Genetics-- is that why you're overweight?



  • maab_connor
    maab_connor Posts: 3,927 Member
    Everyone in my family is overweight. It's been a struggle for me my entire life to lose it, and I've definitely noticed that my own battle with weight loss is much more difficult than someone who has a family that isn't all overweight. They tend to lose it quicker.

    It's definitely got something to do with genetics, for sure. 300lbs isn't genetic, though. Lol. That's not natural. Being a LITTLE overweight, like in the 26%-30% bodyfat range? I could see that as being genetic.

    pretty much this.

    though genetics also lead to a propensity for depression/anxiety issues, which can compound on how easy it is to gain. genetics can also add to the likelyhood of addictive disorders, including disordered eating.

    do i say that 100% of the reason i am so overweight is b/c of genetics? no. but the same way i have to work to overcome depression/anxiety and addictions, i have to work to overcome this too.
  • rllewell
    rllewell Posts: 234
    What people don't get is that being able to retain body fat is actually a genetic benefit.
    Who is going to survive a famine?
    Those who pack on the pounds easily. Our bodies are not designed for food that is so readily available in such abundant quantities. That is where the behavioral aspect comes into play. We now have choices and it is up to the individual to make the right ones.

    Like she said, our bodies were originally designed to store fat because it was feast or famine. Now our lifestyle have become sedentary and due to modernization food is readily available (and most engineered to be high calorie! ). Genetics does determine your bone structure and where the fat is stored. HOWEVER it in no way is an excuse for being very overweight/obese.
  • cannonsky
    cannonsky Posts: 850 Member
    Gene probably play at least a partial that they will dictate how our body stores fat and what not... but I wonder if its actually genes causing obesity... or learned behaviors (over eating, not exercising). I find that to be the bigger contributing factor... barring a medical condition.. it's your habits that are going to make you gain weight... your genes are just going to dictate how quickly it happens and where it goes

    I would add the possibility that all the processed, pre-made foods in today's diet contribute as well...there is sooo much more crap added to our food than when my parents were younger....

    oh, most definitely
  • usmcmp
    usmcmp Posts: 21,220 Member
    My parents are obese, my sisters are obese, most of my relatives are obese. I have made choices in my life that lead to weight gain and I have recently made choices to fix that. As of yesterday I am at a normal weight. I don't think genetics had anything to do with it, I think falling into the lazy trap did.
  • Ariana_75
    Ariana_75 Posts: 224
    I think genetics do play a big part, but I also believe that you can change your genetics through exercise and proper nutrition. Every single member of my family is overweight, has high cholesterol some have diabetes and others suffer from some form of heart disease. And although I was heading in that direction in my 20's, I decided in my 30's that for my children's sake I would change all that and fight the law of genetics....and I won! =)
  • AggieCass09
    AggieCass09 Posts: 1,867 Member
    as a genetics major, I wholeheartedly believe genetics plays a role but is not THE cause of being overweight. Yes, you are given a set of genenes when you are born, but which ones are expressed is determined by the environment you are raised in. So no, your genes do not make you fat; what you do with your genes (or dont do) makes you fat!
  • princessage117
    princessage117 Posts: 171 Member
    If it was due to genetics, then why would the obesity rate go up, wouldn't it always be the same? Are only obese people having babies?
  • Michelle81285
    Michelle81285 Posts: 107
    According to Tasco Reno the author of "Eat Clean" genetics only plays a role of 10% of that. So I believe it does play a role but I do not believe its as high as 60-70%. I think mostly it is due to nutrition and what we put in our bodies.
  • sleepytexan
    sleepytexan Posts: 3,138 Member
    Is everyone in the US related? too much inbreeding, I guess.
  • BigMech
    BigMech Posts: 428 Member
    I think genetics play a role in your metabolism, e.g. some people burn more calories than other, all things being equal. Also, some people are going to have bigger frames than others as well. In the end though, baring a medical issue, it comes down to how much you eat and how much you burn.

    Up until this year, I was always heavy, all the way from childhood. It was convenient for me to blame genetics, but in the end, when I watched how much I ate, and changed how active I was, I was able to lose the weight. I think obesity tends to run in families, because children learn bad eating and exercise habits from their parents. We also have the media and businesses pushing bad eating and exercise habits as well now to compound the problem.
  • saragato
    saragato Posts: 1,154
    Is everyone in the US related? too much inbreeding, I guess.

