Turbo Jammers 7/27-8/3



  • megan0313
    megan0313 Posts: 394
    Megan: Hey girl! I will finish CE about the time I go on my cruise..so not sure what I'll do the week I am gone...I might do the maintenance phase for a month..and then start back over! I love the push phase..man it is way tougher than I thought...but it feels awesome when I am done! I can really see it in my arms...I think the buns and legs will follow soon too!
    Good for you girl! Any ideas on foods you are eating?

    What a great way to celebrate finishing CE!!! Where are you cruising to? Next week we're taking the kids on a mini vacation to Hershey Park. Which mean I'll be celebrating completing CE by spending 3 days at a chocolate factory!!! :laugh: :laugh: Fortunately I'm not much of a chocoholic, so I think I'll be ok. :tongue:

    The Push phase is definitely my favorite...and that's where I also saw a huge difference in my arms. And yeah, I really started to get addicted to that "pumped up" feeling when I was done! :bigsmile:

    I've been using the recipes that came with the CE package alot lately for some variety and I really like them. I also keep a big bowl for fruit salad on hand, full of berries mostly for when I need a pick me up or something sweet. But I have been feeling like it's time to re-evaluate my eating again. I've been feeling run down and I'm not sure where I'm going wrong...I think I'm getting enough protein. I'm going to start adding more complex carbs and see if that helps. Any suggestions on that?

    Have a great day!
  • megan0313
    megan0313 Posts: 394
    Good Morning Ladies!

    I finally found some energy yesterday and did CE Lean 1 like I was supposed to do. Ok, this circuit is going to kill me! I personally thought the Push Phase was much easier than this! Trying to work upper and lower body at the same time with heavy weights is tough! I'm hoping to see some new results in this phase, as I really didn't see much in the Push Phase (I did in Burn though!).

    Megan--let me know what you decide to do after you're done with this week of CE. I'd be curious to go back to the Burn phase again to see how that goes, but I don't think I could go much higher in weight in the Push 2nd round...I was having a hard time gripping the heavy weights, but not using them...hmmm.

    Hey Erika!
    Yep, Lean circuit is a KILLER!!! Even after almost 4 weeks I'm watching the clock and telling myself "I WILL get through this!" :laugh: I definitely had to go alot lighter on the weights in this round or I couldn't keep my form. It still hurts though!

    It's interesting that you saw more results in Burn. I'd have to say that I saw the most results in the Push phase. But I really had no upper body strength when I started this, so I've noticed the most change in my arms, shoulders, and back. I had a hard time at first gripping the weights, but again, it was in Burn for me, and I didn't notice it as much in Push. Chalean says most people see the most difference in the Lean phase, so I'll be interested to hear how it works for you!

  • fitzfour
    fitzfour Posts: 1,306 Member
    Good Morning Ladies!

    I finally found some energy yesterday and did CE Lean 1 like I was supposed to do. Ok, this circuit is going to kill me! I personally thought the Push Phase was much easier than this! Trying to work upper and lower body at the same time with heavy weights is tough! I'm hoping to see some new results in this phase, as I really didn't see much in the Push Phase (I did in Burn though!).

    Megan--let me know what you decide to do after you're done with this week of CE. I'd be curious to go back to the Burn phase again to see how that goes, but I don't think I could go much higher in weight in the Push 2nd round...I was having a hard time gripping the heavy weights, but not using them...hmmm.

    Hey Erika!
    Yep, Lean circuit is a KILLER!!! Even after almost 4 weeks I'm watching the clock and telling myself "I WILL get through this!" :laugh: I definitely had to go alot lighter on the weights in this round or I couldn't keep my form. It still hurts though!

    It's interesting that you saw more results in Burn. I'd have to say that I saw the most results in the Push phase. But I really had no upper body strength when I started this, so I've noticed the most change in my arms, shoulders, and back. I had a hard time at first gripping the weights, but again, it was in Burn for me, and I didn't notice it as much in Push. Chalean says most people see the most difference in the Lean phase, so I'll be interested to hear how it works for you!


