Genetics-- is that why you're overweight?



  • SierraElegance
    SierraElegance Posts: 86 Member
    I think it seems genetic because families tend to eat the same way. People don't think about that aspect-- parents are teaching their kids what to eat, and they learned it from their parents. Something such as white bread-- that might be a common thing in your family that you never questioned. Or dessert with every meal. Same with exercise-- some families are active, some just sit around watching TV or playing video games.

    If the habits are changed the obesity chain can be broken. That's what I believe!
    PANZERIA Posts: 471 Member
    Everyone in my family is overweight. It's been a struggle for me my entire life to lose it, and I've definitely noticed that my own battle with weight loss is much more difficult than someone who has a family that isn't all overweight. They tend to lose it quicker.

    It's definitely got something to do with genetics, for sure. 300lbs isn't genetic, though. Lol. That's not natural. Being a LITTLE overweight, like in the 26%-30% bodyfat range? I could see that as being genetic.
  • erxkeel
    erxkeel Posts: 553 Member
    Couldn't have been all those Groceries and Fast food I stuffed down MY neck. Had to have been Genetics..
  • catherine4211
    catherine4211 Posts: 944 Member
    I don't think so. But I am shaped just like my mother. Big hips, butt and thighs. And my sister is shaped just like my Grandma. Big stomach, little thin legs.
  • opus649
    opus649 Posts: 633 Member
    In the United States, at least, I think the reason for the rise in obesity is the ubiquitous nature of the automobile combined with an abundance of cheap and readily available processed foodstuffs.

    People lived much differently forty years ago: they cooked their own food and they walked a lot.
  • saragato
    saragato Posts: 1,154
    Considering my family on both sides it's quite plausible that genetics factor in to some degree. My mother is overweight, my father struggled with his weight most of his life and only ever lost weight after they divorced to blame my mom for his weight, my mother's mother was severely overweight and all my mom's siblings are overweight though one Aunt as a child was a stick. My father's family, being predominantly Italian, were all eaters and drinkers and smokers.

    Personally I don't care to get into the technical things of what got me to where I am beyond eating habits and medication side effects because it just becomes muddy facts and in the end doesn't matter to me. I'm sure someone could argue "but what about if you have kids, don't you want to know if there's a chance they'll be fat?" but all I can say is if the kid does start becoming overweight then I'll be a parent and find fun ways for them to eat well and move more. If it happens it happens.
  • cannonsky
    cannonsky Posts: 850 Member
    Gene probably play at least a partial that they will dictate how our body stores fat and what not... but I wonder if its actually genes causing obesity... or learned behaviors (over eating, not exercising). I find that to be the bigger contributing factor... barring a medical condition.. it's your habits that are going to make you gain weight... your genes are just going to dictate how quickly it happens and where it goes
  • Poecile
    Poecile Posts: 46 Member
    It might be genetics in my family, but it's the genetics that make me prone to laziness, hehe.

    Seriously though? My dad is overweight, as is my mom, and so was my sister until grad school (she looks awesome now). I think I inherited the same body type as my mom, where all of my pudge plops itself firmly on my hips and thighs, but I think I get my ample upper torso from my dad's side (perhaps from my late grandmother's side of his family).
  • cheri07
    cheri07 Posts: 6
    I think you can be predisposed to being overweight, but I think the choices you make are the bigger factor. I think this is the nature vs. nurture argument in a different context. My dad's side of the family are all fairly stocky, but my dad is the only one obese. My mom comes from a family that is rather thin, except she met my dad and gained weight. A lot of weight. Now, I get being tall from both of them, but I don't believe that I was a fat kid because of genetics. I was a fat kid because I inherited my parents eating habits. I carry my weight exactly like my dad does, but I have been, so far, successful at losing weight. My brother is a lean machine, but he works really hard to be there. How do you really know if genetics causes it, if you are eating a crappy diet?
  • rebeccasedwards
    I admit poor eating habits play a part in my weight battle. But I am built like my dad's side of the family. Funny thing is I have 3 kids. Two are on the heavy side like me but my youngest (14) is thin and eats everything he wants. He can eat a meal and 30 minutes later is hungry again. Kills my other two kids. He is drawn towards different types of foods I notice. He does not like icing on cake but loves chips and salsa. I think genetics plays a part in weight like it or not.
  • ZombieDiva76
    ZombieDiva76 Posts: 15 Member
    Gene probably play at least a partial that they will dictate how our body stores fat and what not... but I wonder if its actually genes causing obesity... or learned behaviors (over eating, not exercising). I find that to be the bigger contributing factor... barring a medical condition.. it's your habits that are going to make you gain weight... your genes are just going to dictate how quickly it happens and where it goes

    I would add the possibility that all the processed, pre-made foods in today's diet contribute as well...there is sooo much more crap added to our food than when my parents were younger....
  • CallieM15
    CallieM15 Posts: 910 Member
    I do think genetics plays a huge role. I am East I do have a tendency of carrying a bit more belly fat..but with that still have to educate yourself on what is good/not good to eat.

    I am indian as well and carry more belly fat when I gain weight.

    My sister has always been skinny. My mom was skinny until child birth. 108# skinny.

    Her reason for weight gain : american food. Indian food she ate all day not caring, until she came to america, and started eating our processed crap. She can lose 10-50 pounds in one summer by eating only indian food. Not calorie counting. She does it often and loses weight easily. NOT GENETICS. FOOD FOOD FOOD.

    I love my food.. and up till recently though food was my problem, but i learned I am insulin resistant. Never a genetic problem in my family. Just means i need to watch what FOODS I eat, and ill be healthy.

    My doctor told me one simple rule: dont eat foods that have ingredients you cant pronounce, and NO chain stores (wendys/applebees/olivegarden). Eat out at authentic resuraunts like sushi, greek, FRESH itallian.
    Sounds smart and reasonable to me.
  • cbeutler
    cbeutler Posts: 667 Member
    Pizza, pancakes, candy, cookies, pie, soda, eating out and sitting on my *kitten* is why I'm overweight.
  • JennieAL
    JennieAL Posts: 1,726 Member
    Gene probably play at least a partial that they will dictate how our body stores fat and what not... but I wonder if its actually genes causing obesity... or learned behaviors (over eating, not exercising). I find that to be the bigger contributing factor... barring a medical condition.. it's your habits that are going to make you gain weight... your genes are just going to dictate how quickly it happens and where it goes

    I support this answer.
  • TK266
    TK266 Posts: 3,689 Member
    I think it is a combo for all of us. Genetic may drift us in a direction, but we have a heck of a lot of play in what direction we want to go.

    weight wise my family (close and extended) are all over the place from the slim to the big. the biggest factor that affects our weight is exercise and eating. i know that is anecdotal, but is what I have.
  • holleysings
    holleysings Posts: 664 Member
    Genetics gave me my linebacker shoulders and ability to build muscle like a man. Genetics did not make me overeat and overindulge in the sweets and junk food leading to my starting weight.
  • Jess81620
    Jess81620 Posts: 72 Member
    From what I have read genetics is only 10% of it, diet is 80% and exercise is 10%.
  • saragato
    saragato Posts: 1,154
    In the United States, at least, I think the reason for the rise in obesity is the ubiquitous nature of the automobile combined with an abundance of cheap and readily available processed foodstuffs.

    People lived much differently forty years ago: they cooked their own food and they walked a lot.

    That and the increased sedentary lifestyle people lead at home and in the workplace. A good example of that would be a lot of royalty over the centuries. They lived sedentary, luxurious lifestyles mostly and the portraits of them clearly show the weight. The ones active in their country's business aren't so much, though it's hard to tell since corsets and cinchers were so popular for a while.

    And I can admit to that stuff being part of it. My mom worked an 8-5 job and rarely cooked. When I was in high school she had a job that had her working 7 days a week, dawn to dusk and several times until midnight because her boss overloaded her purposely and so I was left to order take out, pizza, eat frozen food, cook ramen noodles, etc. Sad as the excuse is I can't cook because we've never lived anywhere that had a fully working stove or oven.

    I also have a sedentary job, I'm an artist that works out of my home. I sit for hours drawing or making jewelry and I'm also active on the internet. That's society these days.
  • Mindarin
    Mindarin Posts: 93 Member
    I don't think genetics are a HUGE part of body weight unless someone has a genetic PROBLEM that makes them feel constantly hungry, or something wrong with their metabolism or something like that. A real, medical disease.

    Otherwise, I think it is learned behavior and family culture. Certain people in my family have been averse to exercise and eat too much, hence a family line of chubby people. Also, my family gathers together around food, and that's part of how we share love.

    Those things aren't genetic, but they do have to do with your parents and grandparents on back and I think they're a lot more important.

    All those people HAVE lost weight when they have WANTED to and have eaten sensibly, etc... It's just a matter of motivation there...
  • SirZee
    SirZee Posts: 381
    Nope, we are overweight because we consume more than we burn. Genetics has an impact on the latter, and indirectly on the former IMHO (will power, self control etc), but it doesn't matter.