My Unpopular Opinion



  • HeHealsMe
    HeHealsMe Posts: 179 Member
    1) If I had to choose one food to take to a deserted island, it would be Nutella! And spoon.
    2) I like overcast, cloudy, rainy days..Couch Movie day!!
    3) I like profile pictures that are NOT ALL pic's of the person's body parts, i.e. females who have 18 pictures of themselves smiling UP at the camera. which is pointed DOWN to their cleavage. Not Sexy. Enough of the "V". Am so over it. It is so like.. February..
    4) I like profile pic's of interesting a person's hobbies, photography..mine is all fitness models..and one of me and something else.
    5) I DESPISE people who throw their nasty cigarette butt's out their car window's or just drop them on the street.. You smoke'em, YOU PICK THEM UP!! This is major tiff for me, as in the military, we did "Police call.." Everyone stands in a line of about 100 people and picks up everything not naturally grown for about 100 feet. When you don't smoke and you are forced to pick up other people cig butt's you want to explode. Rant over. Oh, also, I was behind someone in my BRAND NEW CAR, and their LIT cig flew into MY backseat and set it on FIRE. Super Pissed-true story.
    6) I believe EVERYONE is entitled to their own opinion, and sometimes we have to agree to disagree.
    7) I hate seeing mother/daughter set's in the mall that are BOTH wearing same low-cut shirt, tight jeans, heels, and haircut's
    8) I believe more women, especially celebrities should just age gracefully. Your face is your heart worn on the outside.
    9) I love this site, 'cuz sometimes I can tell my virtual friends the truth in a way I can not tell my actual friend's.
    10) I gag at the thought of: Mustard, mayonnaise, miracle whip, salad dressing, pickles..condiment's in particular, on my hamburger. Green chili, cheese, onions, lettuce..check! Burger good to go!
  • lizsharlow
    lizsharlow Posts: 15
    I totally agree with your comment!! rush limbaugh is sexist, he always sticking his foot in his mouth.
  • ILoveJesus72
    ILoveJesus72 Posts: 181 Member
    Rush Limbaugh is just awesome.

    It's funny that this statement is coming from a woman, considering how sexist he is. He's actually very ignorant, and addicted to Oxycontin so maybe "awesome" was not the word you were looking for.

    Ehhhh so does most of Hollywood yet folks listen and imitate em.
  • krystina_letitia9
    krystina_letitia9 Posts: 697 Member
    Reality TV (ALL OF IT!) sucks. Where is the realism?

    Cats suck.

    I agree - today's music sucks. That's why I've been listening to country lately (GASP!).
  • Oliviamarie05
    Oliviamarie05 Posts: 528 Member
    Gingers are hideous in my opinion ( SORRY! )
    The hunger games is horrible
    Harry potter sucks
    Hot dogs and BBQ food make's me nauseous because it's gross
    One direction is dumb
    Taco's are nasty

    Aw, this makes me sad :sad:

    LOTR is over done and I can't stand it!
    Will Ferrall is the greatest comedian of all time
    Ketchup is the epitome of nasty
    Reading is what inspires the imagination and it's lost on today's younger generations
  • jillian769
    jillian769 Posts: 247 Member
    Seinfeld was an annoying show.
    Ice cream isn't that good. Frozen Yogurt is much better!
    and I'm going to get it for this but:
    Being a parent is ridiculously hard and heartbreaking and a lot like being in jail most of the time.

    WHAT???????????? Seinfeld was the best show EVER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:explode: LOL
  • TxAlpha
    TxAlpha Posts: 180 Member
    everyone is ugly to someone
    you can't please everyone so F#$k 'em all
    really pretty women are way less attractive when they just walk around the gym flirting....
    everyone is racist in some way
    republicans and democrats both suck (because all politicians are terrible)
    Zumba is straight from the pits of hell because the outfits, music, and body types in there that Group X room is downright evil.....(now the women in Hip Hop dance class, and Body-Pump are definitely ok with me......)
    OLD people at the gym make me smile.....I hope I'm at the gym at their age.....
  • ILoveJesus72
    ILoveJesus72 Posts: 181 Member
    Seinfeld was an annoying show.
    Ice cream isn't that good. Frozen Yogurt is much better!
    and I'm going to get it for this but:
    Being a parent is ridiculously hard and heartbreaking and a lot like being in jail most of the time.

