"Face it, we'll never be that skinny again."



  • sammniamii
    sammniamii Posts: 669 Member
    Be happy hun, at least your were skinny once. I was bigger than I am now in high school - embarassing big (over the 300 mark) and spent my whole childhood tormented and bullied becasue of it.

    It wasn't until I tried to majorly loose weight in my early 20's that I realized I could do it, it just took ALOT of effort - then I hurt myself and stopped.

    My next HS reunion is ...my 20th. I'd love to go to it and be all nice and skinny.... plus, as evil as it sounds, I'd love to see what some of the people I went with have done with their lives. Yes, I want to laugh at the ones that let themselves go to heck. I know.... evil and karma is a b*tch, but alot of the grad class tormented me in those 4 years and I would love to see if karma bit them in the *kitten*. LOL...
    *sorry, off topic*
  • heddylyn
    heddylyn Posts: 173 Member
    Take it from someone who has been all over the spectrum of weight (way too skinny to obese). You CAN and you WILL do it if it's important enough to you and you work hard - Every. Single. Day. Determination and consistency is all it takes. I was always skinny growing up and never had to work at it. I ate like crap but was very active and had youth on my side. I think I weighed about 130 when I graduated from high school in 1993. Fast forward 4 years to college graduation, too much drinking and eating and no exercise I ballooned up to 180. I developed the mindset of "I'm getting older, my metabolism isn't what it used to be" and I resigned myself to the fact that I was just going to be fat. In 2006 I got pregnant with my first child and weighed 200 pounds. The day I gave birth to him I was 233. My son changed my whole outlook on life. I had an epiphany and realized that I didn't want to be the person I had become. I wanted to set a good example for my son and quite frankly, be alive and healthy in order to watch him grow up. By his first birthday with lots of discipline and life changes I got down to 138. Fast forward a few years to my second child who was born in August of 2010. I had gained 50 pounds with her and the weight did not want to come off. Sheer will and determination took it off and I am now a healthy, strong 37 year old woman that weighs 134 pounds and has 21% body fat. I exercise 6 days a week because I love how it makes me feel. I appreciate my body much more now than when I was a teenager because I know what it is capable of and what amazing things it has done. I'm not maniacal about food and I still eat chocolate every single day. (Only now it's a fun-sized piece instead of a whole bag!) So the answer is - you can do pretty much anything you set your mind to and don't let anyone tell you differently. I never said it was going to be easy though - I said it would be worth it! Keep it up! You can do it! :smile:
  • Rae6503
    Rae6503 Posts: 6,294 Member
    i am actually thinner now then when i was in high school : )


    I think your goal is great. When you get closer to it you'll be able to tell if it's too extreme or not.
  • BAMFMeredith
    BAMFMeredith Posts: 2,829 Member

    Awesome. Just making sure you're taken care of. Now about that little black dress........

    Haha oh no, my prom dress is ridiculous. I'm not actually going to wear it anywhere, I just want to be able to put it on, zip it up, and take pictures. It's hot pink, mermaid cut, one shoulder, a see through back to the waist with rhinestones going all the way down the back. It's so loud (I was a LOUD dresser in high school), it's insane. A little black dress is MUCH more my style these days!
  • felicia8604
    felicia8604 Posts: 274 Member
    Im the same size as i was in high school. Although i am not toned like i was then. So it doesnt look as nice. But im working on it and im hoping to be smaller actually. I ate like crap back then and drank alot of soda so now im hoping that eating better combined with exercise will help me get smaller. Dont listen to your friend. Maybe if she sees u getting to your goal she will hop on board with ya! Good luck to you!
  • JeffseekingV
    JeffseekingV Posts: 3,165 Member

    Awesome. Just making sure you're taken care of. Now about that little black dress........

    Haha oh no, my prom dress is ridiculous. I'm not actually going to wear it anywhere, I just want to be able to put it on, zip it up, and take a pictures. It's hot pink, mermaid cut, one shoulder, a see through back to the waist with rhinestones going all the way down the back. It's so loud (I was a LOUD dresser in high school), it's insane. A little black dress is MUCH more my style these days!

    Just sayin' that form fitting black dress would get your point accross to your HS BF about 10000% better than any discussion
  • UsedToBeHusky
    UsedToBeHusky Posts: 15,229 Member
    My goal is pretty much smaller than what I was in high school. :laugh:

    Just because she doesn't believe in herself doesn't mean that you have to subscribe to her BS. She said it because she wanted you to confirm, and give her an excuse not to do anything about it. Use it as motivation. Get out there and prove her wrong! And then maybe she will be inspired to pursue her own fitness goals.
  • macpatti
    macpatti Posts: 4,280 Member
    I have my own prom dress on in my pictures.....red velvet with white sequin delight.!!
    That's a hot prom dress! I graduated in 1985, and my dress is sooooo 80's! It's a silver, taffeta "Material Girl" dress....you know, the one with a big bow in the back that tapers down your legs? UGH.

