My Unpopular Opinion



  • StrawberrySt
    StrawberrySt Posts: 235
    Fat and curvy are not the same thing

    Fake glasses is a ridiculous trend
  • jeffazi
    jeffazi Posts: 198
    Apple products are for people who can't operate Android and Windows.

    Demonstrably false. I use both and have most of my life. Both have strengths are weaknesses. In fact, I know people who use Windows and can't operate a Mac. Just like i know people who use Macs who can't operate a pc. I can use both proficiently. I can also use several versions of Linux. I know you were probably posting this tongue-in-cheek but I know people who are sincerely believe this.
  • HeHealsMe
    HeHealsMe Posts: 179 Member
    I an American and not necessarily "proud" of that fact (bring it! I can take it!)
    To go with that, I do not believe we are the "best" country in the world.

    I think brown hair is boring and plain. I was a bit disspointed when my son came out brunette (I am over it now though ).

    Marijuana should be legal (I am not a smoker though because it's not)

    I am not really patriotic at all. I don't understand the whole being proud of your country thing, because what exactly are we being proud of? I'm not bashing it, I am literally asking what people are so proud of when they are being all patriotic. If anything, I am proud of the state I am from because it is beautiful.


    To my fellow American's.

    Why the USA is so great.

    WE have FREEDOM of SPEECH, as evidenced by this post.
    WE have LAW'S-yes, I think some are crazy too.

    Have you EVER been to a different country?

    CHINA: Kills female babies..too many of them, or, makes the mother's have LATE term abortions. Nice.. Oh, and you are only allowed 2, TWO, DOS kids. Nice.

    AFRICA: Kills and wipes out entire countries for..well, just about anything.

    IRELAND: At WAR for HOW long over religion?

    MEXICO: CARTEL killing hundred's a day over drugs.. Ordinary citizens, to MAYORS to POLICE CHIEF'S, Oh, yeah, over marijuana too..

    AS A DISABLED VETERAN who SERVED THIS country, if you are not proud to live here, there are many ways to, ships,
    walk, swim, in a box..
    Oh, and a very HAPPY ****ING MEMORIAL DAY TO YOU TOO!! :grumble: I can not believe I served THIS country for people who do not even know /appreciate living here.:brokenheart: :sad:

  • ExplorinLauren
    ExplorinLauren Posts: 991 Member
    Here is my MOST UNpopular.... And I expect every teacher to start bitc*ing. because... thats what they do best ;)

    I have NEVER in my life, heard a person B***H more than a teacher. You don't make enough money, you don't have enough time off... why are people expecting you to teach the kids how to pass tests??? BECAUSE THATS YOUR EFFING JOB!?!?! thats why!

    You knew what you were getting into when you DECIDED to be a teacher. You knew you were under paid and under appreciated! But you chose it anyway. PROBABLY because you got a couple months off WITH PAY. You have a few months off PAID for vaca... and thats not even including EVERY federal holiday AND several other "teacher catch up days" You still get paid salary.... dental, medical.... and you are STILLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLL whining?!?!?!

    YES.... I do expect you to work, and I still expect you help my kids pass a test. Even the big ones like, SOL's, PSAT's, FCATS, Whatever... And I expect you to be judged on your ABILITY TO TEACH KIDS, because, after all... it is your job... AS A TEACHER.
  • jayliospecky
    jayliospecky Posts: 25,022 Member
    I don't like pie.

    Also, all the people arguing on this thread are gonna' get it locked.

    I need more info LOL

    Chocolate? Peace? Strawberry? Buttermilk? Sweet tater? Pumpkin? Coconut? Lemon?

    No pies at all??:cry:

    Nope. I would eat the chocolate filling, strawberry filling, pumpkin filling, but the crust is such a waste of my time and taste buds. Just make something else.

    Hmmm, I gotta ask.........are you SURE, I mean 100% SURE, you've had really good crust?

    This is my thought too. No one who has had a really good crust would say that.