    Nope, only in West Virginia.
  • Pspetal
    Pspetal Posts: 426 Member
    I do think genetics plays a huge role. I am East I do have a tendency of carrying a bit more belly fat..but with that still have to educate yourself on what is good/not good to eat.

    I am indian as well and carry more belly fat when I gain weight.

    My sister has always been skinny. My mom was skinny until child birth. 108# skinny.

    Her reason for weight gain : american food. Indian food she ate all day not caring, until she came to america, and started eating our processed crap. She can lose 10-50 pounds in one summer by eating only indian food. Not calorie counting. She does it often and loses weight easily. NOT GENETICS. FOOD FOOD FOOD.

    I love my food.. and up till recently though food was my problem, but i learned I am insulin resistant. Never a genetic problem in my family. Just means i need to watch what FOODS I eat, and ill be healthy.

    My doctor told me one simple rule: dont eat foods that have ingredients you cant pronounce, and NO chain stores (wendys/applebees/olivegarden). Eat out at authentic resuraunts like sushi, greek, FRESH itallian.
    Sounds smart and reasonable to me.

    I'm Indian as well. I've been asked multiple times if I'm pregnant. I just can't seem to lose the belly fat. Everyone in my family except my dad is overweight. I don't think its genes, I think its too much food. I think the places in which fat accumulates on my body (all over proportionately thankfully!) and the tendency to put on weight really fast with just 3 days of bad eating is because of genetics. The weight per se is not. Also, I wasn't skinny while I was in India, but I weighed 30lbs less. I put on all the weight in the US without my portion sizes increasing. So it must be something in the food... I tend to lose weight faster in India too!
  • Kamikazeflutterby
    Kamikazeflutterby Posts: 775 Member
    In the United States, at least, I think the reason for the rise in obesity is the ubiquitous nature of the automobile combined with an abundance of cheap and readily available processed foodstuffs.

    People lived much differently forty years ago: they cooked their own food and they walked a lot.

    Ah, the ever-present hostess snackity cake rack right in the middle of the Walmart checkout rows. I'm spending sooo much time trying to find/figure out reasonably priced healthy ingredients, and all the cheap crappy food is shoved in your face.
  • applejacks1552
    I would say it's not a guarantee, but a definite contributing factor.

    In the wrong environment of too many calories and too little exercise, it's a perfect storm for obesity. It's the path of least resistance in our modern world to become overweight if you are genetically inclinced to do so because food is over abundant and inexpensive while the need for physical labor remains low.

    It's not an excuse for staying overweight, but I think it's fair to acknowledge that weight loss and keeping a healthy weight is much easier for some individuals than it is for others.
  • Kamikazeflutterby
    Kamikazeflutterby Posts: 775 Member
    Is everyone in the US related? too much inbreeding, I guess.

    Nope, only in West Virginia.

    You forgot Mississippi.
  • dancecentral
    dancecentral Posts: 50 Member
    I just read it's only 20% somewhere..
  • Silver_Star
    Silver_Star Posts: 1,351 Member
    I have my gramma's thunder arms and thunder thighs....:grumble:

    My Indian bum also kinda disappears when i lose weight.:sick:

    but im trying to eat smart and work out so the rest of me can
  • katejenkins1
    katejenkins1 Posts: 210 Member
    I think it is a factor, but I'm fat because I play a game of how much I can shove in my mouth in the shortest amount of time.
  • honeysprinkles
    honeysprinkles Posts: 1,757 Member
    I think genetics do play a part, that's why some people can eat and eat and not really gain (my step mom and my half siblings are like that). I gain weight easily and so do my mom and sister and my grandma is very obese. I don't blame any of that, I can maintain a healthy weight, but it could contribute. Now that I'm eating better, I'm losing weight, so it's absolutely not to blame but it can play a role in it I think.
  • ZombieDiva76
    ZombieDiva76 Posts: 15 Member
    Is everyone in the US related? too much inbreeding, I guess.

    Nope, only in West Virginia.

    You forgot Mississippi.

    Not inbred. UncleDad just told me so.