Anyone else suffer from anxiety disorders/depression?



  • TanyaCurtis
    TanyaCurtis Posts: 630
    I just think positive, as much as I can! Push through it, u'll feel better after a workout anyways (: Dint dwell on those stupid negative thought, learn to be in control of ur thoughts!
  • lelstar
    lelstar Posts: 374 Member
    Yes and yes, I refuse to take meds. I picked something I had always wanted to do, ballroom dancing, and decided it was time to do something for myself. I had anxiety attacks the first couple of times but I kept going. One of my instructors said he was surprised I came back with all the negative self talk but that it showed how strong a person I was. I was lucky enough to fluke a couple where the husband had struggled with depression and the wife was a councillor so they were very helpful. On the weight side I really only made progress after I started dating my partner, he is very supportive
  • Misha41810
    Misha41810 Posts: 22
    dang guess I'm alone on this one.

    You aren't alone...Honestly, the best thing is to try to stay focused...working out can actually help make you feel better. I know how hard it is to stay focused especially on *bad* days but you have to push yourself.
  • Jodiekate
    Jodiekate Posts: 42 Member
    Hi, I've suffered with depression for over 10 years and have never got very far with any of the diets I have tried in the past as the whole process really got me down.

    However, this past few months I have been focusing purely on eating well and getting more exercise in order to improve my health. Obviously this has the added benefit of making the weight come off but I have taken the focus away from the scales which then means that I can't see that number as a failure.

    I have also got a set routine for exercise and stick to it strictly, no more can I be bothered, if it's my day to go to the gym, I go. This has really helped with my depression, exercise really does work as a treatment! I wish I'd known this years ago. I have now managed to cut down my medication by half and really feel that I have a chance of coming off it completely.
  • turtlexiii
    turtlexiii Posts: 16 Member
    Alone? Never! There are millions of us.

    My issue is that I have absolutley no motivation. My depression, and my job, take every ounce of my energy. I have none left to exercise. I know they say if you exercise in the morning you will have more energy and feel better for the entire day. However, I have no motivation to get out of bed. Why bother? Its exhausting?

    I know it would be a good thing, and good for me, and blah blah blah, but that doesn't get me to move.

    The only reason I joined this site is because my sister is getting married in August, and I ordered my dress in the next smaller size. I had to have the external force to get me to lose weight. I dont have that inside of me. How do I find that?
  • DerDude
    DerDude Posts: 170
    Depression, yes.....the evil ones. Stayed in clinic for weeks and learned how I can manage it with working out and meditate.
    So my workouts give me a lot power to stand strong against my depression if it comes back.....sometimes it will...
    And now, as I am more focused on my health and on my mind I´m feeling strong and don´t have fear to watch the face of the beast!
  • mollsred06
    mollsred06 Posts: 22 Member
    trichotillomania....AND i find that working out actually helps it...or any kind of anxiety that im having. it goes away the more active i am
  • Eskimovm
    Eskimovm Posts: 53 Member
    Yep, Both.

    I'm on medication but every now and then I have a panic attack or don't feel like me. I try to do slow breathing, in through the nose, out through the mouth until it passes.

    Panic attacks, anxiety attacks, depressive states and suicidal thoughts suck :grumble:
  • slkehl
    slkehl Posts: 3,801 Member
    I have Generalized Anxiety Disorder. Symptoms started around my freshman year of college when my mom was diagnosed with cancer and continued long past her recovery. I'm on Celexa, which helps tremendously. I feel like my old self again.

    There are some symptoms that come up once and a while. Ruminating is a big one for me-thinking the same negative things over and over and working myself into a really anxious state without getting anywhere. I try to recognize it when it happens and journal about how I'm feeling, which helps me process though the thoughts or go to a friend to talk it though. Exercising and sleeping right also take of the edge. If I'm feeling the least bit anxious or am going into a situation where I might be, I stay away from caffeine. Thanks for posting, good to hear everyone else's coping strategies!
  • kokaneesailor
    kokaneesailor Posts: 337 Member
    Major Depression and Post Traumatic Stress Disorder here. For the most part I do pretty good. A solid grip on clean foods helps as well as a healthy exercise regime.

