JUNE STARTERS WEIGH IN, week of July 27th



  • szzanni86
    szzanni86 Posts: 5
    Stay positive! I have that same problem. The only meal I would eat is dinner. Wondering why I continued to gain weight. Now I know. It's difficult to eat throughout the day when you are not used to it. I'm trying to stay positive myself! Good luck!
  • Meags23
    Meags23 Posts: 98
    Please do not take this as criticizing anyone here. I applaud all of us that are doing our best to stick with it. I noticed that some people push off their weigh in until Wednesday because they felt like they had a bad week or weekend etc. Why not just weigh in the same day every week even if the scale isn't going to show what you want it to. Isn't that the point of doing this? Last week I had a bad week and I knew i wasn't gonna show a loss on Monday but I weighed in anyway.
    Just a thought, I am not trying to tell people what to do. Just trying to keep it real. Anyone else have this thought?

    It's not so much that I'm pushing it off, but that I've decided to be a Wednesday weigh-in-er. I found that Sat./Sun. were my "bad days" and I was super discouraged when I hopped on the scale on Monday, only to find that it was a false number because of my extra salt intake/alcohol intake on the weekend (not that I'm a huge drinker, but one or two never hurt at my age!). Anyway, I've been weighing in on Wednesdays for the last couple of weeks and I really prefer it. So it's not like I'm jumping back and forth. I don't know about other people, if they are jumping back and forth or not, but I just post that I'm weighing in on Wed. so you guys don't forget that I'm around. :blushing: I do know what you mean though, changing weigh in on a weekly basis would be hazardous for me too, I would totally cheat.

    Anyway, I think if people want to weigh in on Wednesday, it should be up to them, but I agree, they should stick to it, not for my benefit, but for their own, I suppose.
  • kaja
    kaja Posts: 145 Member
    me too i've been weighing in on wednesday for 2 weeks now.
    I agree that you have to be consistent.
  • magglett
    magglett Posts: 2,000
    :sad: So today I wasn't so controlled as I have been since I started this journey back on June 9th. Today I went over my calories big time ... by about 1200 calories. Yikes! :noway: Now my belly hurts and I feel big time sleepy. :yawn: Oh well :ohwell: back on track tomorrow right? I just had to confess ... you know ... to be accountable.
  • jklm
    jklm Posts: 281
    Magglet...I know what you mean, done that, been there, ate that and regretted it, too! :wink:

    Thank goodness the sun comes up again tomorrow and we get another day to do it right. You've really done a great job working towards your goal weight. And being accountable is the only way to go. I'm sure you'll get back on track tomorrow.
  • jklm
    jklm Posts: 281
    Forgot to add...I've always weighed in on Wednesdays, too. I'll keep doing that as long it's okay.
  • glandis
    glandis Posts: 89
    Please do not take this as criticizing anyone here. I applaud all of us that are doing our best to stick with it. I noticed that some people push off their weigh in until Wednesday because they felt like they had a bad week or weekend etc. Why not just weigh in the same day every week even if the scale isn't going to show what you want it to. Isn't that the point of doing this? Last week I had a bad week and I knew i wasn't gonna show a loss on Monday but I weighed in anyway.
    Just a thought, I am not trying to tell people what to do. Just trying to keep it real. Anyone else have this thought?

    It's not so much that I'm pushing it off, but that I've decided to be a Wednesday weigh-in-er. I found that Sat./Sun. were my "bad days" and I was super discouraged when I hopped on the scale on Monday, only to find that it was a false number because of my extra salt intake/alcohol intake on the weekend (not that I'm a huge drinker, but one or two never hurt at my age!). Anyway, I've been weighing in on Wednesdays for the last couple of weeks and I really prefer it. So it's not like I'm jumping back and forth. I don't know about other people, if they are jumping back and forth or not, but I just post that I'm weighing in on Wed. so you guys don't forget that I'm around. :blushing: I do know what you mean though, changing weigh in on a weekly basis would be hazardous for me too, I would totally cheat.

    Anyway, I think if people want to weigh in on Wednesday, it should be up to them, but I agree, they should stick to it, not for my benefit, but for their own, I suppose.

    Really thats all I'm saying , stcik to a day and go with it. Mon, Wed, doesn't matter. Just don't decide every week to change it based upon how bad you ate that week. Thanks for understanding. I was hoping I didn't piss anyone off by saying that:smile:
  • yolie1220
    yolie1220 Posts: 223 Member
    No weight loss for me this week. I did everything right so I dunno what's going on. Better luck next week I guess :grumble:
  • ilike2moveit
    ilike2moveit Posts: 776 Member
    I've been on vacation and I splurged. I haven't had a doughnut in over a year so we stopped at krispy kreme and ate doughnuts, I also ate other junk foods that I normally don't eat. I enjoyed myself and decided that I wasn't going to worry about it while I was on vacation. I weighed in at night with all my clothes on (I normally weigh naked in the morning) and I was 153 - so I'm back to the grind....
    Congrats to all who lost and congrats to all who are persevering.
  • slimmingmom
    slimmingmom Posts: 297
    Please do not take this as criticizing anyone here. I applaud all of us that are doing our best to stick with it. I noticed that some people push off their weigh in until Wednesday because they felt like they had a bad week or weekend etc. Why not just weigh in the same day every week even if the scale isn't going to show what you want it to. Isn't that the point of doing this? Last week I had a bad week and I knew i wasn't gonna show a loss on Monday but I weighed in anyway.
    Just a thought, I am not trying to tell people what to do. Just trying to keep it real. Anyone else have this thought?

    I'm with you on this one! I weigh in every single Monday and hold myself accountable for any "slips" I had through the week. One month from now when you look at your weigh ins it isn't going to matter if one of those weeks you didn't lose! I do understand though that some of you weigh in on different days for other reasons than "fear" though!!!
  • jklm
    jklm Posts: 281
    ilike2moveit - You're really holding yourself accountable for that splurging! No wonder you've been so successful at losing those pounds. I'm sure you'll get back on track tomorrow. :smile:

    For dinner tonight I made the "Grecian Chicken" recipe that's on mfp (posted by jnikitow). I really liked it! Very filling and very tasty. I still haven't lost weight this past week, but I'm more focused and hope to do better next Monday.
  • ilike2moveit
    ilike2moveit Posts: 776 Member
    jklm thanks
  • linnebooc
    linnebooc Posts: 84 Member
    Going to be weighing in later today (yes I know you should do it in the morning but I don't own a scale so can only do it when I visit my parent's house) but I'm nervous because i feel like I've gained. Feeling a bit bloated today for some reason...

    we shall soon see.
  • thirtyby40
    thirtyby40 Posts: 702 Member
    Well no loss this week, holding steady. Not so bad since we were away for 4 days again and eating was mostly out of my control. C'est la vie. Once the summer is over I think this will be easier, not as many social engagements.

    Congrats to everyone with loses! You are all an inspiration.

    To those of us holding steady or small gains, keep on going. Those scales will tip in our favor before we know it. Don't get discouraged, that is when we are our own worst enemies.

    Have a happy week. :wink:
  • CaGinger
    CaGinger Posts: 180 Member
    Congrats all! :heart: Stick with it guys! Thank you all for being great motivation! :flowerforyou:
  • busymom74
    busymom74 Posts: 3,341 Member
    I'm skipping a week because personally I do not want to be discouraged by any weight gained. (Which I will be.) I'd rather be pleasantly surprised when i weigh in next week. But I weigh in every wed. other than this one time. I suppose I could weigh in and accept the gain but we'll see . . .
  • ilike2moveit
    ilike2moveit Posts: 776 Member
    I've been on vacation and I splurged. I haven't had a doughnut in over a year so we stopped at krispy kreme and ate doughnuts, I also ate other junk foods that I normally don't eat. I enjoyed myself and decided that I wasn't going to worry about it while I was on vacation. I weighed in at night with all my clothes on (I normally weigh naked in the morning) and I was 153 - so I'm back to the grind....
    Congrats to all who lost and congrats to all who are persevering.
    I knew that my weight would be heavier since I weighed in at night. I couldn't wait until next week so I weighed myself this morning and I was 149. I'm happy with that number considering how I ate and didn't always get the chance to exercise.
  • Mamakatspokane
    Mamakatspokane Posts: 3,098 Member
    I'm skipping a week because personally I do not want to be discouraged by any weight gained. (Which I will be.) I'd rather be pleasantly surprised when i weigh in next week. But I weigh in every wed. other than this one time. I suppose I could weigh in and accept the gain but we'll see . . .

    Knowing yourself is most important. I used to work at a weight loss center and lots of people actually never wanted to look at the scale. We'd weigh them quietly and congrats them if they had hit a personal goal but no mention of numbers.

    Just a thought on the weighing in topic...whatever works for you, the only person you can cheat is yourself.

    Great job this week! I will check in with a good number tomorrow IF I stay away from the cupcakes I'm making for my son's class tonight!!!!
  • Rica03
    Rica03 Posts: 214 Member
    Hi All!
    Sorry I did not get in here last week to report my weigh-in and tomorrow we are headed to Montana for the rest of the week for a family reunion! I have really been struggling with eating! Every time I turn around there is another birthday or a party and it is killing me. I have had more cake in the last ten days then you could imagine!!! Both of my kids birthday's! Oh well, once we get back from vaca I am promising myself and everyone else that I will get back on the wagon....I have to do this or I will forever feel like I am an awful person that never gets anywhere!
    I also bounce between 172-175 and I feel like I am never going to break 170....
    HAve a good week ALL!
  • kandyjo
    kandyjo Posts: 4,648 Member
    You gal's are rocking this weigh-in! :drinker:
    Of course, I will weigh in Wednesday, but I had to check in on some of my good friend's progress! You are all looking great!!
    Also, we have August approaching... Those of you who did the July 1st pics.... We will also do August 1st pics... I will have to do mine a little early because we are leaving August 1st for vacation, so I will probably do mine on July31st!
    Good luck to you guys... YOu are all doing awesome!! :happy: