Single Ladies! What's Your Number?



  • scs143
    scs143 Posts: 2,190 Member
    I don't see what the issue is and I have always hated that question. I am married and prior to being married we chose not to discuss it. The past is the past and nothing is going to change it. If you are the type of person that would make you not date or dump someone because of their number- then don't ask.
  • rbn_held
    rbn_held Posts: 682 Member
    I am 35. Lost my V card at 26. 3 is my number
  • jealous_loser
    jealous_loser Posts: 395
    "to me it comes down to how close your numbers are. if they are both two no prob, if they are both 20, no problem. but if a guy had 25 sexual encounters and a girl had one or two, then i would imagine if may be awkward. i am obviously no expert though. just what i have observed. good post. "

    I am at 10 now. I am not single at the moment either.

    My current boyfriend is at 2 including me. I think that is a pretty big gap, but we get along fine.
  • hozayrod21
  • bd0027
    bd0027 Posts: 1,053 Member
    4 guys, and 2 of them sucked so bad I'm disappointed to have to count them.
  • cakebatter07
    cakebatter07 Posts: 814 Member

    Strong first post.
  • JazmineYoli
    JazmineYoli Posts: 547 Member
    And I would never tell. It's not his business
    Let's just say that I'm past the fingers but not all of my toes. .

  • SweeDecadence92
    SweeDecadence92 Posts: 218 Member
    That a pretty damn rude question. It's really none of his business. I'd probably be pretty offended if someone asked me that, especially if they then had the gale to freak out about the number! Serious dumping territory right there.
  • shoneybabes
    shoneybabes Posts: 199 Member
    I don't think it should matter how many people you have slept with. It is none of their business and if they ask that question, then I think they have issues to deal with. I couldn't tell you the number of people I have had relations with and I don't keep count. There is no need to have a tally. It is quality that counts. The actual relationship.

    I personally don't want to know what my partner has been up to before me. It causes all sorts of insecurities so why waste time thinking about it. They are with you now for a reason.

    Never feel ashamed of your life, number of partners or not. :smile:
  • blably
    blably Posts: 490 Member
    well thats a weird question comin from a guy...ok i understand some girls askin... but no then again, i dont, i dont know why it matters?

    for me the big V wasnt a big V, and i just had sex to get it over 15. then i was in a serious relat. till i was 19...theeeen i kinda started to enjoy all life has to offer. and yet i dont bother with my #.
  • colortheworld
    colortheworld Posts: 374 Member
    bump. this is interesting. i have been with the same guy since middle school and my number is 0. we just are waiting to get married. if we were not together, for whatever reason, i would also want a virgin husband. to me it comes down to how close your numbers are. if they are both two no prob, if they are both 20, no problem. but if a guy had 25 sexual encounters and a girl had one or two, then i would imagine if may be awkward. i am obviously no expert though. just what i have observed. good post.

    The last guy I dated was my 2nd, and he'd probably been with 50+, and that's just me guessing, he has no idea. Personally, for me it was never a problem, I appreciated his experience and he appreciated my lack thereof (cheating seems to be the norm around here). I would never want to date someone who didn't at least have some idea of what they're doing even though I choose not to sleep with anyone I'm not seriously dating.
  • colortheworld
    colortheworld Posts: 374 Member
    I don't think it should matter how many people you have slept with. It is none of their business and if they ask that question, then I think they have issues to deal with. I couldn't tell you the number of people I have had relations with and I don't keep count. There is no need to have a tally. It is quality that counts. The actual relationship.

    I personally don't want to know what my partner has been up to before me. It causes all sorts of insecurities so why waste time thinking about it. They are with you now for a reason.

    Never feel ashamed of your life, number of partners or not. :smile:

    Agreed with the insecurities part, guys worry too much about how they compare to a girl's past partners.
  • hardworker92
    Im 21 and ive been with 2 guys :)
  • prime853
    prime853 Posts: 519
    another guy perspective

    don't ask, don't tell.
    never been one to ask, past is the past, point of relationships is to work on the future, as long as I know she doesn't have a history of slutting around im cool
  • Inkratlet
    Inkratlet Posts: 613 Member
    another guy perspective

    don't ask, don't tell.
    never been one to ask, past is the past, point of relationships is to work on the future, as long as I know she doesn't have a history of slutting around im cool

    If the past truly is the past, why would even that matter?

    We are not who we were a year+ ago - we are who we are in the present moment.
  • JcMey3r
    JcMey3r Posts: 431 Member
    I think he means that the past is the past but doesn't want the girl to "slut around" while they're dating.
  • Tigerman999
    Sometimes men and women's ant to know they aren't dating a raging slut or someone with a STD...
  • prime853
    prime853 Posts: 519
    If the past truly is the past, why would even that matter?

    We are not who we were a year+ ago - we are who we are in the present moment.

    when I say don't ask don't tell I mean use common sense hahaha, yeah sure were all gonna have some history but id rather not know PROVIDED it wasn't public knowledge that so and so got around ALOT

    and I know what your saying about not being the same person as you were a year or so ago but personally I wouldn't take that chance, just me
  • Tigerman999
    If the past truly is the past, why would even that matter?

    We are not who we were a year+ ago - we are who we are in the present moment.

    when I say don't ask don't tell I mean use common sense hahaha, yeah sure were all gonna have some history but id rather not know PROVIDED it wasn't public knowledge that so and so got around ALOT

    and I know what your saying about not being the same person as you were a year or so ago but personally I wouldn't take that chance, just me

    Dude, you're 18. Get all the chicks you're age. Usually they don't get big numbers until their 20's so you should be good to go
  • HawkeyeTy
    HawkeyeTy Posts: 681 Member
    I wonder why this 18 month old post got bumped???