Looking good for Christmas Week 2!!



  • memaw66
    memaw66 Posts: 2,558 Member
    So today I went to the doctor and got weighed on their scale 206 not bad considering it's still TOM.
    But I told him about my knee pain and he decided to do agressive therapy (steroids). Well to make a long story short, he gave me the numbing medicine with the really small needle and then proceeded to put the steroid in but said I had so much fibroid tissue that it was hard to find spot to inject the steroids. It wiggled that darn BIG needle around in there for over 30 minutes!!! I have this huge bruise and it hurts to bend my knee at all. So needless to say I won't be working out today. Hopefully it will be better tomorrow. I picked up my grandson for the weekend and was going to stop and get some healthy groceries (we are out of everything), while at the store the numbing med wore off and my knee started killing me. I had to grab and go. Got pizza for the hubs and lean pocket for me. So I ended up eating 2 small slices of pizza and 1 lean pocket today. Hopefully I didn't go over my cals.

    Tomorrow will be better!!


    I didn't eat ANY of the cake that was in the office yesterday. By the end of the day when I made my last potty trip it was all gone and I just smiled as I walked past the empty container!! I was so proud!!
  • datenshi
    datenshi Posts: 840 Member
    Memaw - So sorry to hear about your knee issues. I hope the doc can come up with something longer lasting. Great job on passing up the cake and resisting temptation. Keep up the great work!!!

    Take care,
    TCASMEY Posts: 1,405 Member
    Good morning all!

    It is 6:15 and I was planning to sleep in, but woke up and can't get back to sleep. So I am playing on the computer while sitting in bed. (The kids had friends sleep over and the boys are camped out it the living room so I can't go down and start my Saturday cleaning until they wake-up)

    I don't plan on a formal work-out today but am planning to steam clean the carpet and then mow-the lawn. It is a big lawn and I use a push mower so I get lots of walking. It is also not flat so I am walking up and down hills.

    As I have been looking through threads here I notice a recurrent theme and that is the struggle to eat well on the weekend. My goal for this weekend is to eat healthy portions.
  • magglett
    magglett Posts: 2,000
    Good morning all!

    It is 6:15 and I was planning to sleep in, but woke up and can't get back to sleep. So I am playing on the computer while sitting in bed. (The kids had friends sleep over and the boys are camped out it the living room so I can't go down and start my Saturday cleaning until they wake-up)

    I don't plan on a formal work-out today but am planning to steam clean the carpet and then mow-the lawn. It is a big lawn and I use a push mower so I get lots of walking. It is also not flat so I am walking up and down hills.

    As I have been looking through threads here I notice a recurrent theme and that is the struggle to eat well on the weekend. My goal for this weekend is to eat healthy portions.

    Wow ... 6:15 on a Saturday morning ... what a bummer. I think your eating healthy challenge is a good one. I'll do my best even though my daughter is visiting. She's here again because we're trying to plan her wedding here in my area and she lives about 5 or 6 hours away. I'm assuming these little visits will happen often over the next year so I best learn to deal with thim right away. Good luck TCASMEY and also all of our "Looking Good For Christmas" team. Have a very happy weekend. :bigsmile:
  • debnu1
    debnu1 Posts: 1,568 Member
    So today I went to the doctor and got weighed on their scale 206 not bad considering it's still TOM.
    But I told him about my knee pain and he decided to do agressive therapy (steroids). Well to make a long story short, he gave me the numbing medicine with the really small needle and then proceeded to put the steroid in but said I had so much fibroid tissue that it was hard to find spot to inject the steroids. It wiggled that darn BIG needle around in there for over 30 minutes!!! I have this huge bruise and it hurts to bend my knee at all. So needless to say I won't be working out today. Hopefully it will be better tomorrow. I picked up my grandson for the weekend and was going to stop and get some healthy groceries (we are out of everything), while at the store the numbing med wore off and my knee started killing me. I had to grab and go. Got pizza for the hubs and lean pocket for me. So I ended up eating 2 small slices of pizza and 1 lean pocket today. Hopefully I didn't go over my cals.

    Tomorrow will be better!!


    I didn't eat ANY of the cake that was in the office yesterday. By the end of the day when I made my last potty trip it was all gone and I just smiled as I walked past the empty container!! I was so proud!!

    Hoorah for self control. :drinker: I sure wasn't that good yesterday---I allowed myself one small square of chocolate cake and then kept going back and back and back. :mad: :grumble: :explode:

    An idea for exercise even though your knee hurts--try punches. Jillian Michaels says that is the best exercise to get your HR up if you can't use your lower body. Just sit in a chair and punch the air as fast as you can! Better than nothing right? :bigsmile:
  • RecliningFigure
    RecliningFigure Posts: 214 Member
    TNYorker: love your ticker (inspiring).
  • jkroc
    jkroc Posts: 137 Member
    Happy Sunday:smile:

    I am leaving Monday afternoon to go camping in the White Mountains. I will be back on Thursday. Just wanted to wish all of you a GREAT week & Good Luck on weigh in day:wink:
  • jacqueline0821
    jacqueline0821 Posts: 667 Member
    So I haven't posted in a few days...and haven't been eatting very good or exercising. However, I haven't gained any weight :smile: I went for bike ride this morning....almost 4 miles..and burned 233 calories!!

    So for breakfast I ate 2 eggs and as a snack I had a little piece of pumpkin pie. I am going to make lunch in just a little while.

    I feel so good that I got a workout in too. I am hoping that I can get one in every morning this week too.

    So my challenge for myself is to workout every day and stay within my calories.

    Hope everyone has a healthy day!!!

  • Channing
    Channing Posts: 617 Member
    Well ladies... This weekend I went to Savannah and ate EVERYTHING!!!!! :noway:

    I'm going to take the advice i give to everyone else to heart and just get right back on track. I certainly did have a fabulous time! :blushing:

    Here's to hoping that I shocked my metabolism into burning thousands of extra calories! :laugh: haha!
  • Cynder
    Cynder Posts: 79
    A weekend with family in town, eating out despite my offering to cook, and not having personal space to work out means I'm back to square one and expecting a gain this week.

    Yep, this is why I thought even getting under 200 was a long shot :angry:

    Back on track, logging every bite that goes in my mouth
  • cdickey
    cdickey Posts: 230
    Went camping last Thursday and had WAY to many yummy things to eat over the weekend. Hoping to be able to maintain when Wednesday rolls around for the weigh in. Keep up the good work ladies! We'll all look better by Christmas.:wink:
  • sjmay
    sjmay Posts: 386 Member

    I didn't have too bad of a weekend for eating, but it certainly wasn't my best! I did get for my run on Fri and Sun, and a walk on Sat, so at least I did some exercise! :smile: Hopefully this Wednesday i will have lost something!

    Happy Monday everyone! :drinker:
  • memaw66
    memaw66 Posts: 2,558 Member
    Well, I was doing okay until yesterday. The kids/grandkids were over and we barbqued and I had 2 oreo cookies and lots of animal crackers!! So hopefully I didn't do too badly. I haven't been able to work out since last week because of a sore knee. But I am going to work out tonight and I am back on track this week. I was hoping to be under 200 by this coming Sunday as we are leaving for our cruise but I am only 6lbs away so I am happy with that. Hopefully I won't gain too much on the cruise!!!

    I hope everyone has a great day and healthy week!!

  • anthrochix
    anthrochix Posts: 264
    I felt like a bottomless pit this weekend, I was soooo hungry. Was also having TOM *sigh*. Scale showing 2 pound gain - really bummed.
  • moujie
    moujie Posts: 229
    I felt like a bottomless pit this weekend, I was soooo hungry. Was also having TOM *sigh*. Scale showing 2 pound gain - really bummed.

    ME TOO!

