Do you have a silly talent?



  • LorinaLynn
    LorinaLynn Posts: 13,247 Member
    I kick *kitten* at name that tune, particularly really bad muzak versions of songs, and especially, for some reason, the really bad muzak played at Chinese buffets.
  • polarsjewel
    polarsjewel Posts: 1,726 Member
    I can remember almost any phone number (i have 120 clinics and can remember all of their numbers, plus their second lines too) My co-workers call me Yellow Pages :laugh:
  • jpuderbaugh
    jpuderbaugh Posts: 318 Member
    like somebody else said I can find items in my purse without looking because I know what it feels like and the shape of it.

    I also have another talent my husband is jealous of, I can find my way around in any room in my house in complete darkness. I just have the ability to remember exactly where everything is and where I am in the room.
  • cdpm
    cdpm Posts: 297 Member
    I can fold my tongue into a shamrock shape
  • rchupka87
    rchupka87 Posts: 543 Member
    I just got "called out" (basically a dare) that I would not post mine. And If I don't post this, I have to drink my calories in Jaeger tongiht. UGH.

    If you turn your car radio on seek, where the channel changes every few seconds... I can give you the Title or Artist of EVERY SONG before the station changes.

    I can put the bottom of a beer bottle completely in my mouth, behind the teeth (I was told this was important to mention).

    I am double jointed in my jaw.

    And Yes, my hubby does love me. :smooched:
  • happypath101
    happypath101 Posts: 534
    I can gargle a tune - any tune. :)
  • Aperture_Science
    Aperture_Science Posts: 840 Member
    Bump for when iv got more time!!
  • jdploki70
    jdploki70 Posts: 343
    When I was a kid I memorized the answers to all the questions in Trivia Pursuit. Can't remember a lot of them.