Successful showoffs??Sick and tired of this.

rima933 Posts: 151 Member
Why are there so many people on here that have lost weight, and succeeded, who act like they are big shots? They feel like they are so much better than everyone else. They decline friend requests, they're so rude, and when you ask them questions for help they ignore you. I am so sick and tired of these show-offs. Congratulations for your success, but seriously stop acting like you can step all over everyone else. If i ever reach my goal, I will make sure to help out anyone that needs me, but I cant say the same for everyone else.:huh:


  • Lady_Bane
    Lady_Bane Posts: 720 Member
    I understand the gloating bc they are proud, but you dont see me posting my 6-pack all over the makes others feel bad.
  • bm99
    bm99 Posts: 597 Member
    If they're already at their goal, chances are they've been on this site forever and are already keeping up with a bajillion friends. And probably get another bajillion "WAT AM I DOIN WRONG IM NOT LOSIN WEIGHHHHTTTTT" mails a day. Unless "so many" people are actually responding personally and rudely, I really don't see an issue in some people choosing not to accept requests or reply to mails.
  • gpstrucker
    gpstrucker Posts: 930 Member
    Haven't run across this issue myself.
  • SuperCork
    SuperCork Posts: 192 Member
    I feel bad that this has been your experience, but there are SO many people on this site that you are bound to find at least a few of the people you seek soon enough. I can tell you that one of the people on my FL is definitely one of the "success stories" on this site, is VERY popular, and routinely denies friend requestes because her FL is currently over 200 and she struggles to feel like she gives even a small number of those people any attention. Also, remember, you don't know how many people are requesting the same information as you. Again, I don't want to shut down your feelings/opinion because they belong to you and are valid, but just thought I could maybe share a little insight.

    Best to you both.
  • Ariberri9
    Ariberri9 Posts: 206 Member
    I haven't been on MFP very long, but I've noticed that there are way more friendly people than cocky people. You just have to look in the right places. :flowerforyou:
  • PinkEarthMama
    PinkEarthMama Posts: 987 Member
    I am sorry you feel that way.
  • takingnameskickingbutt
    takingnameskickingbutt Posts: 232 Member
    I have people on my FL who are starting their journey and who are at the end. Just get the right friends and they don't have to be the MFP in-crowd! :)
  • Lozze
    Lozze Posts: 1,917 Member
    Eh I decline a number of friends requests. I'm quite happy with my current group of friends and don't feel the need to accept every request. The ones that can't even read my profile are declined immeaditly (it says right there that i prefer a message when requesting) If it's a 'let's do this together' I get a bit wary. Most I accept though.

    You also need to realize that for those who have been here a long time we realize that most people will be here a short time anyways. It's the nature of the beast.

    If that makes me a big shot meh. It's the Internet.
  • Trail_Addict
    Trail_Addict Posts: 1,350 Member
    Why are there so many people on here that have lost weight, and succeeded, who act like they are big shots? They feel like they are so much better than everyone else. They decline friend requests, they're so rude, and when you ask them questions for help they ignore you. I am so sick and tired of these show-offs. Congratulations for your success, but seriously stop acting like you can step all over everyone else. If i ever reach my goal, I will make sure to help out anyone that needs me, but I cant say the same for everyone else.:huh:

    Wow! There are a lot of reasons to not accept friend requests. And not everyone can or wants to be fielding questions all day. This forum is full of helpful people. Try to not get so bent out of shape when people don't drop what they're doing just for you.
  • LiviLou2011
    LiviLou2011 Posts: 437 Member
    I know what ur talking about, when i first got on this website, there was this woman that lost alot of weight and i was like wow what an inspiration, she was one of the first people that i added and i swear not even a couple days later she deleted me for no reason, i was kinda sad because i was like wow this can happen i can do this..and then i was like whatever if shes gonna be that way she wasnt a very good person.
  • dovesgate
    dovesgate Posts: 894 Member
    I feel bad that this has been your experience, but there are SO many people on this site that you are bound to find at least a few of the people you seek soon enough. I can tell you that one of the people on my FL is definitely one of the "success stories" on this site, is VERY popular, and routinely denies friend requestes because her FL is currently over 200 and she struggles to feel like she gives even a small number of those people any attention. Also, remember, you don't know how many people are requesting the same information as you. Again, I don't want to shut down your feelings/opinion because they belong to you and are valid, but just thought I could maybe share a little insight.

    Best to you both.

  • susannamarie
    susannamarie Posts: 2,148 Member
    So ... how much of their day should someone who's been successful at losing weight be compelled to spend answering messages they receive?
  • EvilPink
    EvilPink Posts: 94 Member
    Why are there so many people on here that have lost weight, and succeeded, who act like they are big shots? They feel like they are so much better than everyone else. They decline friend requests, they're so rude, and when you ask them questions for help they ignore you. I am so sick and tired of these show-offs. Congratulations for your success, but seriously stop acting like you can step all over everyone else. If i ever reach my goal, I will make sure to help out anyone that needs me, but I cant say the same for everyone else.:huh:

    Ummm, how about because they are? Whether it was 5 lbs or 300 lbs, struggling with the mental and physical issues that come with excess weight is a huge challenge and if one reaches their goal; they've accomplished a huge feat in life by working hard and they DESERVE to flaunt it! Not only that, but for many here, it serves as encouragement, motivation, and help on our own journey.

    As far as ignoring someone for help or declining request or being "rude", there could be a million reasons for it. MFP has many glitches; they've been fixing a ton of them all weekend. I can't tell you how many times I get a friend request or an e-mail that doesn't show up for days. Or, someone comments on my feed and I don't get notified of it right away and it's weeks later before I see it. At this very moment, I have a friend request that I've approved 4 times and yet I still have the notification bar pop up telling me that I have a friend request; it seems to be stuck in some kind of MFP friend limbo.

    And some people just don't want to add any ole internet stranger to their friends list either; imagine wanting to get to know someone a little better before just letting them be your "friend." Now that's real uppity; the nerve! Good grief...please someone tell me that this topic doesn't really exist and that I'm delirious from too low a carb intake. BTW...should I be eating back my exercise calories? :laugh:
  • dovesgate
    dovesgate Posts: 894 Member
    I know what ur talking about, when i first got on this website, there was this woman that lost alot of weight and i was like wow what an inspiration, she was one of the first people that i added and i swear not even a couple days later she deleted me for no reason, i was kinda sad because i was like wow this can happen i can do this..and then i was like whatever if shes gonna be that way she wasnt a very good person.

    I'm sure it wasn't personal. Some of the highly successful people on here are trying to juggle huge friend lists. Sometimes cuts just have to be made and sometimes the new people or quiet people have to go.
  • rima933
    rima933 Posts: 151 Member
    Why are there so many people on here that have lost weight, and succeeded, who act like they are big shots? They feel like they are so much better than everyone else. They decline friend requests, they're so rude, and when you ask them questions for help they ignore you. I am so sick and tired of these show-offs. Congratulations for your success, but seriously stop acting like you can step all over everyone else. If i ever reach my goal, I will make sure to help out anyone that needs me, but I cant say the same for everyone else.:huh:
    I would like to add that I have alot of friends on my FL that have been there long that are soo open to helping out. And I definately appreciate them, and their support. But lately, I have come across a few who have been very rude (not to me) to others. And I Cant stand seeing people get treated so bad. Sometimes people don't have to be rude right to your face, but they come across in an arrogant manner.
  • AllTehBeers
    AllTehBeers Posts: 5,030 Member
    If they're already at their goal, chances are they've been on this site forever and are already keeping up with a bajillion friends. And probably get another bajillion "WAT AM I DOIN WRONG IM NOT LOSIN WEIGHHHHTTTTT" mails a day. Unless "so many" people are actually responding personally and rudely, I really don't see an issue in some people choosing not to accept requests or reply to mails.


    Eh I decline a number of friends requests. I'm quite happy with my current group of friends and don't feel the need to accept every request. The ones that can't even read my profile are declined immeaditly (it says right there that i prefer a message when requesting) If it's a 'let's do this together' I get a bit wary. Most I accept though.

    You also need to realize that for those who have been here a long time we realize that most people will be here a short time anyways. It's the nature of the beast.

    If that makes me a big shot meh. It's the Internet.

    And this.

    I also now state I like a message with my friend requests. I send a message to people who I want to be friends with so why can't others? I like to have fun, active and informative people on my list, not just a huge number of friends.
  • SuperCork
    SuperCork Posts: 192 Member
    I know what ur talking about, when i first got on this website, there was this woman that lost alot of weight and i was like wow what an inspiration, she was one of the first people that i added and i swear not even a couple days later she deleted me for no reason, i was kinda sad because i was like wow this can happen i can do this..and then i was like whatever if shes gonna be that way she wasnt a very good person.

    I would <i>strongly</i> recommend you don't take something like this so personally or extrapolate a person's value based on being deleted from a FL. Seems a bit short-sighted, especially in light of what several of us have pointed out. There are a TON of great people on this site, but ultimately each person is most concerned with him/herself and that's okay--it's called MY fitness pal, not our fitness pal
  • MsQt
    MsQt Posts: 793 Member
    Eh I decline a number of friends requests. I'm quite happy with my current group of friends and don't feel the need to accept every request. The ones that can't even read my profile are declined immeaditly (it says right there that i prefer a message when requesting) If it's a 'let's do this together' I get a bit wary. Most I accept though.

    You also need to realize that for those who have been here a long time we realize that most people will be here a short time anyways. It's the nature of the beast.

    If that makes me a big shot meh. It's the Internet.

    I second this except for accepting most. I'm content with the pals that I have and don't need to be overwhelmed with more and Yes I post my success photos because I worked hard for it. good luck on finding a good group of great pals because it took me a lot of weeding out to get the ones I got!
  • Umeboshi
    Umeboshi Posts: 1,637 Member
    Just because someone is successful doesn't mean they owe everyone help. And what's wrong with being proud of what you've accomplished?
  • Trail_Addict
    Trail_Addict Posts: 1,350 Member
    I know what ur talking about, when i first got on this website, there was this woman that lost alot of weight and i was like wow what an inspiration, she was one of the first people that i added and i swear not even a couple days later she deleted me for no reason, i was kinda sad because i was like wow this can happen i can do this..and then i was like whatever if shes gonna be that way she wasnt a very good person.

    I'm sure it wasn't personal. Some of the highly successful people on here are trying to juggle huge friend lists. Sometimes cuts just have to be made and sometimes the new people or quiet people have to go.


    I routinely cut people from my list if we don't interact. I want friends that interact with me. I don't want just everybody filling up my feed if we don't interact. That's the least I can expect from a MFP "Friend.
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