Quirky/OCD eating habits?



  • sweet110
    sweet110 Posts: 332 Member
    My 7 year old doesn't like her food to mix.

    I eat one item at a time, like all my veggies, then meat, etc.

    I am like both you and your 7 year old!
  • Jb8885
    Jb8885 Posts: 126
    I always have to check a metal fork to make sure all the edges are even, if one is bent funny i can't eat with it.

    I also find I get on "kicks" of what I eat...For weeks I eat almost the exact same things at each meal...i think its a safe feeling knowing: I eat this and i feel full and dont get an upset stomach (I have colitis) and I'm losing weight..so I kind of stick to simple and repetitive eating. But I'm used to that knowing there's certian foods that I have to stay away from.
  • yankee_yaa
    yankee_yaa Posts: 7 Member
    I use a knife and fork for everything! I cannot stand "finger" food. The idea of picking up a sandwich grosses me out.
  • Curvy1taliana
    Curvy1taliana Posts: 371 Member
    I cannot stand when people use their hands to touch food.. or use their fingers (especially "shared" like a party, etc)... then lick their fingers... or take something from your plate and say "oh can I have this?" and by the time they start asking the question, they've already touched it.. so yeah, go ahead, have it! I think just asking for something off someone's plate is rude to begin with, unless I've offered, then I will give it to you myself... so keep your dirty grubby hands off of my plate!!

    It repulses me. LOL
  • saraann4
    saraann4 Posts: 1,296 Member
    If I'm eating a sandwich, I eat all the way around before heading toward the center. No big spoons. I eat the least favorite thing on my plate first and save the really good stuff like meat or carbs for last. If I have plate of meat and potatoes or something similar, I mix it all together. Probably not that weird...
  • Serah87
    Serah87 Posts: 5,481 Member
    If I have a glass of milk it has to be very, very cold!!!

    I do not like soggy bread, can't have my roll/bread touching foods that will cause it to be soggy!!!
  • HiKaren
    HiKaren Posts: 1,306 Member
    My food CAN touch... I mix up things on my plate, and try different combo bites.... If theres veggies on the side, I get some of those on the fork, then get some of the starch or potato on the fork with it. Then a combo bite with the meat...

    I have a favorite little spoon to eat with. By using it, it makes my whatever last longer. Small bites, chew slow, and chew it up good.

    I know someone who really does hoover vacume in their food. The sound it makes when they swallow, Glump. Hey! You gonna chew it up before you swallow it! Haaah. They know who they are... :wink:

    I have to over cook my veggies. Sometimes I like em burnt a little. I like to burn my food... Which leads to getting yelled at a little. Its okay thou. I have a special pan I have designated as my burn pan. Its my pan to burn up. :smile:
  • kerriberry74
    kerriberry74 Posts: 62 Member
    Let's see... I know i'm forgetting some:

    I hate having greasy fingers... i'll eat things like pizza & grilled cheese sandwiches with a fork. When I do actually have something greasy that I pick up, I have to constantly wipe my fingers on a napkin (if there's a 'sweaty' glass around, i'll wipe my fingers on that first!);

    I pick at buns. There always seems to be more bun than burger/brat, so the excess bun has got to go (usually end up with at least half the bun left in shards on the plate;

    I'll eat things like M&M's by twos & by color- they have to coordinate ie., no blue & brown together.
  • Xefyria
    Xefyria Posts: 18 Member
    I very, very rarely eat snickers (the chocolate bar), but when I do, I HAVE to gnaw off (very delicately, mind you) the chocolate layer first. Then, when that is done, I take little nibbles of the remaining stuff, and for each nibble, I have to let it melt in my mouth until there is nothing but peanuts left. Then I chew those up and go for the next little nibble.

    Yes, I've had some weird stares because of it... but like I said, I rarely eat it (once, twice a year?). ;)
  • toristory
    toristory Posts: 11 Member
    I can't have my food touching either. It freaks me out.
  • I HATE when my food touches...sandwiches are nearly impossible for me to eat!! If I do, I can't eat it normally, I take it all apart and eat the insides first, then the bread. If im eating M&Ms or something of the like, I have to eat them 2 at a time in matching pairs, then whatever is left over without a match, I can't eat. I have to eat ice cream with this little tiny spoon. If i'm drinking a smoothies, I have to slurp up the liquidiest parts first, then the more solid part I eat with a spoon. theres so many more
  • I very, very rarely eat snickers (the chocolate bar), but when I do, I HAVE to gnaw off (very delicately, mind you) the chocolate layer first. Then, when that is done, I take little nibbles of the remaining stuff, and for each nibble, I have to let it melt in my mouth until there is nothing but peanuts left. Then I chew those up and go for the next little nibble.

    Yes, I've had some weird stares because of it... but like I said, I rarely eat it (once, twice a year?). ;)
    I do the exact same thing! and with every kind of layered bar type of food
  • Silver_Star
    Silver_Star Posts: 1,351 Member
    If there's something on my plate i dont like..i eat it first..i leave the best for last.
    I like short tined forks...lol the long tined ones scare me... im always thinking im gonna stab my throat with it by accident:laugh:
    I can switch myself off mentally and eat the same dang thing over and over and over again if i know the meal works for me.
    when i eat bread..i liked peeling off the crust gently and eating it and then trying to peel off the tiny little bread fibers and eating the slice bit by bit that way:laugh:
  • Shajadea
    Shajadea Posts: 57 Member
    I don't have too many but I will say I have to clean my plate! I can't stand to even leave a grain of rice on my plate or in my bowl. I have always been this way. Also, when I eat it's usually in a very neat pattern. I will push the food into a mound and then take from the mound.
    With Cool Ranch Doritos, which I try not to buy to often, I have to search the bag for ones with the most flavoring on them. So, I end up touching most of them. Fair warning for anyone that wants a chip from my bag.
  • elliottjane
    elliottjane Posts: 37
    When eating a sandwich, cookie, pastry, etc., I always have to eat the outside first, and then eat the middle. I just feel like the middle is where everything is, so it's more filling and delicious :) Just like a middle piece of a brownie or cake. When eating meals that are served with a dinner roll, such as Mashed potatoes, green beans, corn, stuffing, sweet potatoes, etc (think Thanksgiving type food) I have to save a bit of each side then make a little sandwich out of my roll. Meals never seem complete without my little sandwich. I have a few more, but it's a long list of little things.
  • lisar1262
    lisar1262 Posts: 2
    I smell my food before eating it. My family thinks it is strange...I HAVE to smell everything before eating or drinking it.
    I prefer to use small spoons and forks, cant stand long forks. I eat my sandwiches dry. like if we order hoagies, I will have it dry no mayo or oil, no lettuce or tomatoe, no onions and no spices. mixed cheese (no provolone), but I will have pickles on it...lol....
    I don't drink milk, so I only eat cereal dry. I like salty and sweet together, like I have to have it that way.
    CAN'T touch raw meat, can't wash my hands enough while cooking.
    And my biggest thing, if I even have the slightest feeling like something could be bad, can't eat it, when in doubt, throw it out. I will get sick just thinking it could make me sick.
    I prefer yellow candy, like peanut mm's, lemon candy, then raspberry, do not like green candy (lime=tastes like floor cleaner to me). I do however, LOVE licorice the black kind and chocolate with anything. I am a serious Germaphobe here, so no buffets, ever. I carry hand sanitizer everywhere i go,seriously.
    well I guess I have said enough about my ocd with food (let alone life...lol) at least I am glad to know, it is not just me.
  • JenAiMarres
    JenAiMarres Posts: 743 Member
    Oatmeal must be off a plastic spoon...
  • lelstar
    lelstar Posts: 374 Member
    A block of chocolate has to have the cardboard removed to be thrown out, I use my nail to slice the foil along the edge of the block so it can be neatly folded back over, you have to remove 1 row at a time and I only eat 1 square at a time.
    I eat chips one at a time usually.
    I eat burgers outside in.
    I have to use my cups and utensils at work and don't have other people wash them.
    I love lasagne and I make it all layered properly etc but when I eat it I go through and remove the white sauce layer to eat last.
  • callmejessica
    callmejessica Posts: 1,868 Member
    I always shake my food on the fork or spoon as if I were cooling it off. Even if it's cold food I shake it! Someone else had to bring this to my attention and they were completely right!
  • As a kid, I would eat one thing at a time starting from entree to least favorite side dish. Now, not so much.

    I am crazy about bleaching/microwaving/dishwasher washing my sponges after they touch raw meat residue. My sink also has to be completely sterilized and my hands need to be thoroughly scrubbed.

    I have to cut meat after it's cooked. If I cut it raw, it makes me feel sick to my stomach.

    I have to get every last square inch of whatever is left in a jar, i.e. peanut butter, before I can justify throwing away the bottle.

    I NEVER eat past the expiration date and obsessively check them before I eat.

    I guess that's all I can think of!