My Unpopular Opinion



  • hesn92
    hesn92 Posts: 5,967 Member
    I don't get reality television. If you want to watch reality, why don't you just.. you know, go outside? Why would you want to watch a bunch of orange freaks in new jersey getting drunk all the time? Or a bunch of stupid teenagers who have babies?
  • sweetchildomine
    sweetchildomine Posts: 872 Member
    I got a question. I'm not particularly religious but why is it ok to bash something that might be the only thing that's keeping someone going? It's not hurting them if they believe, it's HELPING them, whether its real or not. If you don't believe, GOOD FOR YOU...why is it necessary to bash people that do? I've never understood that. I've never understood the whole Atheism thing. If you don't believe in God...just don't. Why is there a label for it? I don't believe in Buddha but I don't go around posting graphics poking fun at people who do or getting mad at a Buddhist person for talking about it. I read a quote the other day that makes a good point.

    Nobody talks so constantly about God as those who insist that there is no God.
    -Haywood Broun

    If you don't believe in it...why are you talking about it? Why are you offended when someone tells you you're going to hell if you don't believe in it? When I was in first grade some kid told me that I wasn't going to get any presents because I didn't believe in Santa Claus. Did I get mad? No, because I knew I was getting presents. Did I tell him he was dumb for believing in Santa Claus? No, because if that made him happy, who cares, it doesn't hurt me. On Christmas day BOTH of us got presents. Neither of us were harmed in the process...It's sad that I had more sense as a 6 year old than some of the so called adults in the world.
  • fsmalley
    fsmalley Posts: 62 Member
    I've got to go man, I just can't wrap my mind around anyone not liking pie. What kind of freaks are we dealing with here?
  • Oliviamarie05
    Oliviamarie05 Posts: 528 Member
    My unpopular opinion is that if you have a belief/religious ideology, you should keep it to yourself because preaching to people who don't want to hear it, isn't going to make God listen to you any more than he is now.

    also, I'm religious. So I don't need the backlash.

    The reason people "Preach" their faith is because the bible says to go out and teach all the world. We are suppose to do that, it's your choice to not listen, but I do not wish to stand in front of God and be asked why I didn't preach his word when he convicted my heart to do so. This can go another way, how about if people don't want to be preached at, have some respect for those who do believe and stop trying to push that he isn't real on everyone? No one came in here preaching till someone had to bring faith and christian bashing in it. God is a touchy subject, have you ever wondered why? Why if God is not real do people try so hard to force others to not believe in him? Why is it so meaningful for someone who has no beliefs to talk people out of believing in God? They don't make that big of a deal out of Santa clause or the Easter bunny, so if God is not real, why in the world do people want so badly to turn others from him?

    I would like to refer you to Matthew 6:5

    Matthew 6:5 is not refering to sharing the Gospel of Christ. It is solely about certain aspects of prayer. Different topic.

    Honestly, the reason people are so against God is maybe because religion has been one of the single most traumatic ideologies to ever hit plant earth. Wars, suicides, murder, crusades. My point was, we should leave it alone and bring it up with people who want to talk about it. Let religion go to a thread about religion, not an unpopular belief thread.

    That's the problem everyone is fighting over religion, religion is a man made thing. I'm not a religious person, but I am a Christian. I do not worship a religion I worship the GOD.

    Then how can you quote the bible? It was made for the christian religion. If you simply worship GOD then you cannot look at manmade things to support a religious belief.
  • Darlingir
    Darlingir Posts: 437
    I'm outa here..............the fun has been un-plugged

    religion has been debated in forums doesn't work. I love Jesus..He has rescued me from myself....that being said, I have yet to see conversions via public forums...can't we all have some light hearted fun folks?
  • prinqt
    prinqt Posts: 29 Member
    Options guys are gonna hate me for this

    I want to kill my television

    what's up with the way some young girls dress today?

    i don't like Oprah

    young girls - after they post pictures on Facebook of their fashion (which I now call dental floss fashion), and people call them names and pick on them that they are $luts, they complain!
    I know I sound unsensitive to cyber bullying right now. But if you want to be treated or called a lady, then you have to act and dress like one!!!
  • builtforlife
    builtforlife Posts: 259
    Rhianna has absolutely no business being famous.
  • TheFitHooker
    TheFitHooker Posts: 3,358 Member
    My unpopular opinion is that if you have a belief/religious ideology, you should keep it to yourself because preaching to people who don't want to hear it, isn't going to make God listen to you any more than he is now.

    also, I'm religious. So I don't need the backlash.

    The reason people "Preach" their faith is because the bible says to go out and teach all the world. We are suppose to do that, it's your choice to not listen, but I do not wish to stand in front of God and be asked why I didn't preach his word when he convicted my heart to do so. This can go another way, how about if people don't want to be preached at, have some respect for those who do believe and stop trying to push that he isn't real on everyone? No one came in here preaching till someone had to bring faith and christian bashing in it. God is a touchy subject, have you ever wondered why? Why if God is not real do people try so hard to force others to not believe in him? Why is it so meaningful for someone who has no beliefs to talk people out of believing in God? They don't make that big of a deal out of Santa clause or the Easter bunny, so if God is not real, why in the world do people want so badly to turn others from him?

    I would like to refer you to Matthew 6:5

    Matthew 6:5 is not refering to sharing the Gospel of Christ. It is solely about certain aspects of prayer. Different topic.

    Honestly, the reason people are so against God is maybe because religion has been one of the single most traumatic ideologies to ever hit plant earth. Wars, suicides, murder, crusades. My point was, we should leave it alone and bring it up with people who want to talk about it. Let religion go to a thread about religion, not an unpopular belief thread.

    That's the problem everyone is fighting over religion, religion is a man made thing. I'm not a religious person, but I am a Christian. I do not worship a religion I worship the GOD.

    Then how can you quote the bible? It was made for the christian religion. If you simply worship GOD then you cannot look at manmade things to support a religious belief.

    The bible is not manmade the bible was written inspired by God, of course he didn't hand write it but I do believe in the bible and I believe in God, but I am not a religious person.
  • fraser112
    fraser112 Posts: 405
    i've begun worshiping the sun for a number of reasons. First of all, unlike some other gods I could mention, I can see the sun. It's there for me every day. And the things it brings me are quite apparent all the time: heat, light, food, a lovely day. There's no mystery, no one asks for money, I don't have to dress up, and there's no boring pageantry. And interestingly enough, I have found that the prayers I offer to the sun and the prayers I formerly offered to "God" are all answered at about the same 50-percent rate.
  • Oliviamarie05
    Oliviamarie05 Posts: 528 Member
    My unpopular opinion is that if you have a belief/religious ideology, you should keep it to yourself because preaching to people who don't want to hear it, isn't going to make God listen to you any more than he is now.

    also, I'm religious. So I don't need the backlash.

    The reason people "Preach" their faith is because the bible says to go out and teach all the world. We are suppose to do that, it's your choice to not listen, but I do not wish to stand in front of God and be asked why I didn't preach his word when he convicted my heart to do so. This can go another way, how about if people don't want to be preached at, have some respect for those who do believe and stop trying to push that he isn't real on everyone? No one came in here preaching till someone had to bring faith and christian bashing in it. God is a touchy subject, have you ever wondered why? Why if God is not real do people try so hard to force others to not believe in him? Why is it so meaningful for someone who has no beliefs to talk people out of believing in God? They don't make that big of a deal out of Santa clause or the Easter bunny, so if God is not real, why in the world do people want so badly to turn others from him?

    I would like to refer you to Matthew 6:5

    Matthew 6:5 is not refering to sharing the Gospel of Christ. It is solely about certain aspects of prayer. Different topic.

    Honestly, the reason people are so against God is maybe because religion has been one of the single most traumatic ideologies to ever hit plant earth. Wars, suicides, murder, crusades. My point was, we should leave it alone and bring it up with people who want to talk about it. Let religion go to a thread about religion, not an unpopular belief thread.

    If you think about it the talk of religion definately belongs in a thread of unpopular opinions as shown just by reading this thread. Everyone makes their choices. We all live with our own. It should be just as accetable to talk about Christ as it is to talk about Muhammed, or some athiest scholar but it's not because when a Christian speaks out about their beliefs its all hands on deck and weapons drawn against them.

    It's harmless typed words on a message board floating around out in outer saying that Jesus Christ is Lord and the only way to Heaven shouldn't offend anyone really.....but I'm ok with it being an unpopular "opinion" just like I'm perfectly ok with you not believing.

    Not once did I say I didn't believe. In fact I very clearly state I am religious, I just don't need to shove it down all these good peoples throats.
  • HeHealsMe
    HeHealsMe Posts: 179 Member
    My unpopular opinion is that if you have a belief/religious ideology, you should keep it to yourself because preaching to people who don't want to hear it, isn't going to make God listen to you any more than he is now.

    also, I'm religious. So I don't need the backlash.

    The reason people "Preach" their faith is because the bible says to go out and teach all the world. We are suppose to do that, it's your choice to not listen, but I do not wish to stand in front of God and be asked why I didn't preach his word when he convicted my heart to do so. This can go another way, how about if people don't want to be preached at, have some respect for those who do believe and stop trying to push that he isn't real on everyone? No one came in here preaching till someone had to bring faith and christian bashing in it. God is a touchy subject, have you ever wondered why? Why if God is not real do people try so hard to force others to not believe in him? Why is it so meaningful for someone who has no beliefs to talk people out of believing in God? They don't make that big of a deal out of Santa clause or the Easter bunny, so if God is not real, why in the world do people want so badly to turn others from him?

    I would like to refer you to Matthew 6:5


    First, the BIBLE is a BOOK, with MANY chapters. You cannot take ONE VERSE, out of context, d try to explain away the point of the book.
    Nor, would you take a Harry Potter book, randomly take one sentence out of it, read it, and declare the whole series is bad. See MY point?
    You are only a small picture kind of person. It takes, reading, studying, and knowing what is happening to truly understand the BIBLE.
    Take Col 4:6 "Let you speech be always with grace, seasoned with salt, that ye may know how ye ought to answer every man.
    2 Tim1:13: Hold fast the form of SOUND WORDS, which thou hast heard of me, in FAITH and love which is in CHRIST JESUS."

  • TheFitHooker
    TheFitHooker Posts: 3,358 Member
    I got a question. I'm not particularly religious but why is it ok to bash something that might be the only thing that's keeping someone going? It's not hurting them if they believe, it's HELPING them, whether its real or not. If you don't believe, GOOD FOR YOU...why is it necessary to bash people that do? I've never understood that. I've never understood the whole Atheism thing. If you don't believe in God...just don't. Why is there a label for it? I don't believe in Buddha but I don't go around posting graphics poking fun at people who do or getting mad at a Buddhist person for talking about it. I read a quote the other day that makes a good point.

    Nobody talks so constantly about God as those who insist that there is no God.
    -Haywood Broun

    If you don't believe in it...why are you talking about it? Why are you offended when someone tells you you're going to hell if you don't believe in it? When I was in first grade some kid told me that I wasn't going to get any presents because I didn't believe in Santa Claus. Did I get mad? No, because I knew I was getting presents. Did I tell him he was dumb for believing in Santa Claus? No, because if that made him happy, who cares, it doesn't hurt me. On Christmas day BOTH of us got presents. Neither of us were harmed in the process...It's sad that I had more sense as a 6 year old than some of the so called adults in the world.

    Well said!
  • hesn92
    hesn92 Posts: 5,967 Member
    WHAT the FLIP is up with Nikki Minaj???? Is she mentally ill? What is wrong with her? Why does she sound so horrific and why is she famous?

    Does. Not. Compute.
  • ILoveJesus72
    ILoveJesus72 Posts: 181 Member
    My unpopular opinion is that if you have a belief/religious ideology, you should keep it to yourself because preaching to people who don't want to hear it, isn't going to make God listen to you any more than he is now.

    also, I'm religious. So I don't need the backlash.

    The reason people "Preach" their faith is because the bible says to go out and teach all the world. We are suppose to do that, it's your choice to not listen, but I do not wish to stand in front of God and be asked why I didn't preach his word when he convicted my heart to do so. This can go another way, how about if people don't want to be preached at, have some respect for those who do believe and stop trying to push that he isn't real on everyone? No one came in here preaching till someone had to bring faith and christian bashing in it. God is a touchy subject, have you ever wondered why? Why if God is not real do people try so hard to force others to not believe in him? Why is it so meaningful for someone who has no beliefs to talk people out of believing in God? They don't make that big of a deal out of Santa clause or the Easter bunny, so if God is not real, why in the world do people want so badly to turn others from him?

    I would like to refer you to Matthew 6:5

    Matthew 6:5 is not refering to sharing the Gospel of Christ. It is solely about certain aspects of prayer. Different topic.

    Honestly, the reason people are so against God is maybe because religion has been one of the single most traumatic ideologies to ever hit plant earth. Wars, suicides, murder, crusades. My point was, we should leave it alone and bring it up with people who want to talk about it. Let religion go to a thread about religion, not an unpopular belief thread.

    If you think about it the talk of religion definately belongs in a thread of unpopular opinions as shown just by reading this thread. Everyone makes their choices. We all live with our own. It should be just as accetable to talk about Christ as it is to talk about Muhammed, or some athiest scholar but it's not because when a Christian speaks out about their beliefs its all hands on deck and weapons drawn against them.

    It's harmless typed words on a message board floating around out in outer saying that Jesus Christ is Lord and the only way to Heaven shouldn't offend anyone really.....but I'm ok with it being an unpopular "opinion" just like I'm perfectly ok with you not believing.

    Not once did I say I didn't believe. In fact I very clearly state I am religious, I just don't need to shove it down all these good peoples throats.

    I just dont think discussing this is shoving it down someone's throat. People can get passionate on these boards but it's really impossible to force anything on someone. In fact, a board like this is pretty harmless when it comes to shoving things down someone's throat. NO ONE is forced to believe in Christ and no one can be forced.
  • jeffazi
    jeffazi Posts: 198
    sweeping generalizations (except this one) suck.
    movies, music, art, and the like are subjective and one person's garbage is another person's gold.
    the most vocal christians I know are selfish and judgmental.
    most atheists I know are kind and generous.
    right wing radio makes me throw up in my mouth.

    I think I love you.

    You made my day! : )
  • jayliospecky
    jayliospecky Posts: 25,022 Member
    I don't like pie.

    I refuse to believe there are people who don't like pie.

    I DO exist!!
  • ironanimal
    ironanimal Posts: 5,922 Member
    I've got to go man, I just can't wrap my mind around anyone not liking pie. What kind of freaks are we dealing with here?

    This will blow your mind then.

    Shepherd's Pie is the absolute worst food I have ever attempted to eat in my entire life.

    And Hell exists. That's the only explanation for where a Shepherd's Pie could come from :sick:
  • daffodilsoup
    daffodilsoup Posts: 1,972 Member
    I got a question. I'm not particularly religious but why is it ok to bash something that might be the only thing that's keeping someone going? It's not hurting them if they believe, it's HELPING them, whether its real or not. If you don't believe, GOOD FOR YOU...why is it necessary to bash people that do? I've never understood that. I've never understood the whole Atheism thing. If you don't believe in God...just don't. Why is there a label for it? I don't believe in Buddha but I don't go around posting graphics poking fun at people who do or getting mad at a Buddhist person for talking about it. I read a quote the other day that makes a good point.

    Nobody talks so constantly about God as those who insist that there is no God.
    -Haywood Broun

    If you don't believe in it...why are you talking about it? Why are you offended when someone tells you you're going to hell if you don't believe in it? When I was in first grade some kid told me that I wasn't going to get any presents because I didn't believe in Santa Claus. Did I get mad? No, because I knew I was getting presents. Did I tell him he was dumb for believing in Santa Claus? No, because if that made him happy, who cares, it doesn't hurt me. On Christmas day BOTH of us got presents. Neither of us were harmed in the process...It's sad that I had more sense as a 6 year old than some of the so called adults in the world.

    Because I am postponing cleaning the litterbox, and am also an *kitten*.
  • SinuousNihilist
    I really, really, REALLY hate Five Finger Death Punch, Avenged Sevenfold, Hinder, Nickelback, and wildly popular bands that used to be good before going on to "please the kids" I.e. Slipknot, Green Day, Seether, Korn, etc.
  • TheFitHooker
    TheFitHooker Posts: 3,358 Member
    My unpopular opinion is that if you have a belief/religious ideology, you should keep it to yourself because preaching to people who don't want to hear it, isn't going to make God listen to you any more than he is now.

    also, I'm religious. So I don't need the backlash.

    The reason people "Preach" their faith is because the bible says to go out and teach all the world. We are suppose to do that, it's your choice to not listen, but I do not wish to stand in front of God and be asked why I didn't preach his word when he convicted my heart to do so. This can go another way, how about if people don't want to be preached at, have some respect for those who do believe and stop trying to push that he isn't real on everyone? No one came in here preaching till someone had to bring faith and christian bashing in it. God is a touchy subject, have you ever wondered why? Why if God is not real do people try so hard to force others to not believe in him? Why is it so meaningful for someone who has no beliefs to talk people out of believing in God? They don't make that big of a deal out of Santa clause or the Easter bunny, so if God is not real, why in the world do people want so badly to turn others from him?

    I would like to refer you to Matthew 6:5

    Matthew 6:5 is not refering to sharing the Gospel of Christ. It is solely about certain aspects of prayer. Different topic.

    Honestly, the reason people are so against God is maybe because religion has been one of the single most traumatic ideologies to ever hit plant earth. Wars, suicides, murder, crusades. My point was, we should leave it alone and bring it up with people who want to talk about it. Let religion go to a thread about religion, not an unpopular belief thread.

    If you think about it the talk of religion definately belongs in a thread of unpopular opinions as shown just by reading this thread. Everyone makes their choices. We all live with our own. It should be just as accetable to talk about Christ as it is to talk about Muhammed, or some athiest scholar but it's not because when a Christian speaks out about their beliefs its all hands on deck and weapons drawn against them.

    It's harmless typed words on a message board floating around out in outer saying that Jesus Christ is Lord and the only way to Heaven shouldn't offend anyone really.....but I'm ok with it being an unpopular "opinion" just like I'm perfectly ok with you not believing.

    Not once did I say I didn't believe. In fact I very clearly state I am religious, I just don't need to shove it down all these good peoples throats.

    If me standing up for what I believe in is shoving it down people's throats maybe you need to go back and re-read what I have said and where it all started. Having atheist come in and right off the bat cut down something I do believe in very much so, it's one of them things that I can't just sit there and not say nothing. This is why God should not have even been brought to this thread, but a Christian didn't even bring it up. Go figure! I have plenty of Atheist friends and they are very respectful toward me and my beliefs and I am of theirs as well.