    I'm thinking the Lean Phase will be the phase I'll definitely see the results in. For the first time since starting CE, I'm sore today! I've never been sore throughout the whole program so far! I've got more strength in my upper body, and less in my lower body, so I so far have seen the most change in my legs/butt, which is where I also struggled with heavier weight! I was dying with 20's!!!
  • ccleadbyexample
    I think that CE works different people differently. It probably also depends on how hard you push it, nutrition, etc. I feel like the Push I feel it the most so far as I can go heavier as I am targeting just one muscle group..especially lower. Burn was hard..don't get me wrong..but could go heavier at times with lower but couldn't as also incorporating upper.
    I have seen most definition in my arms so far..but that's because that is an area that isn't a trouble spot for me...the trouble spots always tone last!
    I'll get back to you guys more on food tomorrow or later..crazy day:grumble:
  • hiddensecant
    hiddensecant Posts: 2,446 Member
    Ack, I have no idea what I had for lunch! It was a hungarian dish with potatoes, some egg, sausage slices of something, maybe sour cream?

    Wow, I really wish I had enough time to do some Plyo this morning :laugh:. Ah well, I'd better start packing for my evening shift.
  • lilangel7671
    lilangel7671 Posts: 353 Member
    Good Evening all! Hope everyone had a great day:happy:
    Just a quick question- Stay within my 1460 calories for tomorrow since its my rest day? or can I still hit my 1500 that's my goal for the week..?:huh:
  • ecrb77
    ecrb77 Posts: 78
    Hi Everyone,

    Today went OK- we went out for lunch and I am not quite sure what I ate from the mediterrian buffet--> but I only had about 1/2 plate and I didn't get dessert. Couldn't avoid it because talked with all of the other doctors at lunch- we came up with a plan to make sure we can work together effectively. It just may work out yet. I'll just work it off tonight. Was too tired to do Yoga before work but I'm going to do Cardio Party tonight.

    Sounds like everyone had a busy day! Have a great night!

  • fitzfour
    fitzfour Posts: 1,306 Member
    This morning was Lean Circuit #2. Wow, this is TOUGH! This is by far my favorite circuit, I like tough workouts, and this is it! I am sore and wiped out! Can't wait to go at it again on Friday. Hopefully will check in with a run later today! Have a great day!!
  • spiralgirl71
    spiralgirl71 Posts: 374 Member

    Last night I did CP2 and Ab Jam. I was so wiped out. Didn't want to move. Made the mistake of laying on the couch after dinner for "5 minutes". An hour later I forced myself to get up and do my workout. I'm happy I did. I was okay after about 10 minutes. Slept well and feel much more energetic today.

    Working out tonight again. Will report once I'm finished.

    Have a great day!
  • ccleadbyexample
    Good morning:yawn:
    I woke up on the crabby side of the bed..but nothing my ChaLEAN Extreme Burn Intervals couldn't solve! Tell that crabby voice to SHUT UP!:wink:
    Yesterday was a LONG day...glad it's done! I did have a great experience though last night...I worked with a girl that coaches with me and I think I really helped her out. I also listened in on a team coaching call..it really made me realize why I coach..because as we all know..it's not about just the eating, just the fitness..it's a lifestyle change...and coaching helps me realize that! :noway:
    I am doing some P90X yoga over lunch...then my CE Core and maybe a walk later. Baby sis is coming today..she has interview tomorrow!:drinker:

    Ghanie: It must be VERY hard adjusting to a new job, lifestyle, weird schedule...keep it up...don't lose focus..you've come so far and inspired so many!:flowerforyou:

    Lilangel: It depends on what your goal is and eating plan. If you are eating the calories you burn each day to maintain..then just eat the calories that you would burn on a day when not working out (a heart rate monitor or online program can tell you this!).

    Erica: Glad to hear things are looking up at work! Even though you were put in a situation that made you eat off...you still didn't indulge and took it easy..GREAT JOB!:bigsmile:

    Erika: I bet the lean is hard! I like the Push right now as I can really increase weight and focus on that specific muscle...I am nervous for lean but will be ready for the challenge. You GO GIRL!:happy:

    Spiralgirl: That is awesome..I hate it when you are tired..and then sit down..that shows GREAT ambition to get your butt up and do it! Once you get going for 5 min..it's all good! Keep it up!:flowerforyou:

    Megan: What is your eating like now? I have been doing 50% carb, 30% protein, and 20% fat. I usually go a little over on carb and protein..and stay pretty even with fat. I keep a close eye on sodium to not go over..I noticed fiber going down a little with less carbs..so keeping an eye on that too. I also realize that my sugars are high..so focusing on less processed foods..but don't want the price to go up..I already spend a lot on groceries!
    What kinds of things do you struggle with or need advice on?

    Have a great day:glasses:
  • megan0313
    megan0313 Posts: 394
    Hi Everyone!

    Today's kind of a rest day...doing the CE recharge and abs.

    Spiralgirl, WTG getting your exercise in! :drinker: It's really tough after a busy day...my trick is that as soon as I come in the house (or get up in the morning) I put on my workout clothes. For some reason that's half the battle for me! :laugh:

    Erika, great job on the CE. I think Lean 2 is my favorite of the three Lean workouts, although I really like 3 too. Lean 1 is probably my least favorite, only because my biceps and triceps are my weakest areas. But I definitely feel great after I finish. I think I've decided to start over again before going into maintenence. I'm really curious to see if I've gotten any stronger.

    Erica, sounds like you ate well at your work lunch. I hope that things get better at work! Have fun with the Cardio Party tonight!

    Angel, I agree with Casey that if you're not working out you can go a little lower if you want. But I don't think having those extra 40 calories will make any difference in the grand scheme of things. Great job working towards you goal this week! :flowerforyou:

    Casey, ((SIGH)) what I really need is an attitude adjustment more than a nutritional adjustment right now! :grumble: My nutritional breakdown is the same as yours...in theory :tongue: I'm staying within my calories, but definitely not paying enough attention to nutrition. One problem is that I'm getting totally bored with food! Normally I love to cook, and experiment with making meals healthier, but things have been really hectic this summer and I haven't had time to really plan out what I'm going to eat. The other issue is my large family. I've always been a healthy eater and so my two kids are too. However, my husband and step kids literally lived on fast food and processed foods before we got married two years ago. Getting the whole family to eat healthy has been an incredibly frustrating battle for me...these kids just won't anything besides chicken nuggets and canned soup! :sick: And when they go to their mom's house, that's what they eat there, so it's really a losing battle. The result is that I feel like I'm always preparing several different meals and by the time I get around to cooking for me I just don't feel like it...not to mention the expense of all of this! WHEW, thanks for letting me rant on that! :laugh:
    I really need to make some time to workout my meals and if you have any quick and easy recipes, especially snacks, I'd love to hear them. BTW, I saw Chalene's blog on facebook today about pre and post workout foods that was really interesting...I'm definitely going to try that.

    Have a great evening everyone!
  • lilangel7671
    lilangel7671 Posts: 353 Member
    Good evening all! I hope everyone had a great Wednesday! I was pretty busy at work but managed to get my meals/snacks in at the appropriate times so I didn't throw myself off schedule-haha! It is a rest day today (though I will do AbJam as usual:smile: ) I have decided to stay right on with my calories-actually only 1 to spare! I did however go over a little on carbs and kind of alot on proteins---:frown: I am not going to fret though! I had good solid meals/snacks today:smile: Hope everyone enjoyed your workouts today! Good job! Check back later!
  • hiddensecant
    hiddensecant Posts: 2,446 Member
    Hey everyone, just checking in. I had a rest day today and I should definitely be able to work out tomorrow morning. She wakes up in the middle of the night but seems to be in a deep sleep by morning oddly enough.

    Ah well, my weight doesn't seem to have suffered so far. My ticker even moved today, and in the right direction!
  • megan0313
    megan0313 Posts: 394
    This is too cute...my 12 and 13 y/o daughters are in the family room Turbo Jamming! I'm so proud :bigsmile:
  • spiralgirl71
    spiralgirl71 Posts: 374 Member
    Ghanie-Congrats on that tickler moving!!

    Megan- I tried your trick. I put my workout clothes on as soon as I got home. Ended up working out much earlier than I have been which means more energy to invest in the workouts.

    I got my HRM today. So far, no complaints. I have been burning more than I've been recording for the Sculpt workouts and less than I've been recording for cardio. Glad I finally have that tool to use.
    I finished Punch, Kick & Jam and Turbo Sculpt today.

    Have a great night all.
  • ecrb77
    ecrb77 Posts: 78
    Hi Everyone,

    Yesterday I came home from work, put on my workout clothes and passed out :grumble: I guess it just became my rest day. Unfortunately I had eaten about 300 extra calories because I anticipated on working out. I think it's OK because I listed I have a sedentary lifestyle and yesterday I was running around for the better part of my 10 hour shift. Work is going 100x better and I'm much happier now!:bigsmile:

    Today I don't work :wink: and I'm going to do TurboAbs, CardioParty and either play tennis tonight or go for a long walk with my husband. I'm happy to say I finished all of TurboSculpt, and I felt it for 2 days. I think I just need to stretch on my own afterward. How often do you all recommend doing Turbosculpt? I'm going to purchase a HM after I get a few paychecks under my belt. Let me know which one you all prefer!

    Erika- it's great that you took on the challenge of a tough workout and said you are excited for it on Friday! That's awesome!:glasses:

    Sprialgirl- way to get off the couch! :drinker: It seems like you're doing a great job of sticking to your workouts!

    Casey- Hope your sister's interview goes well today! :happy: Your thoughts on coaching and lifestyles are motivating.

    Ghanie- congrats on your ticker moving! WOO HOO!:drinker:

    Megan- I found some great Salt free spices at the store the last time I went- I've been rubbing them on chicken breasts- it's the McCormick line. I purchased the Salt Free Garlic and Herb- it's great! How fun that your kids are doing TurboJam!:wink:

    Angel- I think it's ok you're going over on proteins- as long as you're hitting the rest of the levels and not overdoing the sugar and sodium- on a biochemical level it's ok (my sciencey side is coming out.) I enjoy reading your updates- they are motivating!:smile:

    Have a great day everyone, check in later-
  • fitzfour
    fitzfour Posts: 1,306 Member
    Checking in this morning with Fat Blaster, and hopefully tonight will get some Ab Jab in. I was surprised to see my calorie burn went way down on FB compared to last time I did it, and I was pushing hard this morning. Must be because I'm more fit than I was last time I did it (about 1.5 months ago).

    Have a wonderful day everyone!
  • hiddensecant
    hiddensecant Posts: 2,446 Member
    Wow, lost another pound! I'm not sure if I'm over or under-estimating my calories but it will be time to bump if this keeps up. Only 2 pounds to a healthy BMI! :bigsmile:

    I'm glad everyone is doing well. I'm looking forward to getting back on schedule. Tomorrow is my last day with the day client.
  • spiralgirl71
    spiralgirl71 Posts: 374 Member
    Ghani- I can't wait until I'm 2lbs away from a healthy BMI!!! Way to go!

    Fitzfour-I can't wait to see my calorie burn on Fat Blaster with my HRM! That is a fun workout.

    Today was going to be a rest day for me. I have a long list of things to do at home and an even longer list of things to clean after work. On my lunch break I walked 2 miles in 30 minutes. I couldn't help it...it's just so nice outside!

    Hope everyone's day is going well!!
  • lilangel7671
    lilangel7671 Posts: 353 Member
    Good afternoon everyone! I just got off from work early and I am hitting the road with a bikeride because it is GORGEOUS outside!:heart::heart: :heart: I just can't pass it up! I think after I am going to do FB or CardioPartyRemix, and shorten my treadmill run tonight to 30 min as well because I am sneaking Turbo in:tongue:
    Hope everyone is enjoying the day! Check back after my bike/Turbo sessions!