Just need to VENT and advice?



  • pat6250
    pat6250 Posts: 90
    I find that if I plan ahead, it helps. I save some calories for snack time, I keep good snacks around, ready to go for those times (like pre- washed and cut vegetables with hummus). Talk to your fiance, and tell him you are trying to lose weight for the wedding, and that if he watnts to eat junk, that is okay with you, but please not to expect you to eat it also. My husband used to eat entire bags of chips for a snack, and I found that if I found something to do in another room, I could resist the chips. Point out that if you make yourself scarce when he is eating snacks, it is not to avoid HIM, but rather to avoid the temptation of the snacks. Someone said to try to get him to eat healthy with you. Sadly, guys often do not see a connection between what they eat and good health, and if you want to change his habits, telling him what to eat will not go over. I made small changes to my hubby's diet over the years, by cooking healthy meals and GRADUALLY putting in less fat, salt, more vegetables, less red meat, and so on. Today, he has his blood pressure and diabetes under control, he is much healthier than his siblings, and he is grateful for my caring enough to keep him healthy. Guys don't get that until they are older, and the doctor tells them that there is a problem. You can only do what is good for you, and if you do it without making him feel guilty for enjoying his crap, he will be very happy. Be ready to feed him good things when he is ready, and tell him you are trying to keep him around for a LONG time, he will appreciate that. Perhaps he eats junk because it is fast, and easy to get. If you had healthy stuff ready when he is hungry, would he eat it? Worth looking into. But do what you need to do for yourself with a lazer like determination. Envision yourself looking beautiful in your wedding dress. Believe it, and achieve it. Good luck.:flowerforyou:
  • hallie_b
    hallie_b Posts: 181
    I got rid of cable TV. I had the same issue with school so I did what I did before when I was in great shape. I told my expensive cable company to kiss off and low and behold I found motivation and all this extra time I thought I never had before.
  • wwoelbel
    wwoelbel Posts: 23
    Hi there,
    I'll not comment on your situation as there already seems to be alot of input in that area. What I'll share with you is two things that are helping me quite a bit.

    1) Join a gym or something similar. I joined the rec center at the local college. For me, a creature of habit, location is significant. Gym is where we suffer and sweat. Once at the gym, there is no distraction or excuses. We suffer and sweat and then feel tired but good.

    2) Leave no food in the house that could be gorged on. While I feel that the only food worth eating is delicious food, Having lots of yummy foods that are already prepared is like leaving an open can of tuna on the counter and expecting the cat not to notice while you shower.... Delicious food has a cost in terms of preparation time and you must never make more than one meal at a time.

    Of course, these work for me and may not be worth a hill of beans for you.

  • froeschli
    froeschli Posts: 1,292 Member
    just a bunch of thoughts, excuse if they're a bit scrambled...

    when i first decided to do the south beach diet, my hubby (who initially suggested it) got all hung up on which foods we could eat and couldn't, he cheated and was very frustrated, actually developed a real temper.
    this time around, i just told him he should eat what he wants, and i will just not eat any carbs (essentially the same thing, but way less to think about). he's joined me of his own accord and it's working great so far. (ok, one week and counting).

    anyhow, do what is right for you. if you want to save calories in the daytime, so you can join him eating at night, go ahead. if you want to maintain daytime eating so you won't be hungry at night - viable strategy too. if you want to get your head on straight and just watch portion size, works too.

    i found that just making myself aware of whether i am eating because i am hungry, or because the food is there, makes a big difference. - figures i have a bad case of 'kibble envy', and will eat just so others can't have it before i do.

    i also agree, if a meal is ready when he gets home, he will be less likely to want to go out. which gives you more control (that's the way to look at it if you're a die hard feminist who frowns on having a meal ready when the husband gets home :wink:). if his hours are arbitrary, just have him call when he leaves work, so you have an estimate of when he'll be back.

    we discovered a local deli that does great soups, so now we have a good lunch, but for dinner just a soup. that leaves ample room for snacking if we feel like it. - you could switch that around if your main meal is dinner...

    oh, and watch those protein shakes, they can pack a lot of calories, and if he's wanting to lose weight, that can bite him in the butt, if he doesn't exercise to compensate...
  • Piercey_24
    Piercey_24 Posts: 40 Member
    i didnt read all the reply's on here so i apologize if i repeat what some one has said already... one idea is that if he is hungry and doesnt wanna do anything after work make dinner so its ready or close to ready when he gets home. or make things nights before that you can freeze and re heat, pasta, soup and casseroles is a good one to make and freeze and package in 1 or 2 person porportions. i live in an apt and i too worry about what ppl think of the noise we have a work out area but its always so full and packed. i do sit ups push ups and in my garage i have done insanity ( before i was pregnant ) the garage is a great place to work out if you have one, if not do the stairs a few times, if u go shopping only take one bag up at a time so u make lots of trips and u dont look silly going up and down them all day long, i also walk around our complex, i am lucky tho its about a half mile trip around it. i hope i helped at least a little bit!!