What's with The Notebook?



  • Doomfrog
    Doomfrog Posts: 79
    So it sounds like Nicholas Sparks only writes books where people kick it at the end? That is his formula? Now I just feel bad for the dude. That can't be a fun career. Okay, I guess I don't feel bad since he probably just cries himself to sleep on his mattress stuffed with 100 dollar bills.
  • Artemis_Acorn
    Artemis_Acorn Posts: 836 Member
    The Notebook was a waste of time. I didn't get it either. I was just MEH about it, but my daughter absolutely HATED it, and rants about it how bad it was whenever someone brings it up.

    My idea of a true romance flick is the 1995 Pride and Prejudice with Colin Firth and Jennifer Ehle.
  • Doomfrog
    Doomfrog Posts: 79

    How about an old 80's flick like Say Anything, or maybe Pride & Prejudice with Colin and his wet shirt? Ha-ha!! :tongue:

    Yes, please!
  • angieleighbyrd
    angieleighbyrd Posts: 989 Member
    The book is much better.

    Movies always ruin books.


    Also, womens expectations of what men should be like are way to high. If you want romance, create it. Why should it all fall on your man? maybe he wants to be dazzled every here and there too.
  • ComicBookGeekGirl
    I've seen a few posts on here lately with women lamenting the fact that there are no great romances "like The Notebook." I finally watched the movie a few months ago after getting sick of hearing, "You've never seen The Notebook?!?!?!?!?!" in shrill voices. I watched it and just don't get it. They fought all the time which seems stressful and not indicative of "true love." Plus, I thought it was just cruel for him to keep using her story to bring her back, which pretty much seemed to just be a scary experience for her. Do young women out there think that constant fighting = passion? I did enjoy looking at Gosling. I'll be the first to admit that I wouldn't kick him out of bed. The costumes and hair and makeup were also fabulous. But Vogue has those things too and I can read that while I poop.

    So what's the appeal? Discuss.
    I freaking HATE that movie!! I couldn't get past the first 30 minutes. But Ryan Gosling is HOT!!!
  • saragato
    saragato Posts: 1,154
    Not trying to sound butch or anything but anything that has more romance than plot or is entirely made to be romantic will literally make me physically ill. It makes my stomach turn. I guess because a lot of us girls are brought up with Disney's "every girl's a princess and will find her prince" ideal it just kinda sticks, thus stories of men riding into women's lives, winning their hearts with less-than-realistic displays of nothing more than "I like you because I looked at you" are born.

    I don't mind romance being intwined with a plot, even guys like that stuff sometimes, I just don't want the whole movie or book to be some long, drawn out puppy love crap that gives some women the idea that you don't need to even know the guy to "love" him and therefore unzip your pants for him, you just have to think he's cute and sweet and have bad music play in the background.

    Not all of them are like that, but they're predictable if nothing else. Play up the drama for 9 hours, I'll still know they bump pelvises at the end and that's all we're there for.
  • semeyer
    semeyer Posts: 282 Member
    I have been broken up with once when the dude closed out his schpeil by saying, "And I know, someday, you will have a romance like the notebook" ............................... O_o that's all I have to say about that.

    When I'm feeling romantic, I watch True Romance :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: Now that's passion!!!!
  • elrickis1337
    elrickis1337 Posts: 117 Member
    maybe someone said this earlier and i missed it but for me i loved the movie, i usually hate chick flicks of any kind, because it reminded me of my grandparents. fought bitterly about stupid stuff like wether the sugar was in the right place on the table or not but at the end of the day my grandpa would go to bed at the same time as her even if he wasnt tired because they still cuddled at the age of 82.

    the only time i have ever seen my grandfather cry was the day he was saying goodbye to my grandma when she was on her deathbed begging her not to leave him yet because he didnt know what he would do with out her
  • lucythinmint
    lucythinmint Posts: 239
    I despise chick flicks and romantic novels. Bleh! :sick:

    They are so unrealistic. I dislike the way women are portrayed most of the time and it just sets up females to romanticize about a hot steamy romance that will most likely never happen the way it does in the movies.
    I have seen it once, last fall. I lasted until the end of the movie, the ending was very sweet. ONLY, the part that they died together.
    It wasn't amazing, I have no desire to ever watch it again. I don't like the notion of someone else planting an idea of what romance is into our subconscious. What I deem to be romantic doesn't follow with mainstream ideas, so I don't watch them. :drinker:

    edit: spelling error
  • juicy011
    juicy011 Posts: 200 Member
    I :heart: the notebook!!! So romantic and so much passion & the ending OMG, I think I cried myself to sleep :)