    I'm hoping the weight gain is due to the water weight because of TOM but heck the way I ate this weekend I would NOT be suprised if it's a "real" weight gain. cupcakes...I mean who can eat just one of those things anyway? and ice cream:love: ... and cheese:love: ...mmmmm.

    ...sorry, was lost in the memory. Ok seriously I'm refocused. I just (last week) broke the 200lb barrier and I do NOT want to go back over it.
    TCASMEY Posts: 1,405 Member
    I love weekends, but they seem to be our weak spot. I did not get a workout Saturday, but did steam clean the carpet and mow the lawn.

    Saw Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince. Good movie but not as good as the book.

    Went for a walk at the arboretum at Carlton College. We went for 2 miles and I burned 400 calories. Those hills really help get the heart rate up and increase the calorie burn. It also helped that it is a scenic walk through prairie and along the river.

    I did not drink enough water yesterday and between Sunday morning and this morning the scale went up almost 2 pounds. I am really pushing the water today to help flush the system and those 2 pounds.

    I plan to jump on the bike during nap time today and get a good cardio workout.

    :drinker: Remember to watch your portion sizes. A kitchen scale will help as you see what a serving should look like. :drinker:
  • Iffer75
    Iffer75 Posts: 2,817 Member
    I didn't eat ANY of the cake that was in the office yesterday. By the end of the day when I made my last potty trip it was all gone and I just smiled as I walked past the empty container!! I was so proud!!

    I am sorry to hear about your knee. I hope it is better today after a weekend's rest.
    Good for you for walking away from the cake. Believe me I completely understand. :bigsmile:
  • Iffer75
    Iffer75 Posts: 2,817 Member
    A weekend with family in town, eating out despite my offering to cook, and not having personal space to work out means I'm back to square one and expecting a gain this week.

    Yep, this is why I thought even getting under 200 was a long shot :angry:

    Back on track, logging every bite that goes in my mouth

    You will get there, hang in there. Remember that you can not change yesterday and just plan for today. You can do it. Have a happy week. :bigsmile:
  • Iffer75
    Iffer75 Posts: 2,817 Member
    I had a pretty good weekend. My fiance' and I actually went to a Japanese Steakhouse on Friday and I scarfed everything down. It was so good. Then we wanted Ice Cream and I said that we would have to walk for it. We had to walk at least 30 blocks round trip. It was a fun walk, we had a good time. Then when we got home I did my X Stretch, took a shower and went to bed.
    We went to a friends for a BBQ on Saturday and I probaby ate too much, but we had a good time. It was my fiance's birthday, so I thought it would be okay to eat a little extra. We had Pork Steaks with a bunch of different sides. Boy, it was really good.
    Yesterday was better. We did have Hardee's for breakfast then the rest of the day I ate really well. I did actually doubles too. I did Yoga X and Cardio X. It was a really good day.
    All in all I had a pretty good weekend. Splurged a little here and there, but overall pretty good. I normally do a lot more damage on the weekends. I have not weighed myself for a couple of weeks and this Saturday will be my first weigh in for about 3 weeks. I can not wait to see what it says.
    I hope everyone has a great week. :bigsmile:
  • new_Kendra
    new_Kendra Posts: 80
    My weekend def. better than last!!! I did good Saturday and even better on yesterday.

    Sunday - I met up with my family after church at a seafood restuarant. Everyone had fried flounder (yuck!), fried shrimp (yum), and fried scallops (double yum!!!). but NOT ME! I had grilled marinated chicken (boneless, skinless - I asked the waitress before I ordered it!). They would not let me substitute the baked potato or fries for a salad, so I ordered one on the side (it was actually only lettuce and onion lol) with light Catalina (on the side). And...here's the BIG part...I gave away my baked potato, cole slaw, AND hushpuppies!!!!! I was soooo proud. But then I got my bill and realized I had paid $13 for about 5 oz. of chicken and a small bowl lettuce. :grumble: