Just curious...



  • Umeboshi
    Umeboshi Posts: 1,637 Member
    Good Lord...I wish there was an option to remove your subscription to a thread.


    Not enough to argue with? :laugh:
  • jg627
    jg627 Posts: 1,221 Member
    Good Lord...I wish there was an option to remove your subscription to a thread.

    You will never escape now! :tongue:
  • deb62pink
    deb62pink Posts: 84 Member
    So I'm not a highly religious person, but I do believe that each person chooses their own destiny and that each person chooses their own path in life based on the decisions that they make. What do all of you think? Does God choose our paths in life for us or does he just assist us down the path that we choose for ourselves?
    I belive in Karma and if you are good to others and you live a good life then good will come to you. I'm not religious at all....The Dhali Lama's teachings are gentle and true and don't incite wars or anything like that....Which history tells us, religion does. So I guess I don't believe in a god at all and that our choices take us on our journey.
  • crisanderson27
    crisanderson27 Posts: 5,343 Member
    Good Lord...I wish there was an option to remove your subscription to a thread.


    Not enough to argue with? :laugh:

    Not enough intelligence, yes lol.

    More seriously though...it just keeps popping up...and there's nothing interesting here for me to discuss...so it's mildly annoying.

    Edit ~ (and that wasn't a personal jab...just to be clear)
  • michellekicks
    michellekicks Posts: 3,624 Member
    So yep... I believe there's a sovereign God - just one - who is omniscient and omnipotent who gives us meaning and is working out all things according to His perfect and pleasing will. I believe He lives in perfect harmony with his Holy Spirit and Jesus Christ - the Holy Trinity, and that Jesus (both fully God and fully sinless man) went to the cross and died so all the sinful crap we commit daily could be forgiven forever and we could have communion with God... talk to Him, pray, listen... feel His peace and be empowered by His Holy Spirit to live out the life we were each created to live.

    But that's me...

    Carry on.
    Ok, but where do you stand on the subject of a predetermined and predictable destiny?

    The same as on predestination and election. There is no time to God... so the beginning and the end are all the same to Him. He already knows what you will choose because He created you to choose as you do/will. He knew it all when He created you. You choose, but He made you choose.

    ... makes my head spin.
  • jg627
    jg627 Posts: 1,221 Member
    So I'm not a highly religious person, but I do believe that each person chooses their own destiny and that each person chooses their own path in life based on the decisions that they make. What do all of you think? Does God choose our paths in life for us or does he just assist us down the path that we choose for ourselves?
    I belive in Karma and if you are good to others and you live a good life then good will come to you. I'm not religious at all....The Dhali Lama's teachings are gentle and true and don't incite wars or anything like that....Which history tells us, religion does. So I guess I don't believe in a god at all and that our choices take us on our journey.
    I hate to be the the atheist defending religion, but it's more the other way around. People have been making war long before religion existed. The religion was more a way to justify their behavior in some cases and to change it in others.
  • whitehandlady
    whitehandlady Posts: 459 Member
    Have you ever written encryption software before? There is no such thing as 'randomness'. Pseudorandom number generation is the generation of a number sequence that is so long that it gives you the illusion that it is random, even though it is not. The longer the sequence, the stronger the illusion and the better the encryption. There can't exist a predetermined destiny without disolving free will in the process. It's called a paradox.

    Ooh, I've never thought about that aspect.
    Thanks for the information. I had no idea that random number generators were only giving an approximation of randomness!
    That's why, given enough time, any encryption can be hacked theoretically. The better the encryption, the more computations it takes. As soon as someone creates a better encryption, someone else builds a faster computer and so on.

    O.M.G........THE MATRIX IS REAL:laugh: ....BUT...... *looks pained and confused* which pill do i choose
  • jg627
    jg627 Posts: 1,221 Member
    So yep... I believe there's a sovereign God - just one - who is omniscient and omnipotent who gives us meaning and is working out all things according to His perfect and pleasing will. I believe He lives in perfect harmony with his Holy Spirit and Jesus Christ - the Holy Trinity, and that Jesus (both fully God and fully sinless man) went to the cross and died so all the sinful crap we commit daily could be forgiven forever and we could have communion with God... talk to Him, pray, listen... feel His peace and be empowered by His Holy Spirit to live out the life we were each created to live.

    But that's me...

    Carry on.
    Ok, but where do you stand on the subject of a predetermined and predictable destiny?

    The same as on predestination and election. There is no time to God... so the beginning and the end are all the same to Him. He already knows what you will choose because He created you to choose as you do/will. He knew it all when He created you. You choose, but He made you choose.

