill me if I ever get that skinny again! :tongue:
  • TexanThom
    TexanThom Posts: 778
    Forget the skinny, I want my hair back that I had then...
  • LindaCWy
    LindaCWy Posts: 463 Member
    I'll never be as fat as I was in highschool again.... wait, thats different. But hey...could be worse right?
  • phinphanbill26
    phinphanbill26 Posts: 574 Member
    Don't let her bad attitude derail your efforts. Lean on us for positive suportive statements. We're here for you!
  • JeffseekingV
    JeffseekingV Posts: 3,165 Member
    When you slim down in Sept, you wouldn't want to wear that little form fitting black dress or anything right? :bigsmile:
  • leannems
    leannems Posts: 516 Member
    I think she doesn't believe in herself, and the comment likely wasn't directed at you.

    I actually don't believe I'll be able to get as skinny as I was in high school (maybe - but my body has changed a lot since then, and for a brief period of time I was under weight for my frame) but I am sure as hell going to get as close as possible!

    Maybe she needs support from you - you could try doing this together?
  • BAMFMeredith
    BAMFMeredith Posts: 2,829 Member
    That's what my best friend from high school said to me last night.

    We have our 10 year high school reunion coming up in September and I told her how my goal was to be able to fit into my prom dress. My size 2/4 (I think it was maybe like a 3 in juniors) prom dress. I'm a size 10 right now (down from a 14). We were joking about how crazy we were for ever thinking we were fat back then, and how we wish we were that size again, when she said "Let's just face it, we'll never be that skinny again."

    And I thought...well...maybe you won't...but I will. I guess it kinda rubbed me the wrong way, like she thought I couldn't do it or something. Or maybe it was just her resigning herself to being the size she is now after have 2 babies. Her body changed a lot (she was very skinny with no curves when we were 18, now she has hips and breasts), but mine didn't My body shape is still the same, I've always had hips and breasts, now they just have a LOT more fat on top of them. Sure, we were skinny back then, but neither of us were in shape...we were just teenagers with good metabolisms.

    I'm sure she didn't mean it in a rude way, but it just kinda dragged me down, like well if my best friend of almost 14 years doesn't believe in me, then who does?? I have to think that if I work hard enough I CAN get down to a size 2 or 4 and fit into that prom dress, and this time I'll actually have some muscle definition and be in shape as opposed to just skinny! It just seems like size 4 is sooooo far away from me right now...I guess I kinda just wanted to post this as a vent/validation seeking post, so thanks for reading!

    I suggest getting your bodyfat tested and then try to figure out a good goal weight that corresponds to a realistic body fat %. Be all you can be by all means but be intelligent about it. We aren't in highschool anymore and you probably have muscle mass you didn't have back then.

    I def gotten those things done, which is why I'm all the more determined to get down to a size 4-ish. I have a small frame and have only set goals that are realistic for a HEALTHY body composition/weight/etc. I've gone from a 14 to a 10 in 4 months, so I feel pretty confident in my ability to get down to a 4, even if it takes me longer than 4 months. Sure, that prom dress by September is my goal, but I'm not going to do anything unhealthy to get there.

    My first and foremost goal (for those of y'all who don't know me) is to be as fit and healthy as possible, and to complete a marathon next year (I've run 3 half so far). My aesthetic goal is to be down around a size 4 because I feel like that is what looks best for my body---a healthy, lean size 4. I'm not stressing about it, I'm not worrying about it, but I just don't like being told I can't do something. I've never been a "can't" type of person.
  • meshashesha2012
    meshashesha2012 Posts: 8,326 Member
    oi kind of think that way, but that's because high school was too close to the start of puberty for me so my adult body is a much different build than when i was in high school. even in college i was still at a good weight, but it was about 20 pounds more than high school and distributed a bit differently.

    so no, i'll never be that skinny again
  • kathyc609
    kathyc609 Posts: 258 Member
    i am actually thinner now then when i was in high school : )
  • memcd911
    memcd911 Posts: 230 Member
    First of all, you look smaller than a 10 already. I've seen how determined you are (on here anyway). And I have no doubt that you'll show up looking hotter than everyone else and in exactly the size you want to be wearing.
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,688 Member
    Views are different. I graduated from highschool at a weight of 126lbs. I NEVER want to be that skinny again.

    A.C.E. Certified Personal Trainer/Group Fitness Instructor
    IDEA Fitness member
    Kickboxing Certified Instructor
    Been in fitness for 28+ years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition
  • Billywoo
    Billywoo Posts: 141 Member
    So...Don't tell her that you are on this sight or dieting/exercising/etc. and just show up in September looking your best!! Let her be the one to tell you how good you look and THEN ask how you did it!! There are so many downers out there.. Like you said, maybe she is just planning on staying the way she is. Well.... You will be the one feeling great about yourself. With no envy about anyone because you worked for it!! Keep up the good work!! And keep up that mentality!! No one is granting you the skinny wish here! You are working for every bit of it!! Take care!! -Billy Woo
  • Erisad
    Erisad Posts: 1,580
    You can do it! I'm 30 pounds away from being where I was in high school and I'm aiming for even lower than that. I can do it and so can yoooou. I just hope I keep some of the womanly curves I gained in college. :P
  • LilRedRooster
    LilRedRooster Posts: 1,421 Member
    I'm thinner than I was in high school, even after having a baby, but I was just average throughout high school, so I guess that's not saying much, heh heh.

