Shedding for the Wedding?



  • hark15
    hark15 Posts: 148 Member
    Was planning on a quiet nite away from the on computer but have just thought of a question !! :huh: can anyone tell me what clean eating is i have seen it mentioned on a couple of posts and it sounds like what i could do with before the wedding to lose the last few pounds :smile: :smile:

    Clean eating is basically when you focus on eating whole, natural foods and avoid the processed foods. Google it and you will find a wealth of more detailed information, for example:

    There are tons of posts about this topic on MFP.
  • poorcopies
    poorcopies Posts: 477 Member
    Hey everyone, I am getting married on May 4th 2013.

    I've struggled with binge eating disorder for years and since my fiance proposed in February, the stress of knowing people will be looking at me in a wedding dress has actually made it spiral out of control and I actually gained 17 lbs (I was doing so well on MFP as well!)

    However, in the last couple of weeks I have found my focus again and I hope to lose 85 lbs before my big day. It's a big task but fingers crossed I can do it!
  • LauriesTrying2BeFit
    LauriesTrying2BeFit Posts: 414 Member
    im getting married in 16weeks and iv been getting fit for my wedding since we set a date iv lost 63lbs and im now on the last 2lbs to get me down to UGW

    good luck u can do it :-)
  • Fairdragonrose
    Fairdragonrose Posts: 6 Member
    Hi Ladies!

    Congrats to all of us brides to be. I'm getting married on August 11, 2012.
    When i first got engaged I told myself I wasn't going to loose weight for the wedding. My fiance loves me the way I am. However, I did know that I was about 15 pounds heavier than my average (thanks to a summer off of work, and lots of fast food. :-/ ) So when I found "the dress" I bought in my normal size, and not the size I was currently in.

    I bought the dress in November and needed to loose 5-6 inches. As of April 22, I only have and inch and half to go (around my bust line). So I'm determined to stick with MFP (I lost ten pounds in 5 weeks earlier this year) and I'm starting Zumba.

    I have been told that Spanx or another slimming undergarment will help with that last inch if I have to. However, I am DETERMINED to get into my wedding dress without any help! (Ok, once it zips up I will use a slip or something to get to lay right. But that's different!)
  • wanderinglight
    wanderinglight Posts: 1,519 Member
    Hi All! I've been away for a few days -- my fiance and I were scouting locations and we picked our dream wedding locale!

    SO excited. All we are waiting for is an answer on whether they'll let us land a helicopter there!!!

    I veered off track over the weekend and need to get my focus back IMMEDIATELY. I moved back from NYC and suddenly went from walking 3+ miles every day and rigidly watching every calorie (as well as cutting out all sugar, flour, dairy and wheat) to a bit of a free-for-all here now that I'm back with my family and my husband to be. There's been wine and pie and heavy dinners out and road trip food. Ugh.

    Time to reset my goals and my mindset so that those weak moments don't become a habit.

    How is everyone else doing?
  • hark15
    hark15 Posts: 148 Member
    Very exciting!! I hope you get the venue you loved :) Helicopter?! Sounds like you have some fancy stuff planned!

    Its ok to get off track once in a while - I think it actually helps your body recharge. I've seen a lot of people lose weight after off weekends. You are doing so well that I don't think one weekend will get you off track!

    I've been tweaking my calories a bit and trying to figure out a good place to be. Hoping to sort that out by the end of the week and start "fresh" next week with a new plan. Was getting a little exhausted from my workout regimen - 1 hour a day 6x per week of intense workouts. I am going to scale back to 5 until after my trial at work. Its been long days in the office and with the workouts I've been wiped out most days. Gotta keep the energy up!!

    My big goal this week is to stay on track this weekend. Didn't do so well last weekend avoiding the junk food at kickball but hoping this week will be better!
  • wanderinglight
    wanderinglight Posts: 1,519 Member
    Hi All!

    Just checking in! I was at my cousin's wedding over the weekend and have been out of touch the past few days. Today I'm off to the gym to lift some weights (carefully, as I'm currently rehabbing a sprained ankle) and get some motivation back. Although it's only been a week or so of going off track from my diet and exercise plan, I don't like how it feels. Or how my weekend off suddenly turned into almost a week off. It's a slippery slope!

    What I do like is knowing that it is up to ME to change how it feels...and that I can do that at any moment, starting right now.

    Hark, an hour per day 6x week does seem intense!
  • hark15
    hark15 Posts: 148 Member
    Hi All!

    Just checking in! I was at my cousin's wedding over the weekend and have been out of touch the past few days. Today I'm off to the gym to lift some weights (carefully, as I'm currently rehabbing a sprained ankle) and get some motivation back. Although it's only been a week or so of going off track from my diet and exercise plan, I don't like how it feels. Or how my weekend off suddenly turned into almost a week off. It's a slippery slope!

    What I do like is knowing that it is up to ME to change how it feels...and that I can do that at any moment, starting right now.

    Hark, an hour per day 6x week does seem intense!

    Great to hear from you wanderinglight! I think its ok to get off track once in a while. In fact, I think it helps your body recharge and reboot so that you will be even more motivated going forward! I totally understand how you feel - its so easy to get off track and once you are used to working out/eating well it feels worse when you do get off track.

    Good luck rehabbing the ankle - try not to overdo it.

    Do you have any goals for this week? Anyone else have any goals?

    My goal is to do 3 more hard one hour workouts (did one Monday and Tuesday - aiming for Wednesday, Friday and Saturday) and to have a healthy weekend! First weekend in a while without too many activities so I'm looking forward to finally getting more settled in our apartment and doing some decorating, as well as some cooking! Next week my goal is to replace some of my fruits with vegetables to decrease my sugar intake! Hoping that will help the tummy area tone up a bit :)

    Have a great week everyone!!
  • wanderinglight
    wanderinglight Posts: 1,519 Member
    We seem to have lost all our wedding shedding buddies!! Where did everyone go??

    Setting goals is a great idea. I think it will help me get back on track and stay on track.

    My two week goals are:
    ~ Print out a calendar and mark off a chain of successful days.
    ~ Keep my sugar under 15g per day for the next two weeks
    ~ Do 3 days per week of strength training (cardio will be at a minimum until ankle is healed)
    ~ Two weeks without drinking

    4th of July will be falling within my two weeks but I am going to stick with the program.
  • amanda3588
    amanda3588 Posts: 422 Member
    I anticipate a proposal in my near future, so I'm trying to lose the weight first! Call me proactive!
  • hark15
    hark15 Posts: 148 Member
    I anticipate a proposal in my near future, so I'm trying to lose the weight first! Call me proactive!

    I wish I had been more proactive - then I wouldn't be cutting it down to the wire :)
  • hark15
    hark15 Posts: 148 Member
    We seem to have lost all our wedding shedding buddies!! Where did everyone go??

    Setting goals is a great idea. I think it will help me get back on track and stay on track.

    My two week goals are:
    ~ Print out a calendar and mark off a chain of successful days.
    ~ Keep my sugar under 15g per day for the next two weeks
    ~ Do 3 days per week of strength training (cardio will be at a minimum until ankle is healed)
    ~ Two weeks without drinking

    4th of July will be falling within my two weeks but I am going to stick with the program.

    Great goals! I'm sure you will get right back on track!!!

    How are you going to keep your sugar so low?! I eat a lot of fruit and greek yogurt - any ideas for alternative snacks that don't have quite so much sugar? I think decreasing my sugar intake could have positive results for my tummy region which seems to want to hold on to its fat layer :)
  • wanderinglight
    wanderinglight Posts: 1,519 Member
    We seem to have lost all our wedding shedding buddies!! Where did everyone go??

    Setting goals is a great idea. I think it will help me get back on track and stay on track.

    My two week goals are:
    ~ Print out a calendar and mark off a chain of successful days.
    ~ Keep my sugar under 15g per day for the next two weeks
    ~ Do 3 days per week of strength training (cardio will be at a minimum until ankle is healed)
    ~ Two weeks without drinking

    4th of July will be falling within my two weeks but I am going to stick with the program.

    Great goals! I'm sure you will get right back on track!!!

    How are you going to keep your sugar so low?! I eat a lot of fruit and greek yogurt - any ideas for alternative snacks that don't have quite so much sugar? I think decreasing my sugar intake could have positive results for my tummy region which seems to want to hold on to its fat layer :)

    Hi Hark! I have had to be somewhat ruthless to keep my sugar low. I won't be eating Greek yogurt or fruit for the next two weeks, hoping to jumpstart some weight loss. The only sugar I'm eating is from veggies and from a few low-sugar "treats" like homemade frozen protein peanut butter bites I always have on hand in the freezer. I added the recipe to the database -- it's basically 1T of peanut butter, 1T of unsweetened chocolate and 1T of chocolate protein powder. Add water until it's runny liquid and then pour into ice cube trays and freeze. You are also supposed to add Stevia but I leave them unsweetened.

    I saw a 2lb gain in the past week after going off track (ugh) and so I think I need to get back to a rigorous program. I have learned that it is just too hard for me to splurge in moderation. One bite of a cupcake leads to pie leads to a cookie leads to two glasses of wine and flour tortillas and here we are.

    Snacks are always tough. I am also trying during this two week "reset" to eat 3 meals a day with a minimum of snacking (did the "6 meals / eat every two hours") thing for years and wanted to try something new. If I'm hungry in between meals I will have a cup of coffee, a spoonful of almond butter straight from the jar or sometimes even just iceberg lettuce dipped in a Laughing Cow cheese.

    It's a process figuring it all out...I'll be checking in every day for two weeks and hope to have good news.
  • hark15
    hark15 Posts: 148 Member
    Hi Wandering!

    Sounds like you are very focused and ready to make this happen! I think your attitude will make you very successful. I am impressed by your ability to sacrifice. I eat Greek yogurt and fruit every day! Should definitely swap out for some veggies though and I LOVE laughing cow cheese! Just need to find non-wheat items to put it on :)

    Don't be too hard on yourself. You are doing a FABULOUS job! I've always done three meals and two small snacks (like yogurt, veggies or fruit). I don't like to be too hungry when its meal time because then I find I eat way too fast! Almond butter is a great snack too!