    OP~ You can totally do this. Look how far you've come already!
  • JennieAL
    JennieAL Posts: 1,726 Member
    I'm 35 and 5 lbs away from what I weighed my senior year. With slightly larger boobs. Haha. You so can do it! When someone says something like this to me... it just ticks me off and gets me that much more fired up to prove them wrong. You're on your way to doing it... just keep up the great work!

    Don't let what someone else believes about "reality" or "the way it is" change your reality!!
  • yoovie
    yoovie Posts: 17,121 Member
    my ex-fiance told me I didnt have the genes to ever be in shape, that I would be fat forever and he dint want to see me go through so much heartbreak trying to be fit when it wasnt in the cards for me.

    I said - um my dad was a short stop and my mom was a gymnast and Im only over-weight because of 4 years in PT. My genes say Im ecto-meso, I'll be fine.

    He said - that's not your genes, your genes tell me you are fat now and you'll never be thin even if you go bulimic.

    ^ mention he's my ex?

    Prove your friend wrong :flowerforyou:
  • WifeNMama
    WifeNMama Posts: 2,876 Member
    My goal is to be 12 pounds heavier than I was in high school, but yeah I grew some woman curves (2 babies!) but I plan on most of those extra lbs. to be muscle. I don't want to be skinny, I want to be fit, firm and healthy.

    Being a 30 year old teenager doesn't appeal to me.

    So yeah, you could be just as thin, but why not just be better? :wink: :flowerforyou: :love:
  • MyFeistyEvolution
    MyFeistyEvolution Posts: 1,015 Member
    I hate looking at pictures of me from high school. I was so tiny (still the same body shape, I've had hips and boobs since I hit puberty) but I thought I was HUGE! I wish I could slap myself...

    Don't let her drag you down Mer. You're gorgeous ;)

    Ha, same here...thought I looked like a cow and I was actually at my smallest. I have the dress I wore to my HS graduation hanging in my closet and want to wear it by end of summer.

    OP...with an attitude like that, your friend may be right....well about her ever being "skinny" again.
  • RNmomto4
    RNmomto4 Posts: 143
    I am currently weighing less than when I was a high school senior, and I have had 4 beautiful babies :)

    My tummy doesnt look as perfect, because of some stretch marks, but my weight is definitely lower and I am definitely more healthy!
  • ambuney83
    ambuney83 Posts: 47
    My friend basically told me the SAME thing last week! She said something like we're "never going to look like we did in high school" since we are almost 30 now. (When did 30 become old?!?) Anyway, I told her I'm not trying to be skinny, I just want to be healthy and in shape. It was just frustrating since she is usually a very supportive person. But, I think it has motivated me even more! We have a girls trip planned in August and I can't wait to see what my results are by then! Don't let anyone bring you down. You can do it! :happy:
  • ElleOQuent
    ElleOQuent Posts: 431 Member
    There is nothing better than being underestimated.

    It's like motivation on steroids.
  • _SpeshK_
    _SpeshK_ Posts: 496 Member
    Like you said, I think she was just resigning herself from doing it. Right now, she probably can't accept the fact that it's going to take some hard, hard work and it won't be easy to be thin, like it was back then. So she is just excusing herself by letting herself think that it's just not possible. But YOU are awesome and you WILL reach your goals! <3
  • scapez
    scapez Posts: 2,018 Member
    When I was 18 I was under 100 pounds, had no shape whatsoever, looked like a 15 year old boy, and had that "thigh gap" that seems to be so coveted these days. (BTW, I *hated* it then...I wanted to GAIN weight!)

    I would never want to be that skinny again...I would rather look like a woman with some curves and a hot strong body than a pre-pubescent boy.
  • jallen1955
    jallen1955 Posts: 121
    Isn't a drag down..

    You will be that lean again even if you don't end up the same measurements.

    My bf in high school was about 18%, but because I hadn't matured ( or birthed babies) I had an 18" waist.
    Will my bodyfat be 18% or less again? hell, yes
    will I ever have an 18" waist again? Hell, no...
  • Pammy1017
    Pammy1017 Posts: 7
    Im smaller now then I was in high school - dont listen to her! You can fit into that prom dress!! Get it girl!
  • Hellbent_Heidi
    Hellbent_Heidi Posts: 3,669 Member
    And I thought...well...maybe you won't...but I will.
    Hell yes you will :drinker:

    I LOVE this attitude