    Besides, I think her statement was a thought that she said out loud, in the hopes that you would validate it with her, just like your statement is a validation on here for you.

    Like you said, she changed body types; for her, she probably won't ever be that skinny again, because it's not physically in the cards for her any longer. For you, it could be, because physically, you haven't changed as much. You're just looking for different types of personal validation, and stating one or the other isn't a smack at the other person; it's just someone looking for someone else to agree with them, and make them feel better about their situation.
  • dhencel
    dhencel Posts: 244 Member
    years ago, a man said to my husband "you can't lose 50 pounds!" he lost 60! So go for it and be what you want for your reunion and for yourself!!!!!!!
  • AmyEm3
    AmyEm3 Posts: 784 Member
    You can do it!

    I still weigh more than I did in high school BUT I'm wearing a size 4 and I don't think I ever wore anything less than a 6 in high school. I still have belly fat to tackle but I'm in better shape than I was in high school--even though I weighed less then.
  • LisaDunn01
    LisaDunn01 Posts: 173 Member
    :happy: When you take care of your body, it makes ALL the difference in the world. I weigh LESS than I did in high school. I am 46. All the women in my family gained an enormous amount of weight in their 40s (and have an organ removed). Now, I have been heavy (when I didn't take care of myself), so it's not that I'm "naturally thin". You take care of your body and eat healthy and you reap the rewards.
  • JeffseekingV
    JeffseekingV Posts: 3,165 Member
    That's what my best friend from high school said to me last night.

    We have our 10 year high school reunion coming up in September and I told her how my goal was to be able to fit into my prom dress. My size 2/4 (I think it was maybe like a 3 in juniors) prom dress. I'm a size 10 right now (down from a 14). We were joking about how crazy we were for ever thinking we were fat back then, and how we wish we were that size again, when she said "Let's just face it, we'll never be that skinny again."

    And I thought...well...maybe you won't...but I will. I guess it kinda rubbed me the wrong way, like she thought I couldn't do it or something. Or maybe it was just her resigning herself to being the size she is now after have 2 babies. Her body changed a lot (she was very skinny with no curves when we were 18, now she has hips and breasts), but mine didn't My body shape is still the same, I've always had hips and breasts, now they just have a LOT more fat on top of them. Sure, we were skinny back then, but neither of us were in shape...we were just teenagers with good metabolisms.

    I'm sure she didn't mean it in a rude way, but it just kinda dragged me down, like well if my best friend of almost 14 years doesn't believe in me, then who does?? I have to think that if I work hard enough I CAN get down to a size 2 or 4 and fit into that prom dress, and this time I'll actually have some muscle definition and be in shape as opposed to just skinny! It just seems like size 4 is sooooo far away from me right now...I guess I kinda just wanted to post this as a vent/validation seeking post, so thanks for reading!

    I suggest getting your bodyfat tested and then try to figure out a good goal weight that corresponds to a realistic body fat %. Be all you can be by all means but be intelligent about it. We aren't in highschool anymore and you probably have muscle mass you didn't have back then.

    I def gotten those things done, which is why I'm all the more determined to get down to a size 4-ish. I have a small frame and have only set goals that are realistic for a HEALTHY body composition/weight/etc. I've gone from a 14 to a 10 in 4 months, so I feel pretty confident in my ability to get down to a 4, even if it takes me longer than 4 months. Sure, that prom dress by September is my goal, but I'm not going to do anything unhealthy to get there.

    My first and foremost goal (for those of y'all who don't know me) is to be as fit and healthy as possible, and to complete a marathon next year (I've run 3 half so far). My aesthetic goal is to be down around a size 4 because I feel like that is what looks best for my body---a healthy, lean size 4. I'm not stressing about it, I'm not worrying about it, but I just don't like being told I can't do something. I've never been a "can't" type of person.

    Awesome. Just making sure you're taken care of. Now about that little black dress........
  • Suella62
    Suella62 Posts: 10 Member
    I struggled with overweight ever since I was 14. When I was 20, my sister got tired of hearing me say "When I'm a size 7..." so much, and made a bet with me that I couldn't get there in a year - I was a size 14 at the time. The bet was for $100 (she owed me already, so she wanted to cancel the debt).

    Turned out that was the motivation I needed - a year later we went to the mall & anything she took off the rack with a "7" on it, I could zip up :) Not only did she pay me the money for the bet, but the $100 she'd owed me already. So I had $200 to go shopping with (back in 1980 - that was worth something).

    Looking back though, I should have had her pay me the first $100 on the date - and the second $100 the following year, because I didn't keep the size 7 - although I was much more comfortable at a 9 anyway -which I did maintain until years later & after babies came.

    It's up to you how you want to motivate yourself, but if it were me, I'd challenge your friend to a contest & put some money on it - set a reasonable date for the both of you, and see who can win the money!

    And I have to say, even now at 50 I'm in better shape than when I graduated high school :) Currently I'm a size 6 on Macy's jeans (I have no clue what size that would have been back when.. but it sounds good!).

    Good luck!!