    I am going to have to try those peanut butter protein bites - they sound delicious and like they might satisfy my sweet tooth while also keeping me full instead of being empty calories! FABULOUS!

    I'll be looking for you to check in :)
  • azmusicgirl
    New to the forums after lurking for quite awhile. Wedding is 03/23/13 and would like to lose another 40 lbs before the big day. I've been making life changes for the past year but have slowed down recently and need to get serious again!
  • ealynn
    ealynn Posts: 4 Member
    My wedding is July 13, 2013 :) I have been working on losing weight for 3 years now and have lost 52 pounds. I have been doing it slowly as a Lifestyle Change and haven't gained any weight back! Would love to lose another 15 before next July. I already bought my dress and have to lose 1.5 inches off my hips for the dress to fit comfortably. It is a fit and flare and strapless. Those of you looking for toning-try water aerobics! I do water aerobics every summer and it tones and trims. After about 4 weeks, you get what we call the "Aqua Bod"! It is that sleek look we all want on our wedding day. Plus, when you do the exercises, your heart rate is still where it needs to be to burn calories and fat. Plus, you don't weigh very much in the pool so your muscles don't get fatigued as easily as land. I can work out easily for 2 hours in the pool for classes, but want to pass out after an hour of hard exercise on land. For additional toning, use a pool noodle and do the normal exercises-bicep curls, tricep dips, etc. I am sure you can find ideas on the Internet. My only concern is maybe losing too much and having to pay a fortune for alternations. :( A good problem to have, right? Good luck fellow brides!!!
  • hark15
    hark15 Posts: 148 Member
    My wedding is July 13, 2013 :) I have been working on losing weight for 3 years now and have lost 52 pounds. I have been doing it slowly as a Lifestyle Change and haven't gained any weight back! Would love to lose another 15 before next July. I already bought my dress and have to lose 1.5 inches off my hips for the dress to fit comfortably. It is a fit and flare and strapless. Those of you looking for toning-try water aerobics! I do water aerobics every summer and it tones and trims. After about 4 weeks, you get what we call the "Aqua Bod"! It is that sleek look we all want on our wedding day. Plus, when you do the exercises, your heart rate is still where it needs to be to burn calories and fat. Plus, you don't weigh very much in the pool so your muscles don't get fatigued as easily as land. I can work out easily for 2 hours in the pool for classes, but want to pass out after an hour of hard exercise on land. For additional toning, use a pool noodle and do the normal exercises-bicep curls, tricep dips, etc. I am sure you can find ideas on the Internet. My only concern is maybe losing too much and having to pay a fortune for alternations. :( A good problem to have, right? Good luck fellow brides!!!

    Sounds like you are doing everything right :) You should have no problem meeting your goals for your wedding! Where do you do water aerobics?! Sounds like a fun alternative to normal gym workouts!! GOOD LUCK!
  • wanderinglight
    wanderinglight Posts: 1,519 Member
    I would love to find a place to do water aerobics! What a great plan!

    I have derailed so often in the three weeks since I"ve been home. Thank you for the encouragement. I know it might not look like I"m going crazy with my food choices but I'm more worried about how I FEEL. I can feel that "let's celebrate with food!" mentality taking over now that I'm around my fiance and my family. Of course it was easy to rigorously control every bite when I was in NYC living by myself. Now that I'm surrounded by family, friends and my sweetheart -- which is wonderful -- it's much, much harder.

    One thing I was thinking about today. Although my goal is to lose another 25lbs before March 2013 (wedding will likely be in May 2013), the sooner I lose it, the sooner I can enjoy being fit and healthy. It means that all the fun stuff leading up to the wedding -- bridal showers, engagement parties, family get-togethers -- can be opportunities for me to walk in feeling great about how I look. I really hope that this helps me stay on track instead of thinking "well, I still have almost a year...I can have this Oreo milkshake today and still have plenty of time to lose the weight..."

    I hate that evil voice.

    What about anyone else who has a 10+ months to go? How do you stay disciplined?
  • wanderinglight
    wanderinglight Posts: 1,519 Member

    How's everyone doing today???

    Who's working out today and what are you doing?

    I'm biking to the gym right now and will be knocking out a cardio / strength training combo. My goal is to stick to primal eating this week and get a workout in every day. On Sunday we leave for a massive road trip across the country so I'm also going to plan ahead for my workouts and eating on the road (as much as possible).

    Good luck and get out there. Remember, the sooner you reach your goal, the sooner you can enjoy it! No excuses!
  • CWatermelon
    CWatermelon Posts: 146 Member
    Hi Brides,

    My wedding date is November 24, 2012. I have been eating clean and taking long walks everyday! My long walks are a great way to meditate, rid myself of stress, and to clarify wedding plans, etc. I am glad to find a forum where there are other brides. Is it a very exciting time of our lives!