    ... makes my head spin.
    Then destiny is ultimately decided and/or predicted, including this conversation.
  • FlyeredUp
    FlyeredUp Posts: 663 Member
    So yep... I believe there's a sovereign God - just one - who is omniscient and omnipotent who gives us meaning and is working out all things according to His perfect and pleasing will. I believe He lives in perfect harmony with his Holy Spirit and Jesus Christ - the Holy Trinity, and that Jesus (both fully God and fully sinless man) went to the cross and died so all the sinful crap we commit daily could be forgiven forever and we could have communion with God... talk to Him, pray, listen... feel His peace and be empowered by His Holy Spirit to live out the life we were each created to live.

    But that's me...

    Carry on.
    Ok, but where do you stand on the subject of a predetermined and predictable destiny?

    The same as on predestination and election. There is no time to God... so the beginning and the end are all the same to Him. He already knows what you will choose because He created you to choose as you do/will. He knew it all when He created you. You choose, but He made you choose.

    ... makes my head spin.
    Then destiny is ultimately decided and/or predicted, including this conversation.
    Destiny is like luck, and faith, inteligence and hard work will determine your destiny and how lucky you will be.
  • DayumStraightIAmEllie
    DayumStraightIAmEllie Posts: 160 Member
    Its amazing to me people can even think god guides them or even listens.

    If god is all powerful and everything that goes wrong is gods will. Why are religious people so self obsessed that they think god will change his plan for you ?

    Also why does he hate anyone born in a 3rd world country.

    We need to get over the idea before we can sort the world out

    If i were to take an iphone and use it as a cup holder....does that mean it was made for being a cup holder? Nope. It was made as a phone. Just because people act a certain way does not mean they were meant to act that way.

    Just like someone created the Iphone and had a certain way for it to act, God created us and had a plan for us to act. Just because someone is a Christian does not mean they always represent Christ or that they have to do everything right 24/7. Christians are human too.

    I also want to ask "How do you know he hates people in 3rd world countries?
  • acora
    acora Posts: 25 Member
    I believe that there is no higher power that decides anything for us...we decide our "destiny"/future. We decide the path that our lives go on and can change the direction of that path by the decisions we make in life. I do not believe there is a "plan" for all of us that is to be played out perfectly. I do not believe that when people die, it is their "time to go". It is all just chance, accidents, and old age that take our lives from us. Just overall, WE decide our lives, not a higher deity.
  • 1a1a
    1a1a Posts: 761 Member
    I think me make our own destinies, no grand designs, no omniscient/omnipotent beings in my life. i can't argue with cause and effect though.
  • fraser112
    fraser112 Posts: 405
    Its amazing to me people can even think god guides them or even listens.

    If god is all powerful and everything that goes wrong is gods will. Why are religious people so self obsessed that they think god will change his plan for you ?

    Also why does he hate anyone born in a 3rd world country.

    We need to get over the idea before we can sort the world out

    If i were to take an iphone and use it as a cup holder....does that mean it was made for being a cup holder? Nope. It was made as a phone. Just because people act a certain way does not mean they were meant to act that way.

    Just like someone created the Iphone and had a certain way for it to act, God created us and had a plan for us to act. Just because someone is a Christian does not mean they always represent Christ or that they have to do everything right 24/7. Christians are human too.

    I also want to ask "How do you know he hates people in 3rd world countries?

    hes all powerful apparently.
    Why does he like watching african children starve to death?
    Add up the numbers its all random chance.
  • maria1113
    maria1113 Posts: 508 Member
    Theres consequences to decisions you make

    bad decisions usually create bad outcomes (Unless you robbed a bank for a lot of money and got away with it, but then youre constantly feeling paranoid, still bad outcome.

    Good decisions usually create good outcomes

    As long as your path is lead by good decisions you should be fine.

    If people need to believe in god to follow this path, to each their own. I personally just never needed help cause I understand this simple formula

    This is going on a bit of a tangent, but....
    I had some new thoughts about decisions/outcomes a few nights ago, and it occurred to me that not only do your bad decisions hurt you, but can also hurt other people.
    For example, if you make someone feel bad about themselves, even in a small way, they'll possibly go and in some way make another person feel bad about themselves too to make them feel better. So, if you hurt one person, you're hurting a possible chain of many different people.
    It's one of the reasons I think even small good things can be so important, because they can also spread like that.

    ^^ this! I don't think I need to add more.

    And for some people religion is way to get away from taking responsibility of their actions or lack of them. It's sad :(