Turbo Jammers 7/27-8/3

Welcome to a new week! Can you believe it's the end of July already?!?! I had a busy weekend...the Jonas Brothers were in town and my daughters and I spent all day Saturday hanging out in town then going to the concert. I was wiped out yesterday though! :laugh: I still managed to get in my workouts...Lean 1 and running yesterday. I think today will be some Turbo Kick and abs.

Let's have a great week Turbo Jammers!!


  • fitzfour
    fitzfour Posts: 1,306 Member
    I'm dragging this morning (kiddos were up lots last night!), so I'm going to do my first Lean Circuit #1 tonight after work and maybe get some cardio in too. I need to get my week started off right so I'm not dragging all week!
  • spiralgirl71
    spiralgirl71 Posts: 374 Member
    Morning!! I will be working out later today but wanted to check in.
    I weighed in the morning and didn't lose anything last week. Should I have not taken a rest day? Confused.

    Have a great day!
  • ccleadbyexample
    Good morning all..it's Monday:wink:
    Well it was a long weekend..wish I had been more productive! Oh well..I did get some stuff done though!
    Sat am I did CE Push Circuit 1..yowza that was a toughie! Glad I pushed myself though! I also did a little turbo jam and a walk. Tried to do pool time..but it was closed (seriously..every time I try to relax this week!...and from a person that NEVER relaxes kind of annoying:)
    Sun am I ran for almost 90 min..I was a tired puppy..but did get some sun:tongue:
    This morning was some turbo jam, core at lunch..and then CE Push 2..my body is already scared..in a good way:laugh:

    Erica: It sounds like you def have some stress in your life..and as a female..completely get the emotional eating thing! Sounds like you are doing a great job though..way to keep your head up! I think it really shows someone's strength by how they deal with tough situations..if you ever need anything send me a note ok? :flowerforyou: I wouldn't worry too much on the sugar thing..but sodium..try to eat less processed foods. Watch for very high sodium things and cut back or out of your diet..I too had to cut back..here and I thought I was being healthy!:laugh:

    Spiralgirl: You are ROCKING IT OUT my girl! Are you enjoying yourself?:happy: Measurements..I wouldn't do these any more than every 30 days. Body fat and inches don't come as fast as weight!
    As far as maintaining..it doesn't mean you did anything wrong..and YES you should take rest day..your body needs a break so it can rock it out on the other days. I still stay active in other ways on my off day (short walks, cleaning, shopping, etc). Even on biggest loser they maintain once in a while...look more at inches..sometimes your extra fat has turned to muscle..so no weight loss..but inches go because muscle takes 18% less room than fat!

    Lilangel: It's ok to indulge once in a while..and a few crackers and cheese probably won't kill you! Remember..it's what you do MOST of the time that matters..and little bits of indulgence will be ok! And extra protein..go for it! Protein builds muscle..and the more muscle you have the more calories you burn!

    Erika: I too was dragging..did get my turbo jam in. I hate those days:sad:

    Megan: I know...someone was talking about an end of summer party today..I was like what! Sounds like a busy weekend for you!

    Have a great week! I gotta get back to work!:grumble:
  • hiddensecant
    hiddensecant Posts: 2,446 Member
    Rest Day is very important. Take at least one per week. And be sure you're eating enough.
  • ecrb77
    ecrb77 Posts: 78
    Hi Everyone!

    Sounds like we should end the month with a bang! :smile: Yesterday evening after our miserable office party I managed to do 40 minutes of Power Yoga to center myself. I'm going to try to do Yoga more often to help me stay centered from work.

    This morning I woke up and did 20 minute TJ. Tonight I'm going to try Turbo Sculpt!

    Thanks for all your support, it truly helped me get through a tough first week.:flowerforyou: Today will be interesting because someone was wrongfully let go on Friday.

    Have a great one!
  • megan0313
    megan0313 Posts: 394
    Erica, is your Power Yoga workout the one with Beryl Bender Birch? She's my all time favorite yoga instructor! I think she's amazing! I also love the Flow Series with Ganja White and Tracey Rich. I haven't done those in a while, might have to dust them off and get back into it!
  • lilangel7671
    lilangel7671 Posts: 353 Member
    Good morning everyone! I'm glad to hear we are all doing so well keeping up on our workouts, as well as rest days. I hope you all had a great weekend, mostly I did- (besides figuring out the newest man in my life is way too busy for a relationship right now..pretty bummed:sad: ) That kind of puts a damper on my mood this week but I am trying to keep my head straight. I find my workouts to be good stress relievers:smile: -love those short evening bikerides to clear my head of the day's troubles.
    On another note I woke up earlier this AM to get my protein boost at breakfast before my long bike:happy: I also just completed a 20-Minute TJ. The plan on Mondays is TurboSculpt in the afternoon as well. Super excited!!
    Thanks Ghanie and Casey for the tips on protein and snacking- I know that it is ok to indulge in moderation every once in awhile, I just hate that guilt feeling!! Haha
    I also just decided to purchase Chalean Extreme- now I am not sure how intense a circuit will be for me:indifferent:, but I am in need of a workout routine change-up. I also considered getting the other TJ Cardio Party mix's/PKJ/Tubular, etc. to pop in between circuit workouts- good idea? I can always stick with the TJ workouts I have so I am not introducing too many new things at once--might be a good idea.:huh:
    I'll be checking back later, have a great afternoon all!
  • hiddensecant
    hiddensecant Posts: 2,446 Member
    Hey everyone, I'm headed off to work. I was able to get in some PKJ earlier this morning which was a new one. I'll see you later!
  • ccleadbyexample
    Erica: Are you able to look for another job? You poor thing..having a job that sucks is def hard! Keep your head up:happy: It took me a while to learn to settle down for yoga..but it feels SO good!

    lilangel: Well I have had my fair share of bad men..bad breakups..excuses..and I know this probably isn't much consolation now...but in the end..waiting for the right one is SO worth it. Ditch that loser..forget he existed....and enjoy yourself until you do find the right one! I almost married the wrong one..and SO glad I didn't ..I could not imagine my life without Jason:heart:
    You are doing great and asking all the right questions! It takes time..I work on it daily and weekly..we learn each week!
    As far as CE..that is awesome! I really enjoy it..it takes your strength/toning to the next level and you can keep up with TJ. And remember..the more muscle you have..the more cals you burn and the more you can eat! I do CE with TJ and running..it's great! I think CE, TJ, and your biking would be a great mix. Very true..just take baby steps and do little things at once...once you get into CE you can then decide. She sends you a kitchen makeover DVD and motivational CD that I really love!
    Have you seen the previews for it? I can send you a link if you want..it always gets me fired up!
    And be sure to use your coach to buy it..as opposed to the regular site as it's cheaper!

  • lilangel7671
    lilangel7671 Posts: 353 Member
    WOO! I just finished Turbosculpt:bigsmile: Just AbJam and minor free weight stuff this evening to go! I feel absolutely great:happy: I sure have accomplished alot on my day off! Haha
    Casey- I have researched CE and am really interested in it. Actually just purchased it so waiting for it in the mail- UGH!:grumble: On a different topic-ya know what's funny? This guy's name is Jason as well-lol, just coincidence, I'm glad "your Jason" is great though---:smile:
    I also had another question- is there a certain type of post-workout meal/snack that would be best? High protein? Carbs? Maybe a small whey protein shake at that time would be best.. I can always count on you guys so-Thanks in advance!
  • ccleadbyexample
    It feels great to get things done and be accomplished! I just have my CE Push Cir 2 when I get home!
    That is awesome..let me know when you get it and if you have any questions! Megan has it too!
    LOL...ooh a bad Jason!:mad: You are too good for that guy! When I was single..I always followed the notation of info from "He's Just Not That Into You"...it works both ways..sometimes I'd have to be like..ok Casey..you really don't like this guy!
    It depends on the workout. I typically keep it the same as my regular snacks/meals...but if it's a tough strength one you might do more protein to build muscle..whereas a tough cardio one you might do more carbs and get back potassium/electrolytes (banans, sports drinks). Protein shakes are great!
  • lilangel7671
    lilangel7671 Posts: 353 Member
    Good evening everyone! I just wanted to take a second to check in:smile: Thanks for all the help Casey!-(Yea guys suck!:mad: )
    I have logged my meals in for tomorrow (I absolutely love this site for making my day sooo easy:bigsmile: ) I hope you all are proud because this week my goal is to keep my calories above 1500- so far so good! Now, that includes treating myself to a little dessert tomorrow night (Oreo Golden Fun Stix:explode: ) Haha! But it fits and I hope that's not going wrong!:ohwell:
    Happy notes: I just can't seem to get enough of this site! Can't wait to get my CE! And...you guys rock!! Keep up all the great work!:glasses:
  • hiddensecant
    hiddensecant Posts: 2,446 Member
    I'm starting a new case at work tomorrow ... it's a 12-hour evening shift. I'm still not sure when I'm gonna sleep (yet alone exercise) but I'm sure I'll figure something out.
  • ecrb77
    ecrb77 Posts: 78
    Hi Everyone,