    I find having a solid support network of friends is key to getting over the bad days. Every once in awhile a bad day comes out of the blue and lays me low for a day or so, then I bounce back. MFP has been a great help to me because I have some really fantastic friends that help me through my darker moments.

    Your not alone.

  • SpydrMnky27
    SpydrMnky27 Posts: 381 Member
    I suffer from anxiety. Exercise helps me stay calm and rational. You are not alone at all.
  • queenbcronen
    queenbcronen Posts: 158 Member
    PTSD here. Exercise does help. But soon after anxiety will build. It's horrible. I feel like crawling out of my own skin. You are not alone.
  • CeeRawr89
    CeeRawr89 Posts: 328 Member
    I found I needed the little push past severely depressed, I was prescribed anti-depressants and slowly got off them, I noticed when I exercise more, I feel much, much better, and less like a blob.
  • mygutierrez68
    My life is filled with anxiety and depression. These past couple of months have been a great challenge for me. I have been on Jenny Craig for about 14 months and have lost about 55 lbs. This is the longest I have ever stayed on an eating plan. I've been trying to incorporate a consistent exercise routine, so my daughter, my sister-in-law, and myself joined a gym to help motivate each other. But my main issue is wanting to eat lately. I'm not even hungry, but I am trying to feel a void. And yes, food has been my drug all my life. But I want to get past this. I have approximately 55 more pounds to lose. Anyone else out there in a similar situation?
  • bathsheba_c
    bathsheba_c Posts: 1,873 Member
    There's actually a group on here for people with depression, and another one for people with mental disorders in general. You should join us!

    A lot of people seem to find that getting healthier (eating right and/or exercising) have a major impact on controlling their depression. Then there's the other side of the coin, people who develop unhealthy habits as a result of their problems.
  • reach53
    reach53 Posts: 46 Member
    I have had both.
    Since I have shifted my diet to mainly organic/raw foods it has really helped with both.

    I've been fighting with both since 2 years and cutting out all processed food has fixed my problem within 3 days. I am pleased to see I am not the only one.
  • nas24
    nas24 Posts: 880 Member
    I suffer from PTSD and Anxiety, and yes these things play a BIG role in my weight loss journey. I have slip ups where i get so emotional i eat. Sux, but im getting better at it. Working out really helps, so try to focus on those things. Also a therapist helps as well
  • Jonahyona
    Jonahyona Posts: 108 Member
    Working Out. I suffer from depression that comes in waves and when it comes I have severe lows. I haven't had one since i've started exercising! :)
  • wsrsjt
    wsrsjt Posts: 5 Member
    Hi, I can't help either I'm afraid. I have had depression (clinically diagnosed) on and off for >20 years. If I can catch the cloud before it descends I have a chance, exercise definitely helps, for me it is long walks in the park or by the river, but if I miss the very small window of opportunity then depression takes over and I have no motivation for anything. This is when eating can take over my life, I'm not hungry and will eat until I feel sick - but the next stage is when I can't even be bothered to eat, then I can't get out of bed..... I'm sure you all know the symptoms. My BEST and ALWAYS successful way out is to tell my best friend who always helps. Not by bullying me or telling me to pull myself together (I'm actually crying now) but by letting me talk (usually rubbish), letting me cry, then revisiting good times and making me smile, feeding me (sneaking in healthy foods) and eventually making me get up and go out. WOW I didn't mean to go on - I'm not much for forums but this is proving to be cathartic for me. I'm not going to go over what I've said and change anything, so if this is rubbish sorry, but it's how I feel today (and today is a good day).
  • Donnacoach
    Donnacoach Posts: 540 Member
    I have suffered from depression and anxiety for about 15 years. My Priest saved my life one night and helped me get the help I needed. I have been on SO MANY MEDICATIONS. Some of them were crazy and made me crazier then I already was. My Dr. has finally found a combination of two of them that work for me. Zoloft and Cymbaulta. I have not felt this food in years and want it to stay that way. I have tried several times to come off the meds, and I just can't do it. But, you know what? That's ok, because I realize it's nothing that I can control. The brain is a strange thing. When I get in a down and depressed mood I will write. I keep a journal and I write in it quite often, more so when I am stressing. I keep low calorie snakes in the house especially for those stress filled days. If that bad stuff isn't there to tempt you then it shouldn't be a problem.