    Are you insulting my grandma's pie?!?!?!
  • slepygrl
    slepygrl Posts: 249 Member
    ~ Twilight was horrific!!!
    ~ Twilight was horrific!!!
    ~ Twilight was horrific!!!
    ~ Twilight was horrific!!!
    ~ Twilight was horrific!!!
    ~ Twilight was horrific!!!
    ~ If you smell bad b/c you're to lazy to take a shower and wear clean clothing, that makes you an *kitten*.
    ~ I'm voting for Obama
    ~ If you are buying crap for your kids with your link card at a convenient store. I automatically think your a bad parent. I don't know if it's the buying crap or the fact that you're paying for it with my tax dollars that makes you a bad parent. Or if you HAVE to buy the crap, go some place cheaper! Or all of the above.
  • CSummers316
    CSummers316 Posts: 74
    i've begun worshiping the sun for a number of reasons. First of all, unlike some other gods I could mention, I can see the sun. It's there for me every day. And the things it brings me are quite apparent all the time: heat, light, food, a lovely day. There's no mystery, no one asks for money, I don't have to dress up, and there's no boring pageantry. And interestingly enough, I have found that the prayers I offer to the sun and the prayers I formerly offered to "God" are all answered at about the same 50-percent rate.

    Credit going to George Carlin, but excellent taste in a quote.

    Sounds a little like transcendentalism.

    I had to edit my post there, but yeah it was basically a quote from a George Carlin stand up, save the fact that george stated he prayed to Joe pesci. Not knocking the post by any stretch of the imagination mind you, it pleased me to see some Carlin making its way into the discussion :P
  • zaithyr
    zaithyr Posts: 482 Member
    Another one:

    I hate the word "retard". I have an autistic child and words like that are incredibly hurtful when used in a derogatory fashion.
  • sweetchildomine
    sweetchildomine Posts: 872 Member
    "plateaus" do not exist
    carbs are not evil
    curvy is not fit

    What if you are a muscular person who naturally has wide hips and a small waist? That's curvy. The TRUE definition of curvy means exactly that CURVY. Not chubby or thick. CURVY meaning you have CURVES. That is something that has to do with body shape, not weight. You can be really thin and be curvy or be fat and be curvy.
  • ironanimal
    ironanimal Posts: 5,922 Member
    Apple products are for people who can't operate Android and Windows.

    Demonstrably false. I use both and have most of my life. Both have strengths are weaknesses. In fact, I know people who use Windows and can't operate a Mac. Just like i know people who use Macs who can't operate a pc. I can use both proficiently. I can also use several versions of Linux. I know you were probably posting this tongue-in-cheek but I know people who are sincerely believe this.
    A correct assumption :) I just despise Apple products because I am someone who cannot tolerate a system I can't personalise for my own needs and style. Just doing my bit to demonise them.
  • SinuousNihilist
    i've begun worshiping the sun for a number of reasons. First of all, unlike some other gods I could mention, I can see the sun. It's there for me every day. And the things it brings me are quite apparent all the time: heat, light, food, a lovely day. There's no mystery, no one asks for money, I don't have to dress up, and there's no boring pageantry. And interestingly enough, I have found that the prayers I offer to the sun and the prayers I formerly offered to "God" are all answered at about the same 50-percent rate.

    Credit going to George Carlin, but excellent taste in a quote.
    yeah i forgot to credit my hero haha
    between george and Bill hicks i can cope with this world haha

  • nwhitley
    nwhitley Posts: 619
    Just curious what countries you think are better than the US?
    I an American and not necessarily "proud" of that fact (bring it! I can take it!)
    To go with that, I do not believe we are the "best" country in the world.

    I think brown hair is boring and plain. I was a bit disspointed when my son came out brunette (I am over it now though ).

    Marijuana should be legal (I am not a smoker though because it's not)

    I am not really patriotic at all. I don't understand the whole being proud of your country thing, because what exactly are we being proud of? I'm not bashing it, I am literally asking what people are so proud of when they are being all patriotic. If anything, I am proud of the state I am from because it is beautiful.

    I live in Texas whihc makes me being not so patriotic a very evil and unacceptable thing. I don't understand "pledging allegiance" because in my head I see a crowd of people going "Heil Hitler". You should be loyal and fauthful to your family, friends, and neighbors. Not a country. Not a government. And I see America as a teenager who has not yet matured where other countries have had time to learn and grow from their mistakes and are better than the US now because of that.
  • small_ninja
    small_ninja Posts: 365 Member
    Fat and curvy are not the same thing

    Fake glasses is a ridiculous trend

    The fake glasses thing IS a ridiculous trend - I could not agree more.
  • frootcat
    frootcat Posts: 194 Member
    I hate the word 'ginger' for redheads. I will accept it coming from British people--I still won't like it, but I know they can't help it--but that's it. Bah!

    I do, however, quite like redheads.
  • c0untingsheep
    c0untingsheep Posts: 159 Member
    I like candy corn
  • wanderinglight
    wanderinglight Posts: 1,519 Member
    I can't stand choreographed lip dub or flash mob marriage proposals. The wedding is the celebration; the proposal should be private and personal.

    Beyonce's pregnancy was fake.

    Glee needs to go away and Community tries too hard to be self ironic.

    I can't stand high waisted shorts, hipster glasses, Forever 21 blouses or pretty much anything Zooey Deschanel wears on New Girl.

    I love riding the NYC subway during rush hour.
  • lcpurser
    lcpurser Posts: 109 Member
    I don't like pie.

    Also, all the people arguing on this thread are gonna' get it locked.

    I need more info LOL

    Chocolate? Peace? Strawberry? Buttermilk? Sweet tater? Pumpkin? Coconut? Lemon?

    No pies at all??:cry:

    Nope. I would eat the chocolate filling, strawberry filling, pumpkin filling, but the crust is such a waste of my time and taste buds. Just make something else.

    Hmmm, I gotta ask.........are you SURE, I mean 100% SURE, you've had really good crust?

    Yup. I've had everybody and their grandmother's crust. I finally just stopped eating it.

    I hate pie crust too. The only crust I eat is on cheesecake.
  • ILoveJesus72
    ILoveJesus72 Posts: 181 Member
    Here is my MOST UNpopular.... And I expect every teacher to start bitc*ing. because... thats what they do best ;)

    I have NEVER in my life, heard a person B***H more than a teacher. You don't make enough money, you don't have enough time off... why are people expecting you to teach the kids how to pass tests??? BECAUSE THATS YOUR EFFING JOB!?!?! thats why!

    You knew what you were getting into when you DECIDED to be a teacher. You knew you were under paid and under appreciated! But you chose it anyway. PROBABLY because you got a couple months off WITH PAY. You have a few months off PAID for vaca... and thats not even including EVERY federal holiday AND several other "teacher catch up days" You still get paid salary.... dental, medical.... and you are STILLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLL whining?!?!?!

    YES.... I do expect you to work, and I still expect you help my kids pass a test. Even the big ones like, SOL's, PSAT's, FCATS, Whatever... And I expect you to be judged on your ABILITY TO TEACH KIDS, because, after all... it is your job... AS A TEACHER.

    Ummm, I wish you were more clear on your opinion. This whole beating around the bush thing is just not doing it for me.
  • Karleyyy
    Karleyyy Posts: 857
    I an American and not necessarily "proud" of that fact (bring it! I can take it!)
    To go with that, I do not believe we are the "best" country in the world.

    I think brown hair is boring and plain. I was a bit disspointed when my son came out brunette (I am over it now though ).

    Marijuana should be legal (I am not a smoker though because it's not)

    I am not really patriotic at all. I don't understand the whole being proud of your country thing, because what exactly are we being proud of? I'm not bashing it, I am literally asking what people are so proud of when they are being all patriotic. If anything, I am proud of the state I am from because it is beautiful.


    To my fellow American's.

    Why the USA is so great.

    WE have FREEDOM of SPEECH, as evidenced by this post.
    WE have LAW'S-yes, I think some are crazy too.

    Have you EVER been to a different country?

    CHINA: Kills female babies..too many of them, or, makes the mother's have LATE term abortions. Nice.. Oh, and you are only allowed 2, TWO, DOS kids. Nice.

    AFRICA: Kills and wipes out entire countries for..well, just about anything.

    IRELAND: At WAR for HOW long over religion?

    MEXICO: CARTEL killing hundred's a day over drugs.. Ordinary citizens, to MAYORS to POLICE CHIEF'S, Oh, yeah, over marijuana too..

    AS A DISABLED VETERAN who SERVED THIS country, if you are not proud to live here, there are many ways to, ships,
    walk, swim, in a box..
    Oh, and a very HAPPY ****ING MEMORIAL DAY TO YOU TOO!! :grumble: I can not believe I served THIS country for people who do not even know /appreciate living here.:brokenheart: :sad:


    A little dramatic, are we? From that I can say you appreciate our laws, those that serve our country. No where did I see any reason to love AMERICA. You completely ignored all the ****ty things our country has done, like dropping an atomic bomb on a ton of innocent people. Nice.

    Edit: A lot of people would say we needed to drop that bomb. I call bs.
  • SinuousNihilist
    Fat and curvy are not the same thing

    Fake glasses is a ridiculous trend


    What's next? Wearing fake ear devices used for the deaf?