    Sounds like we had a productive Monday:bigsmile: Today I had a long talk with the head doctor at my clinic and I think things will start to go better now. The higher ups from corporate put their foot down hard because they don't want me to walk out. I've decided to give it about a month and if it doesn't meet my expectations I'll start looking for a new job. I truly appreciate all your support this week- I'm so proud of myself for not just eating during this stressful time! :blushing:

    Today I did 20 minute TJ and Turbo Sculpt--> how do you all list Turbo Sculpt in your exercise section?

    Ghanie- good luck working nights on your new assignment! :glasses:

    Megan- I have been using Sarah Ivanhoe- love her!:love: I'll have to give your recommendations a try for a change!:smile:

    Angel- sorry about the guy- I'm sure there's another one around the corner that will make you happy! Glad you're treating yourself to the oreos tomorrow:wink:

    Casey- thanks for the tips and support, truly appreciate it.

    Have a great night!
  • hiddensecant
    hiddensecant Posts: 2,446 Member
    Ok, so I just calculated that I'll be home a total of 3 hours starting tomorrow and through Friday :grumble:

    I'm going to bring my rock stepper and go for a morning workout if my patient sleeps in. But my other formal workouts will have to be pushed over until the morning assignment ends.

    Angel, 1500 calories! Woohoo! :bigsmile:
  • spiralgirl71
    spiralgirl71 Posts: 374 Member

    Thank you for the input Ghanie and Casey. I do love Turbo Jam. I bought the DVD's years ago and I'm so glad that I did. They are fun and Chalene is motivating. Hopefully once I get back into shape I can buy CE and give that a try as well. Starting CE will be my summer 2010 goal. Hee hee.

    Monday night I did FB and 3T. Did well on food. Today the goal is to do a longer cardio and Ab Jam.

    Have a great day everyone!
  • megan0313
    megan0313 Posts: 394
    Good Morning Everyone!

    Lean 2 and Abs today. This is my last week of CE, I'm still trying to decide if I want to try the maintenence phase for a month or start back over with the Burn. Casey, how are you liking the Push Phase?

    Erica, hopefully things will get better for you at work now...GREAT JOB eating well during all this!!! You should be VERY proud of yourself! :drinker:

    Spiralgirl, great job on your workouts...I love FB! I think your goal of starting CE next summer is great! I did TJ for about a year before starting CE and I'm really glad I did it that way.

    Angel, can't wait to hear what you think of CE! I really can't get over the change in my body over the past three months...I just LOVE it! I think it's also good that you're starting to eat more now as well...once I started CE I definitely had to pay closer attention to increasing my calories with lean proteins to support my new muscle, and eating more frequently or else I found I just couldn't lift those weights!

    Ghanie, sounds like your going to have a crazy schedule...good for you taking your stepper to squeeze in a workout!

    Have a great day!
  • ccleadbyexample
    Good morning:glasses:
    Well I did my CE Push Circuit 2 last night. I am really loving the power I get from this program! I am excited to see what the next 60 days brings with this program as I know that most people see the results later in the program (especially with those stubborn areas:wink: ).
    I ran this morning..thankful it was nice outside..no rain!:smile:
    I have been working hard on my nutrition lately..coming up with new ideas, increasing protein, decreasing carbs, and keeping an eye on my sodium levels and sugars. Maybe we can all share some of our good diet tips? Processed foods are killer..but I buy a lot of frozen stuff so that it lasts..so always welcome new ideas:bigsmile:

    Lilangel: Guys don't suck...they just aren't as smart as us:laugh: Honestly...I dated a guy on and off for 10 years..woke up one morning and was like what am I doing? This guy is not making me happy...never looked back! Jason is such a wonderful guy....even though I get completely irritated with him as he's a man and can act like one..I truly am lucky...just wait for the right one..and in the meantime...have fun and keep rocking it out girl:drinker:
    You are doing good at working on your nutrition..and asking ALL the right questions! I am excited for you to get CE...ask any ?'s you need to..I am loving it!

    Ghanie: Good luck...and we are here if you need us!:bigsmile:

    Erica: Great job on keeping your head up during a stressful time..I know that is one of my bad spots and I am always working on it..so you go girl! I think you have a good plan.
    As far as logging turbo sculpt, I have a heart rate monitor..but you can log it as weightlifting.

    Spiralgirl: You are doing great girl! Way to keep your motivation and enthusiasm up! And way to go on your long term goal..we'll be here waiting for you to join us as a CE girl! Who knows..you may get there sooner!

    Megan: Hey girl! I will finish CE about the time I go on my cruise..so not sure what I'll do the week I am gone...I might do the maintenance phase for a month..and then start back over! I love the push phase..man it is way tougher than I thought...but it feels awesome when I am done! I can really see it in my arms...I think the buns and legs will follow soon too!
    Good for you girl! Any ideas on foods you are eating?

    Have a great day all!
  • lilangel7671
    lilangel7671 Posts: 353 Member
    Good AM everybody:happy: I am super excited because today I started my day with a TurboJam Burn Session and finished off my AbJam this AM instead of leaving it for before bed (It's a treadmill night and I work til 6 then workout, and once I get done I'm going to make this recipe for Broiled Tilapia in a Vanilla Cream--sounds DELICIOUS! So I'll need some time to prepare that, get things ready for workday tomorrow and sleeeep!) Haha
    Megan-I will definately let you know what I think of CE- I can't WAIT til it comes in! I think I might just do a little happy dance around the yard after my trip to the mail box:bigsmile: - hahaha
    Spiralgirl- Good job with the workouts! I LOVE Turbo too, just can't see myself ever stopping now! Chalene is an absolutely fantastic motivator:happy:
    Ghanie-It's so great you are pushing yourself, work schedules can be rough-its awesome you're crunchin a lil workout in there as when you can!! And thanks for the help with calorie q's!:smile:
    Erica-Don't stress girl! You will figure out the work issues--it is fantastic that you are not turning to eating because of stressing out!:drinker: Also, I recently got a Polar F4 HRM to track my calories burned during workouts-I can't imagine going without this now! I just log it is as whatever TJ/exercise I did and put in my calories.
    Casey-Can't waitttt to get my CE--Haha Keep up the good work!

    I'll be checking back later--It's such a sloooww workday..:sick: Haha, Have a great morning all!
  • fitzfour
    fitzfour Posts: 1,306 Member
    Good Morning Ladies!

    I finally found some energy yesterday and did CE Lean 1 like I was supposed to do. Ok, this circuit is going to kill me! I personally thought the Push Phase was much easier than this! Trying to work upper and lower body at the same time with heavy weights is tough! I'm hoping to see some new results in this phase, as I really didn't see much in the Push Phase (I did in Burn though!).

    Megan--let me know what you decide to do after you're done with this week of CE. I'd be curious to go back to the Burn phase again to see how that goes, but I don't think I could go much higher in weight in the Push 2nd round...I was having a hard time gripping the heavy weights, but not using them...hmmm.

    Ghanie--Good luck with your work schedule the next few days. Way to go with finding time/ways to get exercise in when you can. You are awesome girl!

    Casey--Sounds like you're kicking butt on that Push Phase! It's definitely fun to see how much weight you can lift!

    LilAngel--Isn't having a HRM great? Makes you wonder how you could have lived with out one for so long! I love knowing the calorie burn each time!

    Sprialgirl-Don't you just love FB? That is my absolute favorite TJ workout!

    Erica--Great job on watching the eating! That definitely takes a lot of willpower and strength! I tend to go in the opposite direction, so have to work on that!

    Have a fantastic day everyone!