Running in public- confidence issue



  • busymomto5PA
    I agree! Just do it, You only will regret it if you don't. Most people will not even notice you, if they do they may cheer you on. That is what I have found. I used to feel the same way, now I could care less most people are too self involved to even notice. I run when I can no matter who is around whenever I see someone running all I think is man I wish I was running now! Good Luck! You got this!! :wink:
  • EmmyRose
    EmmyRose Posts: 54 Member
    Totally agree with you..
    I hate running in public - or any kind of public exercise (gym)
    my face goes beetroot in 2 seconds, I have pale skin, overweight and I sound like an asthmatic after 5 seconds. (when I'm not)
    What's worse? I actually SEE people turn their heads when driving past me. That's what gets me angry. (I once stopped running, looked at the person looking at me in the car - that had slowed down - and mouthed WHAT?! - they promptly flicked their head back to face the road - good.)
    I wear sunnies whenever I run - big ones, hopefully to cover half my red face.

    What I do like though, is when I see other runners go past me/the opposite direction. It makes me feel like I'm not alone.

    but either way, it's something I have to get over, because I hate exercising in public, even at the gym. but it's the only way I'm going to get anywhere, so we have no choice..
  • headlock_lynn
    headlock_lynn Posts: 79 Member
    I used to feel that way about riding my bike in public. It sounded stupid but I was very self conscious and thought everyone would look at me and what I'm wearing, etc. But when I thought about it I didn't notice the others, just thought cool, I should that. I started riding with my husband then built up confidence to go by myself. I agree with all the other posts out there. the more you do it the better it will feel. There are so many runner/bikers out there now it's a normal thing to see them and people really don't take much notice of them. funny how we have this perception that everyone is going to look at us isn't it? Happy running. :flowerforyou:
  • BodyRockerVT
    BodyRockerVT Posts: 323 Member
    Running outside actually helped me with my running quite a lot.

    Why? Well because I was doing Couch to 5K and I was too embarrassed to take the "break" if I was running toward I would go beyond what I was "supposed" to. Seems silly but it helped push me.

    I can pretty much promise you that no one else cares though, unless it is to think "awesome!". Honest.
  • fang19423
    fang19423 Posts: 1,407 Member
    I too had this fear - still I decided that I wanted to run so started and it was very comical to start with .... I would run in not so busy areas, and when I would hear a car, I would suddenly slow down to a walk looking into the fields or houses I walked by and as soon as the car was gone :embarassed: , I would start to run again. I did this for months and tried to run at times it wasn't busy - anyway, eventually, I just stopped caring.

    I now run as and when I want. I still wouldn't class myself as a runner as it is a slow jog but nevertheless, I did my first 10k at the beginning of this month and was very proud. So please just persevere you will get out there and stop caring, even if it does take a little bit of time.

    Good luck with your running :flowerforyou:
  • george29223
    george29223 Posts: 556 Member
    i never get stared at running it only happen when i use my robe like a snuggie and forget and bent over to get my morning paper
  • phillieschic
    phillieschic Posts: 615
    Do the people who might laugh really matter to you? *kitten* them!

    Now, go out there and get your run on! :drinker:
  • B_Running
    B_Running Posts: 158
    I have some tips to battle this!

    Try running when there is little to no traffic.. This means either super early, or evening. I definitely wouldn't go running at 9am or 5pm on a weekday if you are trying to up your confidence.
    Wear what makes you comfortable too.. wear a hat if you wants, keeps you more 'mysterious' looking. Seriously though, people won't even notice you do, and if they do, it's for 5 seconds on their way past you and you most likely will never see them again! Whenever I see a runner, I think "aww, good for them!" no matter what shape, size, gait, or speed they are going. I must say though, I usually check out their sneakers!

    Great tips! When I first starting running in public, I wore a hat/visor and sunglasses EVERY time, lol. And it really helped. Also, having a good route helps incredibly. If you can, try to drive along your potential running routes (around the time you would be running, if possible) and take note of roads that have less traffic. I deliberately run towards roads and areas known for less traffic. Usually, by the middle/end of my run, I have the confidence to run where ever I want, regadless of traffic/other runners.

    Good Luck! : )
  • placebomonkey
    placebomonkey Posts: 104 Member
    Me too you do get past it :) and when you start getting fitter and enjoying it you won't care x x
  • osualex
    osualex Posts: 409 Member
    Heh, me too! I run at the stadium in my town (it's the only place) and I see everyone practically everyone in my town there - including my students! It took me about a month, but I just ended up getting over it. I look like a fat T-Rex when I run, but I don't care any more. My goals are more important than what other people think of me running.
  • muddyventures
    muddyventures Posts: 360 Member
    I use to always tie a light jacket or sweatshirt around my waist while running because I felt so 'un-runnerish" (I know it isn't a word), and that was in January. Sometime in April less of my 'junk' was bouncing around so I took the jacket off, I even bought what I would consider runner's clothes. The more I ran, the more I improved, the better I began feeling.

    As my runs increased in length I found myself venturing out on public and main roads (or I'd have to drive somewhere and then run), and now (this will seem egotistic), I feel really proud to be out there and to be seen. I volunteer many, many hours and have for many years so I know a lot of people in my community. People wave, honk, slow down and offer me water almost everytime I run, so strangely what use to be embarrassing is now energizing, and I strive to be out there and be seen working my 'butt' off. Kids at our local school (I volunteer coach elementary track) saw me too, and they were so happy to know I was running and not just telling them to run. I know at least 5 people who have started running since I started because they said to themselves, "if she can do it, I can do it". YOU NEVER KNOW WHO YOU MIGHT INSPIRE TO RUN OR BE FIT , YOU'LL NEVER KNOW HOW MANY PEOPLE STRUGGLE THE SAME BATTLE UNTIL YOU GET OUT THERE AND DO IT.

    Good-luck, just take it one public mile at a time.
  • chrissy3064
    chrissy3064 Posts: 6 Member
    running is addictive! just start and the buzz you get will keep you coming back!

    i started with a walk/jog/walk/walk/walk/jog/walk... once a week two months ago, decreasing the amount of walking. i'm now running for 90 mins once a week!

    wear leggings (seeing my legs wobble in shorts wasn't exactly motivating!) and just go girls!!! as time goes by your legs will feel great!

    BTW, have you ever thought that the people looking at you, might actually be thinking "**** wish I could do that"!!!

    and if the running goes nowhere invest in a $15 skipping rope! great burn for only a small amount of time! great if you only have 10-15 mins! and you'll notice your fitness increase quickly too! i also read the up down motion is suppose to be good for your butt! need another motivator?!!!

    good luck :)
  • misscristie
    misscristie Posts: 643 Member
    I have to tell you when I see someone who has a few pounds to lose out there running, my only thought is "go on with your bad self!" It makes me want to get out there myself. I'm ALMOST there :)
  • tabulator32
    tabulator32 Posts: 701 Member
    Don't let it affect your cranium.

    People usually tend to ignore you or commend you for being healthy. If they are some kind of person that would have a problem with your running, why in the hell would you care what they think?

    Nike has the right idea.

    (Just Do It.)
  • L00py_T0ucan
    L00py_T0ucan Posts: 1,378 Member
    OP - don't overthink it - just get out there! :flowerforyou:

    ETA: if you are psyching your self too much - just pretend you are invisible and invincible.
  • Di3012
    Di3012 Posts: 2,250 Member
    I too had this fear - still I decided that I wanted to run so started and it was very comical to start with .... I would run in not so busy areas, and when I would hear a car, I would suddenly slow down to a walk looking into the fields or houses I walked by and as soon as the car was gone :embarassed: , I would start to run again. I did this for months and tried to run at times it wasn't busy - anyway, eventually, I just stopped caring.

    I now run as and when I want. I still wouldn't class myself as a runner as it is a slow jog but nevertheless, I did my first 10k at the beginning of this month and was very proud. So please just persevere you will get out there and stop caring, even if it does take a little bit of time.

    Good luck with your running :flowerforyou:

    lol I promise you I am not being patronising, but that is quite cute actually - slowing down to a walk and looking into fields or houses until the car had gone by :flowerforyou:
  • jallen1955
    jallen1955 Posts: 121
    Don't be afraid to do the things you want because of what other people might think... Most people don't think, and the rest are too into themselves to care.

    Swear to god, this is the truth.
  • HarrietSabre
    HarrietSabre Posts: 186 Member
    I find that as long as I'm not passing a tonne of other runners, it's OK. My tips are to go late at night (especially now it's getting warm) - I sometimes go at 10 or 11pm, and also to GO SLOWLY. For me, I would rather run a really, excruciatingly slow mile (which is what I often do) than have to stop. I feel like people seeing me stop is the worst. Either that or get your phone or something to do interval traning. I always look at it when I'm about to stop so people think I'm doing interval training when really I'm just tired haha
  • RobynDCrossman
    I just think that if people do think any thing then they are thinking - they wish they were me. You know doing something positive and proactive about my fitness. (Not thinking anything negative).

    That has helped me to feel less intimidated by running.

    Also when I see people running I always think - good for them. Keep going!!

    Me too!
    I tend to shout "you've got this!" and other words of encouragement (if I'm outside, etc) because somebody did it to me once - and I'll never forget it!

    OP: Most people are envious - and I had to finally get into the IDGAF thought process! :)
  • Emancipated_Tai
    Emancipated_Tai Posts: 756 Member
    Honestly, I was self-conscious about running outside at first because I live in the heart of the city (almost Downtown) and there are a lot of cars that pass. However, I found that it motivates me. Sounds funny, but if I want to stop and I look over and see people looking back I keep running. I get the occasional horns and whistles, which also motivates me as well.

    Just think about it like this: Your out there doing it, and many of the people passing by in the cars are thinking to themselves “She’s brave!” I know, because I use to be that fatty in the car wishing I could run like the people I seen!