sabotage, betrayal and moms



  • cramernh
    cramernh Posts: 3,335 Member
    My mother did the whole deceptive thing saying she was putting one thing in when in fact, it was something entirely different. Only the last time she pulled her trick, it damn near landed me in the hospital.

    I cannot, under doctor's orders consume breads, flours, rice, pasta or corn. I cannot digest these foods, in fact it sends my insulin levels so high that Im borderline heading into Insulin Shock - my pancreas has a difficult time 'shutting off'.

    Nearly every dish she made had one or two of these items. I ended up grabbing the garden salad and some boneless chicken to go on top of it and that was it. The look of horror from her when I didnt grab from her macaroni salad, the potato salad, the ear of corn... none of it was grabbed and she kept asking me "why wont you eat"... I looked at her and said "Mom I have enough on my plate as it is"... she kept coming at me with the typical "you dont eat enough, thats not enough food, whats wrong with the food"....and then... "you arent listening to that quack doctor of yours again, are you?"....

    I put down my fork, picked up my car keys and started to walk out of the house. I could hear her now begging me to stay, and I simply walked out.

    Later that day, she called me all teary eyed, the same manipulative words coming over the phone.... I got so fed up with it. She asked me why I walked out without saying a word. I told her "As much of a nasty person you have become, I didnt want to stoop to your level and say things that would come out wrong"... I did tell her why I left and I told her 'you have no right talking to me the way you do. If you cant accept 'no thank you' for an answer, not attack me for the things I have to do or the doctor that I see who is the only person who has my health held seriously, then Im not visiting you anymore - plain and simple. I dont need your negative talk and I dont need to eat anything I dont want or cant have. You need to show me some respect and understand that Im willingly choosing to listen to my doctor - that is a lesson that you have yet to learn and follow for your own health"...

    An hour later, it still didnt 'sink' in to her head. And to be quite frank, I really dont care. Im in charge - of me. I determine what I want, dont want - its not her job nor her place. And I most certainly wont let her manipulation get to me. My own DAUGHTER wont go visit her because she does the same thing to her!!!!!!!!!!!!!! She knows she can come to my home on her visits and be comfortable knowing I wont push food on her. Thats not the right way to show love. I dont care what generation you come from.. .its wrong!
  • sisierra
    sisierra Posts: 707 Member
    My mother, KNOWS I'm trying to eat healthy, but whenever she rolls around to pick me up from campus she'll have a cookie or some sort of fast food to offer me. Or when I go home, I just start craving food (this is why I like staying on campus), and she'll be like, go ahead, get it out tonight and you'll start over tomorrow; this last time I was able to resist, but It's so irritating!
  • sdavis448
    sdavis448 Posts: 195 Member
    My hubby will try to be nice and pick up food he knows I like.. or a bottle of coke, etc...

    I generally only eat cereal for breakfast.. this morning.. he got up before me and made a huge ham and cheese omelet for breakfast, then guilted me into making half.
  • Natsume
    Natsume Posts: 33 Member
    Wow... I guess I am lucky that my family is very supportive of my "diet." My hubby occasionally reminds me that I am on a diet when we go out to eat. :P

    I hope your families become more supportive though. Losing weight is very hard without family support.

    I am always amused when I explain that a diet is what you eat on a regual basis NOT a food plan to lose weight.