    Seinfeld was VERY annoying, and all their acting sucks! Espesially Jerry, when ever he says a joke, he smiles, even when he should be serious. Like when he yells something, you can tell he forcing himself not to smile. its annoying.

    <le sigh> I guess it's because I'm old but I loved Seinfeld and still do LoL :blushing:
  • Escarda
    Escarda Posts: 131 Member
    My unpopular opinions:
    Nutella isn't even that good..

    Blondes/Brunettes are equally hot..Gingers are super hot.

    Television is boring.

    What are some of yours?

    Hmmm.... Nutella IS THAT good.

    Brunettes are hottest. Gingers have kankles. Blondes are boring and full of themselves.

    Television is totally boring ( we agree on that!!)


    Hey thats not fair, im naturally blonde and people always assume i am full of myself. But once you get to know me you'l find i never do anything to big myself up, and i honestly cant see any good or nice things about myself. I know im not better than any one....

    Hmm my unpopular opinions...
    Peanut butter is icky!
  • nursedb
    nursedb Posts: 313 Member
  • Karleyyy
    Karleyyy Posts: 857
    Rush Limbaugh is just awesome.

    It's funny that this statement is coming from a woman, considering how sexist he is. He's actually very ignorant, and addicted to Oxycontin so maybe "awesome" was not the word you were looking for.

    Umm this is about OPINION. :)

    Yeah, but sometimes opinion is wrong! Hahaha. To me, that's like saying Hitler is just awesome.
  • DaughterOfTheMostHighKing
    DaughterOfTheMostHighKing Posts: 1,436 Member
    Obama isn't qualified to sell used cars in Chicago
    Fat people should only blame themselves for being fat
    The Twighlight movies suck
    Wellfare recipients should have to pass random drug tests to receive their benefits

    yes. and....

    there is only one way to Heaven - Jesus
    everyone should tithe and give to charity
    people need to read for understanding not just for knowing....
  • MMarvelous
    MMarvelous Posts: 1,067 Member
    The Real Housewives SERIES should be cancelled
    There is NO REALITY in reality TV.
    Pittsburgh steAlers *Steelers* SUCK
    Summer is the best season of the YEAR!
  • HeHealsMe
    HeHealsMe Posts: 179 Member

    Fat people should only blame themselves for being fat

    Wellfare recipients should have to pass drug tests to receive their benefits

    point 1 i agree and also would like to add when someone is so fat they can not get out of bed the family should be taken away and the person fasted.
    how the hell can a 30 stone woman get access to 5000 calories a day

    Point 2 they should get food stamps that only allow access to healthy foods. you want to be a pig you can work for it

    Totally agree on all these point's.
    BUT, I think Food Stamps should allow you to buy TOILET PAPER. don't EAT it, (only the freaks on "Weird Fetishes" do)
    But you sure NEED it!
  • lelstar
    lelstar Posts: 374 Member
    I hate reality shows: The Voice, Australia's (anywhere really) Got Talent, Border Patrol etc etc
    Not interested in AFL
    Unless I'm in the flashy V8 doing 200km/hr I don't care
    I like my meat with blood in it!
    Roo and rabbit are the best meats - if I had my farm already and a gun I'd probably rarely eat anything else
  • verapamil
    verapamil Posts: 94

    I agree - today's music sucks. That's why I've been listening to country lately (GASP!).

    I have been listening to country too and that's something I never, ever thought would happen. But it's the best out of the radio options.
  • krystina_letitia9
    krystina_letitia9 Posts: 697 Member
    Oh, and baseball is by far the best sport in the world :happy:
  • EricNCSU
    EricNCSU Posts: 699 Member
    Big, hairy caveman type men are WAY hotter than hairless, groomed metrosexuals. :)

    I will gladly be your caveman...... other than that I dont have any opinions. LOL
  • tunegrita83
    tunegrita83 Posts: 33 Member
    I still have no idea what it is that J. Lo does. seriously, she sucks at everything
    baked goods are just gross
    applesauce reminds me of vomit
  • litatura
    litatura Posts: 569 Member

    I have no desire to ever visit the USA :noway:

    But what about Canada? :wink: